I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 833: Don't do it for nothing!

Sometimes people are like this. If something doesn't happen, they won't think about anything, but if someone wakes up once, then everything in the past may become a suspicious point in their own mind!

This is the mentality of Liu Kun, the commanding general at this time.

"Shang Yu, I really didn't expect that it was only a few days ago, they, they actually came together! Don't hide from you, brother, in fact, I have thought about these two brothers, but I did not expect to come so soon. !"

"Yeah! In fact, at first, the younger brother didn't really believe it! But some things really explained some problems! Just like the discussion just now, it was OK for the two of them not to say anything, but they spoke one after another, and they also helped each other. meaning!"

"Yeah! Why didn't I find out earlier! Then, as a brother, what should my brother do next!"

"Well, this little brother doesn't know! Have you forgotten, little brother is the least willing to take care of these nostalgic things! If there is nothing else, leave!" During the conversation, without waiting for others to nod and agree, Jin directly Just turned around and left, leaving Liu Kun alone in a daze in the army's tent.

"You girl, since you two have really come together, I will let you be exposed first! However, this Liu Kun is really good at acting! Obviously he has discovered some clues a long time ago, but pretended not to know. I have to wait for Lao Tzu to stab him! No matter, if that's the case, then Lao Tzu will be a bad guy! Anyway, whoever takes advantage of whom has nothing to do with Lao Tzu!" Just as Liu Kun is very concerned about it. At that time, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself as he walked.

However, just as Jin Shangyu opened the door of his house, a handsome young man was standing in front of him.

"came back!"

"No, I said Brother Shi, what kind of wind is this! It was able to blow you, a high official! Fortunately, what a blessing!"

"It seems that my brother did not expect my brother to come here!"

"Um, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it! After all, my brother is busy with official duties now, and he has to watch so many people eat, drink and sleep!"

"Okay, shouldn't I let my brother enter the hall first!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was stunned by Shi Chong who was waiting in the mansion, people also said something to enter the hall for detailed discussion.

For a while, Jin was really embarrassed. Not only did he strode forward to the living room with Shi Chong, he also shouted, Mr. Wen, to have tea soon.

"That, don't shout! In fact, you, the butler, have already served the tea, but I didn't drink it! After all, Shi's purpose this time is to see you, especially to meet you alone!"

"Oh, when did the official Shi want to see me like this!"

"Okay, don't be crooked! Do you think that I have joined hands with others, just treat your brother and me like this!"

auzw.com "Really! Then, the younger brother, please tell me!" Seeing that Shi Chong said this, Jin Shangyu also laughed and said afterwards.

Facing such Jin Shangyu, Na Shi Chong was not impatient, but took a sip of tea slowly, and then said: "So you guys can see it too! Yes, I promised Jia Mi something! But you Jin Shangyu should. I know what it is! But this is not Shi's everything! A man, he should be in the four directions! This truth, your brother, I still understand! Now, you are the commander of the army! If you can join hands with me now, in the future The development will continue smoothly! After all, you should know the strength of your brother!"

"This, yes, I know! Who doesn't know that Brother Shi is rich and an enemy country! However, you have also seen that Wu Huayu is enemies with Laozi in secret everywhere! But now you two are walking together again, you, you call me brother How to get along with brother!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Don't worry, this is nothing. The deity gets along with him just for the person, you know! But this time, what the deity wants is power, which can protect Jin Gu's comprehensive power! Understand!" At the end, Shi Chong also showed a touch of determination.

"Mother, it's so straightforward. It seems that this guy wants to act! That's right. After all, you have invested so much money these days, so you can take in some generals! Well, since you want people, I want money, let's trade it!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was not in a hurry to answer Shi Chong's words.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that Jin Shangyu didn't reply immediately, Shi Chong's expression changed a little. After all, every word he said now was a big disrespect.

"That, Shang Yu, isn't the sincerity shown by my brother enough? Let's go! If you can help my brother gather three thousand cavalry here, my brother is willing to offer three hundred thousand taels of silver!"

"Well, isn't Big Brother Shi embarrassing the little brother! Although the times make heroes, isn't this big brother letting the little brother jump into the fire pit!"

"Shang Yu, this is not good! Now it is a troubled time. My brothers and you should have established your own power. This is the behavior of people who know the times and are also wise! So, as long as you promise to cope with it, your brother is willing First give one hundred thousand taels! When things are done, then send the two hundred thousand taels, I don't know what the brothers think!" At the end, Shi Chong also showed a look of expectation.

"One hundred thousand taels, don't do it for nothing! If you can't help by then, don't blame me, brother!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also decided to agree to the other party's request. After all, these three hundred thousand taels are not small amount.

"Why, it's too small! In fact, there are already quite a few. After all, if this kind of thing doesn't happen, you will be a hundred thousand taels for Brother Bai Na! How you do it, you Jin Shangyu won't lose money!"

"Yes, yes, no loss! How can you lose money with Big Brother Shi! Then, let's try it! But let's say ugly things first, the younger brother is only responsible for coordinating, that is, helping to speak! The rest believe that my brother knows what to do!"

"Okay! Since brother, you can nod your head and promise, your brother's big business will definitely come true! Come, come, this is the autograph of the deity, you only need to hold it, find Shi Lao, you can get the silver!"

"Then, that little brother can accept it!" I wanted to say something polite, but when I thought of these things, Jin Shangyu finally nodded a little and took the one hundred thousand taels written by Shi Chong into his pocket.

In this way, Jin Shangyu received an unexpected gift just after returning from the General Mansion.

Of course, for this gift, Jin also gave a promise. However, it is unclear whether Jin Shangyu, who has traveled from modern society, can really help the Shi Daguan man realize his dream.

"Shang Yu! You really plan to help him build his foundation!"

"Master Wen! This is one hundred thousand taels! And it's cash money. Now although we don't necessarily need money, there are more places where we can use money! Actually, I just want to get some money first! Want to come, he Shi Chong's money Most of them were cheated by means! Lao Tzu is just a little more advanced!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

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