I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 846: In full swing!

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The morning sun is slanting, the autumn wind is fading, and the imperial farmland can not be seen at a glance. It is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Of course, the person in the painting is still quite nervous and tired. Because they are all working against the clock.

"Boss, it seems that our plan is quite good! It has only been more than a month ago, and most of the task has been completed! Look, such a large field is actually empty, and the food is no longer here!"

"Prince Feng knows to express emotion now! But it's not too late, I guess that girl Bier also knows that you grow the food!"

"Boss, say it, you go on to say it! This son just misses that girl, don't you want it!" At the end, the two looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, in this month's time, the entire Royal Farmhouse was in full swing. Not only ordinary sergeants are working, but also Jin and Feng Dajun have become the most ordinary autumn harvest workers.

Of course, their achievements in the past month or so have been relatively large.

"Boss, now we already have a large amount of grain transported to Jinjiazhai, will it not be able to hold it there! After all, the grain needs to be dried!"

"Well, don't worry about this! Didn't they hear news yesterday! With Wei Yu, everything will be fine! However, I don't know if my father and mother can be frightened! After all, you I also know that these grains are not a small amount! Maybe most people may not be able to see them in their lifetime!"

"Boss, I'm talking about business, but you said that! Forget it, don't care about it, this son will have to do a lot of work!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu turned the topic away at will, that Feng Luoyun also devoted himself to work again.

One day, while Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun were still working in the fields, two sergeants also walked quickly.

"What are you two running? Don't trample the ground! Say something!"

"My lord, general, in fact, it's nothing, it's just that we feel that something is not quite right these two days!"

"What's wrong! Tell me!"

"My lord! Just before, the two of us were secret guards on the periphery of the farmyard! We just came back from a change of defense. We often saw some small animals in the first two days! But just yesterday, we didn't find anything. Of course, no one came over!"

"Oh, it's so weird! It seems something is really going on! Let's go! You two go back and rest! I'll go over and take a look!"

"My lord, we are not tired! Come here, let's work!" While talking, the two sergeants also took the initiative to pick up their sickles!

Looking at such a lovely sergeant, Jin wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say much, just left here slowly.

Of course, Luo Yun followed closely behind him!

"Boss, what do you think is the matter! It's impossible to meet a ghost!"

"It's hard to say! If you don't even dare to come out of the flying birds and debris, there is only one possibility!"

auzw.com "Boss, can you just say it! Don't go around!"

"Does this still need to be said? There may be a beast coming! But not necessarily, maybe this beast is driven by someone else!"

"What, do you mean that someone is domesticating a beast!" After feeling Jin Shangyu's emotional change, Luo Yun was also taken aback in his heart, and his mouth was even more surprised.

Of course, when the two chatted, they had already arrived at the outskirts of the Royal Farm!

"Luo Yun! You don't have to go! Just wait here! You can't move without Lao Tzu's arrangement! That guy, maybe just ahead!"

"No, I said boss, did you find something!"

"Forget it! But no one appeared! Only one monster!"

"Monster! It's not that even your Elder Jin can't be named! That's a strange thing!"

"Don't say it, the monster seems to have found us too!" While talking, Jin Shangyu's figure also moved forward quickly, and the whole person flew out like an arrow from the string.

"Boss, it seems that I have encountered an adversary! I hope nothing major happens!" Feng Luoyun, who stood still and did not move, murmured in his heart after feeling Jin Shangyu's emotional changes.

Here, when Luo Yun was left alone on standby, Jin Shangyu was already walking through the woodland.

"Mother, it turned out to be a super beast! You girl, this looks too weird, it has the head of a tiger, and the body of a leopard. It seems that someone deliberately cultivated it. Monster!” Jin Shangyu pondered as he approached the target.

Because at the moment before, Jin has already launched a powerful future core, and an invisible perception is also going to the distance.

Through Zhihai’s feedback, Jin Shangyu also saw a tiger-headed leopard-body monster standing under a big tree! However, no trace of anyone was found in the surrounding area.

"You girl, I can't imagine it! I, a modern man of science and engineering, had to fight a beast in the Great Jin Dynasty! However, I just don't know who trained this big guy! Forget it, whatever it is. Whoever, I have to figure it out!" At a certain moment, when Jin was less than 300 meters away from the monster, his figure also slowly stopped.

For a time, one person and one beast also formed a confrontation in the mountains and forests. In particular, the monster seemed to know the purpose of Jin Shangyu's actions, and a pair of tiger eyes were shot by electricity, which made people feel terrified.

Of course, Jin Shangyu at this time did not dare to act prematurely. For one thing, he didn't know the habits of this big monster. Once he missed his hand and let it run away, he might cause subsequent troubles. The second reason is that Jin Shangyu didn't believe that this monster came by himself, and there should be a backstage.

The autumn wind was rustling and the trees fluttered, but at this time Jin Shangyu did not dare to neglect. Because the monster in front of you has already launched an attack.

At that time, I saw the tiger-headed leopard-body monster with a long hiss, and the whole body seemed to grow wings, rushing from the forest at an extraordinary speed.

Faced with such a change, Jin Shangyu also exerted his stamina with all his strength, almost passing by the monster.

"Mother, I finally know why there are no small animals here! This guy is too fast, I guess this is the real king of beasts! No, I will not only defeat it, but also subdue it!" After making up his mind, Jin Shangyu also quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests. After a while, one person and one beast had already made more than a dozen laps in the forest.

Of course, in this process, the monster has not given up on hunting down Jin Shangyu, and it has almost accompanied him!

But Jin Shangyu is not an ordinary person, he has already used super-shenzhen skills in a superb manner. So a very strange phenomenon also appeared in this mountain forest, that is, every time the monster is about to successfully pounce on Jin, there will be a slight change at the last moment. And Jin also fluttered like a leaf.

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