I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 569: One enemy three!

In the imperial capital city, the fighting spirit rose to the sky.

"Mother, I'm so cruel! It seems that these guys are not a good thing! But they are! You are not cruel, if you are accidentally cruel, I am afraid it will be a tragedy!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu is also paying attention to all wars.

Of course, the reason why we can pay attention to all 20 matches at the same time, we also want to thank the powerful perception that Future Chip brings to itself.

"Shang Yu! It's no good, it's going to kill! How come this will kill you!"

"Old Hu, you are right! That person has no breath!"

"Hey! I didn't expect that the people in the Central Plains are so cruel now!"

"Let Hu Lao laugh! But there is no way! The two armies fight, and the brave wins!" At the end, Jin Shangyu no longer pays attention to these battles!

Because just as Hushuobi’s words fell, twenty battles had already come to an end.

"Brother Yu, I, we are a little afraid to watch it! Are there many people who died in the ring!"

"It should be! But this is the battle between the warriors! If they are afraid, they can also choose to surrender early! But they didn't do that!"

"Yes, but this is too scary!" Seeing Jin Shangyu not only didn't comfort him but also said this, Jin Xiaoyu was also at a loss for the first time.

However, at this moment, the already familiar voice came again.

"Well, long live master, now the minister will announce the result of the first round! The first group, the first win; the second group, the fourth win; the third group..."

"Mother, what a weird thing! There is no Murong in these forty teams, and there are no Jieren! There is no one who I want to see! However, Ling Yun and the others did not play!" When announcing the result of the game on stage, Jin was also thinking about it indiscriminately.

Speaking of, he is really more free and easy now, after all, he didn't participate in person, so he still enjoyed it. He also knew the combat power of Ling Yun and others.

In this way, after the venue was cleared on the high platform, the official who looked like the host also announced the next batch of players to take the stage. This time the numbers are 41 to 80. And Hushuobi's No. 55 pick is also among them.

"Shang Yu! Let's go up and see! Don't worry, we won't be so cruel!"

"Old man, be careful! The two brothers also be careful!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Jin! We are Xianbei warriors anyway!" Seeing Jin Shangyu greet him, Shi Wu and Mo Zha replied easily.

In this way, after a short period of time, the second batch of people who participated in the Celestial Grand Tournament were all on the high platform.

Because this time there is a Hushuo man, Jin Shangyu is still more concerned.

"Brother Yu, there is nothing wrong with Uncle Hu! I really hope they can meet a weak team!"

"Girl, people think like you! So the weak team is really pitiful! Anyone will think that they are the strong!"

auzw.com "Then, it depends on the luck of Uncle and the others! As long as you don't get the Jie people!"

"Why, do you think Jie people are very powerful!"

"Okay, people are talking about serious things! Besides, they are no matter how good you are, how can you be great, Lord Jin!" Seeing Jin Shangyu actually teasing himself, Yunyan said casually.

In other words, this time, in addition to Duanbu Xianbei who was drawn, there were also Qiang teams and Lingyun teams.

However, because Duan Yunyan is too focused on his own team, he does not have much energy to pay attention to others. At this time, Jin Shangyu did not do this. Because of his strong perception, every battle in the small venue was under his attention!

"Mother, it's too conspicuous! It's so hard to stand up by beating the three of them by one person! Lingyun, Lingyun! Even if you are the commander of the Forbidden Army, even if your kid wants to stand up, you can't do that. And you kid, it looks like you are going to fall asleep! It's really annoying!" At a certain moment, when Ling Yun subdued all his opponents with his own power, the chasing wind closed his eyes tightly, and he was about to Feeling asleep.

In fact, at this time, not only Jin Shangyu was paying attention to the situation of Lingyun's battle, but there were also people cheering from the center of the audience. They were not others, but the Emperor Sima Zhong.

"Nanfeng, look at it! That Lingyun really deserves to be our commander of the Forbidden Army. He even won with one enemy and three! Tell me, will they win this competition?"

"Long live master's capable man, how could it be weak! But look at the deputy commander named Zhu Feng, who seems to be sleeping! How funny!"

"Oh, that's true! Don't tell me, I haven't found it yet! It seems that this kid is also a talent! He should not be weak in combat power!"

"Long live master's vision, when was it? But why didn't he see Jin Shangyu's kid! It wouldn't be such a big scene, he wouldn't come to see it!" Seeing Emperor Sima Zhong was very optimistic about Ling Yun's team, then Queen Jananfeng also shifted the topic to Jin Shangyu.

However, when faced with this question, Emperor Sima Zhong really did not answer immediately. He was just slightly startled, and then slowly said: "Nan Feng will not blame me! Actually, our seats here have been fixed. It is determined according to the size of the official position, so, so Shang Yu may really not come!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Long live master joked, but the concubine just talked about him! No other meaning, mainly because I thought of his funny side by accident!"

"That, it turned out to be like this! Then, let's pay attention to the big competition!" Seeing that the queen Jian Nanfeng said so, the emperor Sima Zhong did not say anything, but just signaled her to pay attention to the competition on the high platform.

However, at this moment, the victory or defeat on the field was already divided. In addition to Ling Yun's forbidden army victory, the Qiang people and Hushuobi and others all entered the next round smoothly.

"The old general Hu is really majestic! He actually defeated the enemy with one move! It seems that in the competition that year, you didn't let you down!"

"Shang Yu joked! Even if you don't want to win that championship, you can't lose the face of my Da Xianbei clan, you say yes, girl!"

"Uncle Hu is really mighty! That's awesome! If my brother sees this, he will be very excited!"

"Girl, you laughed again! In fact, you are more beautiful when you laugh!"

"Miss, don't praise them! Why don't you praise me Moza!"

"You, you are even better! You threw them directly under the high platform! But it's a bit too inhumane!"

"Um, what is ‘humanity’!"

"Um, this? Brother Yu taught us! It should be kinder!" At the end, Yunyan was a little embarrassed.

After all, she also showed off a fresh word invented by Jin Shangyu here. Of course, at this time, Jin Shangyu also looked at the big beauty, and then couldn't help but smile a few times.

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