I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 847: Control the enemy with one move!

In the not-so-large mountains and forests, the appearance of an unknown monster also caused a wave of storms! Of course, in this wave of storms, Jin Shangyu still has the upper hand!

"Mother, no matter what kind of monster you are, as long as you meet Lao Tzu, you must die! Lao Tzu doesn't believe it. You want to be wild here because you are a beast!" After making up his mind, Jin is not hiding. , The whole person also instantly slammed in the opposite direction!

Suddenly, when Jin changed his normal state and launched a counterattack, the monster immediately stopped pursuing it, and was instantly stunned on the spot.

"Hahaha, it seems that this guy is also scared, so well, let you see how great this young man is!" After feeling the change in his mind towards that monster, Jin Shangyu didn't think much about just a volley kick.

Seeing the fast rushing flying kick, the monster seemed to have thoughts, and it flashed to the left with a flash.

"Naughty animal, want to escape! It's too late! I want to run wild in front of Lao Tzu! Looking for a fight!" After a loud roar, Jin Shangyu's figure was also magically folded in the air, almost instantly fisted with his right hand. The hit was on the back waist of the monster.

At that time, only a muffled sound was heard, and the monster that had just been running through the mountains and forests was blasted two feet away with a punch by Jin.

"Why, don't you accept it! If you don't accept it, fight again! I won't convince you today, so I won't leave!" After feeling the pain of the monster, Jin Shangyu also fell in front of him like a god.

Looking at the tiger-headed and leopard-body monster, it seemed that the waist was broken by someone Jin. After a few struggles, it still didn't stand up.

But from the eyes of this monster, Jin Shangyu still saw the momentum of never admitting defeat!

"It's just a little beast! Let's call you Tiger Leopard Beast! Why, want to fight again, come on! Come on!"

"Woo..." At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu stood there constantly provoking, the tiger and leopard beast lying on the grass actually let out a low roar.

No need to look, just listen to this voice, Jin Shangyu will know that this guy is not convinced!

"You bastard, you are not convinced! But what can you do if you are not convinced? Don't you also fall down now! Well, since you are here, it is your death date!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu The figure is also slowly approaching the tiger and leopard beast.

Perhaps it was because of the killing air that Jin Shangyu exudes from his body, or perhaps the desire to live. In short, when a short sword was in Jin Shangyu's hand, the tiger and leopard beast finally gave up resistance.

"No! This guy seems to be able to understand Lao Tzu's mind! No, such a good thing, how can you kill it if you say it? If it is willing to submit to me, it is better to keep it by my side! As for the one who releases it People! Since you don’t want to show up, Lao Tzu will take care of you! Anyway, it’s not Lao Tzu who has the loss!” Just when Jin was about to kill the killer, the tiger and leopard beast also showed signs of weakness. Such a monster, Jin's kindness was still aroused.

"Tiger, leopard beast, call you like that for the time being! Lao Tzu will give you two ways now! If you follow Lao Tzu from now on, you will nod your head! If you still want to fight Lao Tzu, you will not move!" said the above words loudly Later, Jin Shangyu also stood in front of him, observing the changes of tigers, leopards and beasts.

One minute, two minutes, just after five minutes or so, the tiger and leopard beast still did not make any changes, just staring at Jin Shangyu.


"Tiger Leopard Beast, it seems that you want to be a hero! Okay, I will fulfill you!" Seeing that the Tiger Leopard Beast is not moving at all, Jin's patience is getting smaller and smaller.

However, just when Jin Shangyu's right hand was slightly raised, the monster that Jin called the tiger and leopard beast miraculously nodded twice.

This scene surprised Jin Shangyu. After all, from the beginning, Jin didn't believe that this guy could understand him.

However, everything shows a very surprising fact, that is, this guy can really understand people.

Faced with such a situation, Jin has long been happy from ear to ear.

Maybe after seeing Jin Shangyu's expression change and relax, he finally laughed. The tiger and leopard beast also softened his eyes, as if responding to Jin's behavior.

"Okay, good stuff! Well, since you can understand people! Then I will tell you! You must not listen to others in the future! You can only listen to the deity! Otherwise, you know!" Jin Shangyu also stretched out slowly while talking His left hand gently tapped on the head of the tiger and leopard beast.

Seeing such a move, the tigers, leopards, and beasts did not have much reaction. Jin Shangyu became more and more courageous, and finally posted it, gently stroking the place where he had just been injured.

"Little guy, it turns out that you are not too old, you should have just entered adolescence! That's fine, then I will help you!" Feeling the pain of this tiger and leopard beast, Jin also has both hands. With force, a powerful real power was slowly entered into the tiger and leopard beast's body.

After a while, the tiger, leopard beast seemed to feel Jin Shangyu's kindness, and his eyes looked at Jin softly, as if to say something.

"You ya ya, you can really communicate with people! Not bad!" While secretly happy in his heart, Jin Shangyu also breathed in for him again.

In this way, when it was not too much, the big beast that Jin called the tiger and leopard beast also slowly stood up.

"Not bad! Look at this boss, he is really a normal tiger! It seems that I have increased my strength again! Such a big guy is beaten like this all at once!" While talking to himself, the other Hu Bao Beast also rubbed his head against Jin Shangyu's body, and then remained motionless.

"Um, you mean to mess with Lao Tzu in the future! Okay, then let's go! By the way, did your original master send you over!" I wanted to take it back to the Chinese army's account, but said In the meantime, Jin still said what he wanted to ask.

This time, the tiger and leopard beast replied very promptly, and the light nodding of his head also confirmed Jin's previous thoughts.

"It turns out that there are people who can tame this kind of monster. It seems that the big world is really omnipresent! Well, since you have conquered it, then take it back to the account! I hope the person behind it can understand the difficulties. Retreat, otherwise Jin would not give up!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu understood the changes in the tiger and leopard beast, he also took it to the direction of the Chinese army's big account.

Speaking of it, the place where Jin Shangyu surrendered the beast was the outer area of ​​the Royal Farm, and Feng Luoyun was standing on a high **** three miles away.

Of course, Feng Luoyun at this time didn't have the giggles he had before, and there was a serious and nervous expression on his face. After all, he still doesn't know what Jin Shangyu encountered or what happened!

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