I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 559: Big event in the city!

Jin Shangyu was still a little afraid of what had just happened. It didn't mean that Jin Shangyu was afraid of the other party. The main reason was that such a scene was too dangerous. If Luo Yun really couldn't stop the other party, I'm afraid that what happened might not be acceptable to Jin.

In this way, because they hadn't seen each other for a few days, the three people also became more talkative. From business to family affairs, even to the end, the two beautiful women forced Jin to tell a story.

"Mother, this is really bitter! But, can you please others, who told you to always tell others those court stories!" At a certain moment, Duan Yunyan and Ran Yulai begged someone from Jin to give them. When telling the story, Jin Shangyu also suffered in his heart.

Nothing else, just because Jin is also a man. As a man, he hasn't seen his own woman for a few days. Now that he has met, he wants to tell a story. This is a small pain to anyone!

Of course, this kind of pain is also the kind of happiness in suffering.

"Brother Yu, you said that the imperial court called the Qing Dynasty actually had so many rules in the imperial palace. Is it true that our current imperial court is like that!"

"Yunyan, in fact, there is not much difference in general, but there are still many differences in details!" Seeing that Duan Yunyan actually asked this question, before Jin Shangyu could answer, Ran Yuyi also gave the answer directly.

After all, Beauty Ran also grew up in the palace. If you don't know some things in the palace, it's not too much difference.

"Yuyan, you have actually experienced some of the things Brother said! To be honest, it is really cruel to you!"

"Brother Yu, don't worry, Yuyi has already escaped the shadow of the imperial palace. It doesn't matter if someone mentions it!"

"Okay, that's good! As long as you can really come out, that's the best! Don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, you must be happy! This is my unchanging promise to you by Jin Shangyu! "In the end, Jin Shangyu also unconsciously held the two daughters in his arms.

For a time, although it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, there was a deep love in the cabin at this time. Perhaps it was because of Jin Shangyu’s sincere and kindness, that Yunyan and Ran Yuyang hadn’t spoken for a long time, but they just cuddled together like this and were happy...

Here Jin Shangyu is enjoying the good time with beautiful women, but there is something happening in the imperial capital city at this time that is enough to make the common people look at him.

"I heard no! A large training ground was built in the middle of the city! I really don't know why! It's impossible, we are going to fight here too!"

"What do you know! I heard that, it seems to be going to do something called the Ceremony of Sacrifice to Heaven! After I heard about this event, there was an event called the Great Competition of the Heavenly Dynasty!"

"Even if you do this thing! It shouldn't be in the middle of this downtown area! Besides, it looks like a place for worshipping the heavens! It's like a place for training soldiers!" The central area in the Imperial City, in front of a construction site, was also surrounded by people talking loudly.

In fact, during this period of time, it was not just the onlookers who were discussing this matter, even people who had not seen the construction site in person were also passing the news.

Speaking of, just when Jin Shangyu and foreigners were vying to understand and compete for the Royal Farm, Emperor Sima Zhong also sent a special person to start building the site of the Heavenly Competition.

auzw.com Generally speaking, this area is divided into three areas. The first area is the observatory, which is located at a relatively high level. Standing on it, you can clearly see things in the field. And the second area is the main project of the Celestial Grand Competition. Although the platform is not too high, it is also ten feet high. Of course, the entire competition stage is also divided into a number of small separate venues. In the middle is a huge competition platform, which is estimated to be able to hold at least two hundred people at the same time.

And the third area of ​​the entire venue is standing on the opposite side of the viewing platform. The area is not large, but it is a small area, and each small area has more than a dozen seats!

Faced with such a large project, it is impossible to say that these ordinary people are not excited.

With the passage of time, coupled with a little closer to the date of the Heavenly Dynasty, almost most people know the purpose of this land.

"Chasing the wind, you have a good posture, take a trip, and you have seen it, this is the place of the Great Comparing of the Heavenly Dynasty! It seems that the ceremony of worshipping the heavens will definitely be set up in the city of effect, where every emperor enthroned A place where you must go! Tell him all these news!"

"Don't worry! You go back earlier, be careful they have doubts!" ​​In the crowd, two people also communicated quietly with each other.

However, judging from the content of his conversation, it was the commander of the imperial army Ling Yun and the deputy commander who chased the wind. The reason why they came here is to get a firsthand experience of the competition venue of the Celestial Competition.

In addition, they also wanted to pass on these news to Jin Shangyu, after all, this grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens was about to begin.

In order to pass the news to him earlier, the chasing of the wind also rushed forward, without stopping along the way, almost ran to the Royal Farm in one breath!

"Chasing the wind, it turned out to be you!"

"It turned out to be Brother Luo Yun! Well, go, take me to see Big Brother!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Just when Jin Zhuifeng had just arrived at the Royal Farm, he also met Feng Luoyun who had come out for inspection.

In this way, because they are familiar with each other, the two did not delay much, but went straight to Jin Shangyu's residence.

"Huifeng, why are you here! Did something happen to the emperor! Or do you know some important news!"

"It seems that the eldest brother is still quite good! You guessed it, something big happened in this city! But in your eyes, nothing is a big thing! You guys say it is not!"

"Right, right, right, or Zhufeng said that is appropriate!" Just as the voice of Zhuifeng just fell, Duan Yunyan also echoed.

"Mother, what is this called! But, what is said is correct, really nothing is a big deal! I have never experienced anything, and even died once! What's the fear! "I wanted to say a few words, but after thinking about it carefully, what they said really makes sense.

In this way, when I just came to Jin Shangyu’s tent, Chasing Wind revealed what he had learned in the Imperial City one by one, including that the place of the Great Comparison of Heaven was divided into several areas, the usefulness of each area, etc. , In short, many people have spoken out.

"Mother, I didn't expect this Emperor Sima Zhong to be really attentive! The people are almost starving to death. I haven't seen him pay any money, and now we are engaged in a so-called celestial contest. It is such a big deal! It seems that your kid wants to do something What a big deal!" At a certain moment, after Chasing Wind had told all the news he had learned, Jin also secretly muttered to himself.

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