I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 568: The war is on!

In the imperial capital city, the place where the heavenly dynasty is greatly compared, because the fact that the Zuo Xian king Duan Pixi did not come can no longer be changed. Simply, Jin Shangyu and Duan Yunyan looked at each other and immediately returned to their normal state.

"Hu Lao, that, why are you three people here! Don't you want to win this competition!"

"Shang Yu! You have seen that even though we are few people, we can be considered as a strong hand! However, what you said also has a certain truth. Since people are desperately trying to get this benefit, why do we have to Hard work! Actually, there is only one purpose this time, and that is to see that you are well! Then bring this news back!"

"Mother, you girl, this is too touching! Big brother, it seems that you miss this girl very much!" At a certain moment, after Hu Shuobi revealed the ultimate purpose of his trip, Jin Shangyu was also moved and did not speak for a long time.

However, while chatting about the old days, Da Sima and Runan Wang Sima Liang on the stage also spoke again: "Well, besides Duan Bu Xianbei's team, are there anyone else! Well, it seems that there is no more. , Then, the king announced that the Celestial Tournament is now starting! First, the captains of the teams are invited to come to the stage to draw lots. The first round is the elimination round. The winner continues to participate in the competition, and the loser is automatically eliminated!

"What, it turned out to be a lottery and elimination system! Didn't it mean that there is still a life and death battle! There is no explanation!"

"What do you know! Now they don't even know the number of participants, how could they not adopt the lottery elimination system! Let Lao Tzu say, the last one, maybe it was the life and death battle you said!" At that moment, just after Sima Liang announced the official start of the Celestial Tournament, everyone in the audience also began to discuss.

However, what they discussed most was the life and death battle. After all, this news spread long ago.

By the way, before Sima Liang's words were over, someone was already walking up the high platform. After a while, the entire high platform is already driven by human heads, and it is roughly estimated that there will be as many as 200 people!

"Mother, I didn't expect that the number of people participating in this is really a lot! The combat team alone is more than two hundred! It seems that nothing can be compared today!" When everyone on the stage was busy drawing lots and fighting , Jin Shangyu is also observing the changes on the court underneath.

"Brother Yu, look at it! Ling Yun is on it too!"

"Well, I say beauty, keep it quiet! He is also normal on it! However, he now represents the Great Internal Forbidden Army. To put it bluntly, he is fighting for the emperor! As for us, it is just a theaterman! This time understand!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Okay, we know!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's answer is like this, Ran Yuyi didn't say more. After all, he still knew what to say and what not to say.

In this way, because the whole lottery process requires a very long process, the people in the audience also began to mutter quietly during this time period.

"Well, I said Moza! How are you going to fight, do you want to fight to death, or stop at it!"

"How to fight! No matter how you fight, I can't beat you! Look at your spirit, it seems that I can't keep up with you!"

"Look, it's not the Xianbei Warriors anymore. I haven't beaten them yet, so I'll give up first! Besides, if I can't beat Lao Tzu, then you can always tell us how you plan to deal with them!"

"This is it! I don't know, when the time comes, I will listen to the old general, this is the order of the prince!"

"Mother, it's really disappointing. I asked for a long time, but in the end, I didn't know!" At a certain moment, Jin wanted to learn something from Mozha, but he didn't expect to get such an answer.

However, when everyone in the audience was chatting, the people on the high platform also slowly walked down.

"General Hu, what kind of lot did you draw! What are their rules!"

auzw.com "Well, Shang Yu! The old man drew the No. 55 pick, and his opponent should be the No. 56 pick. I don't know who they are now! I'll know after a while! "

"Oh, this is actually the rule, then, how many teams do you have in total!"

"Looking at it, there should be 204 teams! It seems that this time of competition is very dangerous!"

Hearing what Hu Shuobi said, Jin Shangyu also eagerly asked, "Why do you speculate like this!"

Facing Jin Shangyu's question, Hu Shuobi did not rush to answer, but slowly looked up on the high platform.

Because at this time, the person on the high platform has changed. Although it is not Sima Liang, he should be an official. I saw him deliberately cleared his throat, and then shouted loudly: "Listen well, everyone! For the teams that have just been drawn, which team I call, I will go to the stage to prepare for the battle! Number one, two No. 3, No. 3..."

For a time, apart from the person's voice drifting away from the scene, it was more of an untidy walking sound.

"Brother Yu, look at it! They called forty teams at once! It seems that Uncle Hu, they should be the next round!"

"Yunyan is right! I hope nothing major happens!" Just when Duan Yunyan was very excited and muttered, Jin Shangyu said seriously.

"Shang Yu! I was distracted just now and didn't answer your question! The reason why they said it was dangerous is that they said that as long as you enter the ring area, you can go to war, and there is no limit to the way you can fight!"

"What, there is no limit to the way! Doesn't that mean you can fight in chaos!"


"Good, good! Let's do this, in fact, you know both Zhuifeng and Benlei. They are your own. If you meet them, you will win or lose yourself!"

"Don't worry, the old man will know what to do then!" Seeing Jin Shangyu said this, the old general Hu also nodded heavily.

"Forget it, I can only stop here! I can't let people voluntarily abstain from voting! But when the civil war happened, I would not agree to anything!" Hu Shuobi was there in front of Jin. Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself after he made a guarantee about the face of her.

In this way, before everyone in the audience reacted, the voice on the stage came out slowly.

"Life or death! Start war! If you are timid, you can directly surrender!" Before the voice was over, someone had already launched an attack in the central martial arts area of ​​the Tianchao Grand Competition.

"Mother, it turned out to be from the Central Plains! I'm really worried!"

"Brother Yu, look, why are they so anxious! Look at those foreigners who are watching!"

"Beauty, you don't understand! Because this competition is continuous, so they have to fight quickly! This can save energy to the greatest extent! And those foreigners are estimated to have extraordinary combat power! So they don't think about it. So much!” Seeing the four women around him asking questions, Jin also patiently explained to them.

In this way, under the attention of all the people, the real celestial contest is also on schedule.

Of course, this celestial competition is a battle of real swords and guns. It is not just a form like the previous ceremony of sacrifice to the sky.

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