I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 834: The renewed fishy wind (1)

In the imperial capital city, in the hall of Jin's mansion, Mr. Wen Shuo still had some doubts about Jin Shangyu's actions. After all, he considered the problem from the perspective of the ancients!

But on the other hand, Jin Shangyu does not have any ideological burden. After all, how Shi Chong got up and how to become a big man in a wealthy and enemy country is the most clear to him.

After feeling the change in Jin Shangyu's mood, the old housekeeper of Jin Mansion also said again: "It turned out to be like this! Then, if he really pulls you into the water, how to deal with it!"

"This! Don't be afraid, even if he really disturbs thousands of people, then let him pull it! In short, having multiple forces is not necessarily a bad thing for us!"

"Then if, I mean, if this guy surnamed Shi used money to deceive us, in fact, he didn't want to form any forces at all, just wanted to hold us back! This possibility is also possible!"

"No, that, old man, what you said really makes sense! If that's the case, then Shi Chong won't get anything at all!" Thinking carefully about the words of Mr. Wen Shuo, Jin Another strange smile appeared on someone's face.

In this way, because Shi Chong has already left, Mr. Wen Shuo also studied the previous conversation with Jin, especially Jin Shangyu who was going to help Shi Chong.

Of course, after analysis and after Jin's ideological work, Wen Shuo finally accepted Jin Shangyu's theory of "don't do it for nothing".

Nothing happened for a few days, and the time was like this, and it seemed a little boring to slip by while waiting. In a blink of an eye, Liu Kun’s Commander General’s Mansion has been training one hundred thousand sergeants for two months, and after repeated hard training, although there were no major training casualties in the later period, many sergeants have left. Military.

"Three generals, I heard that Lord Shi gave each disabled sergeant one hundred taels of silver! What a kind person!"

"Isn't it? Tomorrow, I will see him for a wounded sergeant, he just spent more than a hundred ounces of silver! It seems that Lord Shi is really good for us!"

"Um, keep your voice down! Let's talk like this, don't mess up Master Shi!"

"Well, what's the mess! It won't be a problem for a few brothers!"

"The villain has seen the overseer!"

"Well, let's exempt the courtesy! We are brothers, especially Brother Shi, who treats everyone as brothers! Don't worry! People have feelings!"

"Yes! What the lord said!" At a certain moment, when the five or six sergeants were talking about each other, Jin did not know where he came out.

At first, the sergeants were still very nervous, afraid that they would be held accountable for what they just said, but after hearing what Jin Shangyu said, they all smiled at each other and didn't say anything!

"You bastard, you really take people's money and you want to eliminate disasters! Shi Chong, Shi Chong, anyway, I have said good things these days. As for whether you can put these sergeants in your account I don't care about that much!" Seeing that these sergeants had already developed some good feelings for Shi Chong, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.

In fact, in the past few months, Jin Shangyu really spread the conversation among the sergeants about Shi Chong's goodness because he received one hundred thousand taels of silver from Shi Chong.

However, as Jin just thought, whether he can finally fulfill his wish depends on Shi Chong himself.

One day, in the unnamed valley south of the city, Liu Kun also received a secret report. Judging from his expression, you know something has happened!

"Um, generals! Come here, you should have something to say!"

auzw.com"Please tell the general! Well, today’s training will be organized by Huayu! General Shi can also participate! Shang Yu! You happen to be there, so I will return to the general with him House! Let’s join the morning session tomorrow!"

"Yes! The last general takes his orders!"

"Okay! Let's go back with General Liu!" Seeing that the other generals all said yes, Jin Shangyu also said weakly.

In this way, because of a secret report, the entire military training came to an end temporarily. Of course, within a quarter of an hour, Wu Huayu had already started training.

Here, how Wu Huayu and Shi Chong trained the sergeants will not be mentioned, just talk about Liu Kun and Jin Shangyu at this time.

The two men and horses disappeared from the sight of the sergeants in a short time.

"Well, what's the matter with Brother Liu! It won't be a big deal anymore!"

"No! Forget it, since you call me brother, it would be wrong not to tell you! In fact, something happened at home!"

"Oh, it turned out to be family business!"

"The secret report said that just a few days ago, a man in black actually sneaked into the mansion and killed twelve people in the mansion! If it weren't for someone to help, I'm afraid the home is gone!" , Then Liu Kun also showed a touch of cruelty.

Speaking of it, Liu Kun's hometown is near the Jinjiazhai. Back then, Liu Kun gave some generous gifts to the Jin family.

"Mother, it turned out to be such a thing! Then, does it mean that someone has been eyeing Jinjiazhai!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu heard such news, the whole person was in a daze. Flew forward.

"Why, did you also think of Jinjiazhai? Don't worry, it should be fine. After all, you don't have any soldiers and horses in your hands! Others won't be looking at you for the time being! Tomorrow morning, I want to ask Long live Bring up this matter! If you don't give an explanation! Liu will not agree!"

"Big brother is serious! If you do this, you will only be deceived by the culprits! Think about it! Who would do this, and what is it for!"

"Oh, it makes sense! If Liu Kun didn't guess wrong, he should have done it!"

"He, who is he!"

"This, I can't say it yet! After all, you know too much and you are easily hurt!" At the end, Liu Kun also speeded up again.

"You bastard, you thought I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me! Jia Mi, you must be a murderer! But this is not necessarily! Isn't it, could it be him!" While muttering in his heart, Jin Shangyu also thought of another person.

Of course, these are all Jin Shangyu's thoughts, and the two horses flew under the city gate in this kind of dialogue.

After showing the general's badge, the two also smoothly entered the city from the Yudao of the South City Gate.

"Shang Yu! Thank you for comforting me like this! We are fellow villagers, and we must be good brothers! Let's go home first! See you tomorrow morning! Remember, just wait for your brother in front of the palace gate!"

"Don't worry, Brother Liu! The younger brother will arrive as scheduled!" After dropping a word, Jin Shangyu also rode away immediately.

Here is how Liu Kun rushed back to the General Commander’s Mansion and how to organize some of the circumstances into a memorial. I won’t mention it for the time being, but Jin Shangyu at this time, because he returned to the imperial capital city early, it was a leisure time. Unconsciously, his war horse also came to Li Zhao's house.

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