I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 581: Finally shot!


On the battle platform, fierce fighting is going on, but the two masked men standing on the stage seem to be okay, and have no intention of fighting.

Faced with such a weird scene, Murong Feiyu was the first to speak, because he knew that the masked man in black on his side was not an ordinary person, and his combat effectiveness should be good!

However, what disappointed him was that no matter how he spoke, people simply didn't implement it. Such a scene made Tu Yuncha very strange, and even in the end, it disrupted his first tactics.

"Man Sola! What are you waiting for, don't do it yet! Are you going to be a tortoise with your head down! Or say you dare to disobey my son's orders!"

"My lord, this, it's not right! Didn't we just say it!"

"What's the matter! Don't you open your eyes and take a look! That black masked man is simply bluffing! If you don't make a move, I am afraid that Murong Feiyu will take the lead!"

"Well, if that's the case, then, then I'll go to war!" At a certain moment, seeing that Tu Yunchai actually gave a battle order, Man Sora wanted to explain a few more words, but after seeing Tu Yunchai's eyes, I didn't dare to say anything a long time ago.

Suddenly, Na Man Sola changed his previous defensive posture, and the whole person also became like a rainbow, and a broad sword danced like a jade.

"Smelly boy, you actually learned a sword technique during this period of time! It seems that you Jie people really have done a lot of work! However, you really think that they are a soft persimmon!" At a certain moment, Just when Man Sola took the lead in attacking and approached the black masked man in the Murong team a little bit, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself. 2yt.org

After all, Man Sola can be regarded as his friend, but now Jin has a hunch that Man Sola will suffer a big loss.

However, out of public heart, and because of the high-level side on the viewing platform, Jin Shangyu did not manage the confrontation on the high platform.

"Masked man! My name is Man Sola! If you want to fight, you don't have to cover up, hell, this **** black mask!"

"Boy, you actually took off the mask yourself! Then, what did you wear it on before!"

"Um, this, I won't tell you this! Anyway, there must be a battle between us today! Take the move!" As he spoke, Man Sola was already the first to attack.

Facing the benefits of the broad knife with the sound of the wind, the man who was still dressed in black and masked did not move at all, but quietly watched the broad knife slash down!

"You, you, why don't you fight back! Although I am not afraid of killing, I never kill anyone who is unable to fight back!"

"Boy, you, you are fine!" At a certain moment, when Man Sola's broadsword was hacking with all its strength, he saw that the other party did not dodge. At the critical moment, Man Sola didn't know what he thought. , Raised the knife at the last moment and took it back alive. 2yt. org

In the face of such a scene, the whole observatory became chaotic in an instant, and everyone's comments echoed unscrupulously.

"Look, the masked man who threw away his mask didn't even kill him! But why didn't that masked man hide! Isn't it true that he is really a good man and doesn't know much martial arts!"

"No, it's not like that if I say it! Maybe this guy who uses the knife saw how powerful the other party is, so he didn't dare to cut it down!"

auzw.com "Crap! Don't dare to chop it down! We all have seen it. If this knife is really chopped down, the masked man will undoubtedly die!"

At this moment, the moment Man Suola retracted the broadsword, everyone was also talking about it. In fact, not only ordinary people are talking, even masters like Jin Shangyu are also muttering indiscriminately.

"My mother, so you are full of Sola, you still have such a kind heart! It seems that your kid is kind of kind! Forget it, I will treat you as a friend for the time being! However, you can be saved with this cut. I lost my life!" While muttering to himself, the situation on the stage changed rapidly.

"Man Sola! You stinky kid! You want to die! You could have killed him with a single blow, but you let him go! It's really annoying!"

"Why, you get angry just because of this little thing, it seems that you are not suitable for being a chieftain!"

"Murong Feiyu, you don't need to teach Lao Tzu! If you are able to defeat Lao Tzu in a short time! If you can't, then you wait for my people and harvest your lives! Man Sola, my son will kill you in three Get rid of the other party within Xizhi! Otherwise, your life will stay here!" While arguing with Murong Feiyu, Tu Yuncha gave a death order.

Faced with such pressure, even if Man Sola wanted to release the water, I am afraid he would not dare, after all, the level of this Jie tribe is still relatively strict.

"The masked man! I have spared your life just now. If you jump off the platform now, I can still let you go! Otherwise, die!" As he spoke, Man Sola was already fighting to the sky. It is also integrated with that broad knife. "Human knife is one" is the best portrayal of him at this time.

"Mother, what a kid! This sword technique is very pure, it seems that he did not use this trick that day! Alas, it is ridiculous that I, Jin Shangyu, actually regarded him as an ordinary Jie warrior! However, That's right, I didn't give them a chance to show off that day! Forget it, I don't want to, maybe, maybe this guy can really do miracles!

Seeing Man Suola resorted to the tactics of "combination of man and knife", including Jin Shangyu, who was sitting in the rest area, was surprised.

However, just when everyone thought that the hidden Jie clan master would change the situation of the battle, the situation on the battlefield changed in vain.

"Don't even dare to avoid it! Looking for death, ah, no, you, you..." At a certain moment, when his broad knife was about to attack the opponent, the black masked man disappeared miraculously!

The next moment, in Man Sola’s horrified eyes, a figure had already fallen behind him, and the cold chill in his neck made him understand one thing, that is, he has been captured by others. .

"Don't move! If you move again, you will never want to move!"

"You, are you a human or a ghost! This, this is impossible!"

"Dare to talk nonsense! Let me go down!"

"Ah! You, don't!" I wanted to say a few more words, but at this moment, Man Sola was kicked firmly in the back.

For a while, he was just like a winner, but he was kicked off the battlefield in an instant.

As the breaking wind slowly dissipated, Man Sola's painful and struggling groan echoed under the battle platform.

According to the rules of the game, as long as they are knocked out of the battle platform, they will never have the right to go on stage again.

"Brother Yu, here, what the **** is going on! How confused, Man Sola was thrown down by others!"

"That, this! Brother will tell you later! To put it bluntly, the body is faster! Girl, don't pay attention to this stinky kid who was thrown down! Let's take a look at the situation on the field!" Before Duan Yunyan could finish speaking in the rest area, Jin brought the focus to the high platform.

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