I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 580: "Jie Xian" battle!

The battle continues, but the degree of excitement can no longer be simply described by the words "exciting".

"Brother Yu, look, it seems that two more teams have been defeated! Why did this round of battle go so fast!"

"Quick, of course it's going to be fast! The fight between the masters is just a matter of several rounds! It is impossible to last too long! However, there are also differences. Look at the Murong clan and the Jieren team, right? Is it a special case!"

"Brother Yu, it's really true! Others are almost finished fighting, but they still have no intention of taking action!"

"Girl, this is the real master showdown! It's about preemptive strikes and late strikes dominated by others! To put it bluntly, it is important to be first!" At a certain moment, after the battle on the high platform was still fierce, Jin Shangyu also met from time to time. Duan Yunyan communicated.

However, at this moment, the battle on the high platform had already come to an end. Except for the Murong clan and the Naji clan, all the battles came to a close in an instant.

"Long live! It seems that the real battle should begin! This time I don't know which one is stronger!"

"Nan Feng! Didn't you see it, their luck is really a bit bad! We met together early!"

"Why, Long Live Lord doesn't want them to meet prematurely!"

"Of course, after all, they are all really strong! But forget it, since they have all met, let's fight! No matter who wins, it is our heavenly contest! You say so!"

"Long live Lord said that!" Seeing the emperor Sima Zhong, although there had been some changes in his emotions, he had stopped his thoughts and calmed his mind at the last moment.

Speaking of, Jin Shangyu at this time was also concerned about the emotional changes of Emperor Sima Zhong. However, for this lofty king, Jin is still relatively unacceptable.

"Mother, you ya ya, so you are Sima Zhong. It turns out that these two teams are your seed players, so you are a little embarrassed now! Hahaha, people are not as good as the sky, it seems that God wants it Your two seeded teams collided earlier.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu muttered to himself, the two teams on stage finally had some changes.

"Murong Feiyu! I know you! I know you too! So, if you go back, I will compensate you if you have any conditions!"

"Oh, I made the condition before the battle! It seems that Brother Yunchi is sure to get everything! However, although your conditions are good, the younger brother does have difficulties. You know, my Murong clan is about this celestial dynasty. Dabi has also put a lot of effort into it! Therefore, we are willing to offer you the same conditions! I wonder if it is possible!"

"You, you don’t know the current affairs! Although the Emperor of Heaven respects us very much! I believe you also know the fighting power of our Jie people! Do you have to fight a battle! You are not afraid of losing anything? Can't get it, or even die here!"

"Tuyun crack! It seems that you really didn't recognize the situation! You really can level the world! Yes, you have amazing fighting power, but you should know the power of my Da Xianbei! Otherwise, we will not stand. There's a conversation here!" Seeing that Capricorn Captain Tu Yunle said such words, that Murong Feiyu's expression also changed in an instant, and the whole person's aura was also rising steadily.


Although there was no war, the strong will to fight has filled every corner of the ring.

"Do you feel it! This is an unprecedented fighting intent! It seems that the next battle will be full!"

"Yes! It's been a long time since I felt such a powerful fighting spirit! It seems that they are really moved and really angry!"

"Old General, do you still need to talk about it! It is estimated that they all want to win this celestial contest, and now neither of them is willing to take a step back, so they can only use the oldest method to solve it, then, that is a decisive battle!" In the end, Mozha also showed a touch of envy, and the whole person seemed to melt into the confrontation on the high platform at this moment.

"Mother, it's a pity this guy, the fighting power is definitely first-class, but it's really hard for him to retreat without fighting!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu felt the emotional change of Duan Bu Xianbei, There were also some emotional fluctuations in my heart.

But after thinking about it, Jin Shangyu was also relieved. After all, no matter how attractive this Tianchao competition is, it is just a competition to win a piece of land. If you lose your talents because of these things, then you can really do it. A loss-making business.

With such thoughts, Jin Shangyu didn't think too much, but quietly followed the changes on the high platform.

However, at this moment, Tuyun cracked on the high platform finally showed a fierce look, and said in one word: "Good good! This, this is your own choice! If it appears Don’t blame Lao Tzu for not being merciful!"

"Brother Tu is really joking! What are we here for? Isn't it to have a real confrontation? Don't say it, let's fight! Even if Murong Xianbei can't win this championship, Lao Tzu will not let anyone easily win it. Arrived. At the end, Murong Feiyu also showed a weird smile.

It's too late, it's fast, just when everyone in the audience was on the two teams, Guo Feiyi also took the lead in launching an attack. The target of his attack was not someone else, but a very ordinary-looking young man.

"Tuyun cracked, your people started to sneak attack!"

"Murong Feiyu, you are not right! We are able to come here and walk to this high platform, the purpose is to fight! How can you say that your people are not good at learning! Brothers, go! , This battle my Jie clan will win!” Seeing that his subordinate Guo Feiyi took the lead to launch an attack on the opponent, Tu Yuncha didn’t say much anymore. The whole person rushed like a cannonball. Murong Feiyu.

Facing the attack launched by the Jie clan team, Murong Feiyu seemed to have expected this a long time ago. Not only was there no tension, but also his figure slowly receded.

"Murong Feiyu! Are you still a person! You are afraid of things and want to retire! No way!" Seeing that Murong Feiyu's figure is straight back, the Tu Yuncha is also excited by words.

Of course, at this moment, Guo Feiyi, who is known for his body skills, really gained the upper hand in an instant, not only fully suppressing the Murong Xianbei team member, but also seemed to have room to watch the changes in the expressions of the two masked men.

In fact, there is one thing that everyone is quite surprised. That is, Man Sola, who is also a masked man, stood there motionless. Although both hands are tightly holding a broad knife, there is no trace of it. The willingness to fight.

"You, you still don't make a move! Do you really want to give that piece of land to Jieren!"

"Stop talking! Just take care of your opponents!" At a certain moment, when Murong Feiyu signaled the masked men in his team to join the battle quickly, the entire high platform fell into something very strange. Phenomenon. Even at a certain moment, the two men in black seemed to be the focus on this battle platform.

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