I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 558: Big account discussion!

In the Royal Farm, in front of the barracks, the two stood side by side. The cold wind blew through, making the surrounding, seemingly dry vegetation shiver, making a faint sound of pleading.

"Luo Yun, it seems that this is your true ability, or the tip of the iceberg for you, a super awesome guy!"

"Boss, I'm going to step down after I say it! Well, what a great person is! This little brother really doesn't understand it! It's better to explain it first!"

"I don't understand! Don't ask if you don't understand! Let's go to the army account! I guess those guys are waiting there!" Without directly answering Feng Luoyun's words, Jin directly turned to the army account office go with.

For a while, Luo Yun also waved his hand gently, and then had to follow someone behind, although he might still be thinking about the cattle.

Speaking of which, at this time, the military account in the Royal Farm was really like what Jin Shangyu said, it was already full of people. I saw them standing on both sides together. Although there were seats behind them, no one was seated!

"Let me see Master Jin!"

"Well, it's my own family, so I won't be allowed to do this in the future! Come and come, sit down, and you all talk about what the situation is like now, and what should we do!" Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun saw the momentum of the soldiers.

However, because this place has been divided long ago, Jin Shangyu did not evade, and just sat in the middle of the master. And that Feng Luoyun sat down where Jin started.

Of course, in the face of Jin Shangyu’s question raised in a single account, no one dared to answer directly. After all, just a quarter of an hour ago, there was a fierce battle here. Although there were not many people who participated in the battle, it was this battle. It also played a momentum for the Royal Farm. Even the eyes of everyone looking at Feng Luoyun were different from before.

"Why, I don't dare to say, I still didn't think about it! Don't worry, I said, we are all my own family! Since we are my own family, then just say whatever you can or cannot say!"

"Well, since the adults have said so, let me say a few words! Actually, the current situation is too unfavorable for us! Others can attack us at any time, but we can only defend, not attack! Less or less passive!"

"Oh, you are the eighth squad leader! Well said, from the heart! Yes, who else would like to make some comments!"

"At the end I will be willing to say a few words! Well, my lord, if I want to say, we are not necessarily in the worst situation! You think! Don't they want to control this land! If the big competition does not come out, they are not Those who dare to really do it are to try, at most, to pull out the disobedient people here!" Seeing someone speaking, Jin Shangyu was not criticized. A young team leader standing in the middle also took his heart. The words came out.

"Mother, it turns out that these guys don't know anything! Okay, it seems there is still value in training!" At a certain moment, after a small team leader uttered his opinion, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart. Muttered to himself.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu spoke freely, the soldiers also relaxed, and they were eager to speak.

"Well, okay, let's study here today, you all go back, when you have an order, you will give it directly! But there is one thing you should remember, and you can’t attack the enemy without an order in the future! Of course, The injured brother today has good intentions, so I won’t be held accountable this time!"

"Finally, thank you for your irresponsibility!"

"Well, you are also kind! But you will definitely not be able to do this next time! Everyone, go back! Remember, your life safety is the most important thing. At critical moments, this lord allows you to retreat strategically!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a smile from the heart.

Although such words are not earth-shaking words, they echoed in the hearts of everyone.


Perhaps at this moment, the soldiers of the Royal Farm also truly identified this leader.

In fact, this is not Jin Shangyu doing a show, mainly because the experience of modern society has always influenced his every decision. In ancient times, almost no general would speak such people-oriented words.

In this way, it was useless for a while, only Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun were left in the entire army account.

"Big brother, brother today, I have really learned a lot. It turns out that your ability to manage people is so strong! It really opened my eyes to my brother!"

"Okay, you guys are here too! Let's study the business! You heard it just now, and they all said what they were saying. It seems we brothers are still reliable!"

"Brother, if you want to talk about business, I think the most important thing for us now is to prepare for farming! Just like what they said, let them come. I guess they won't really start. After all, I don't know who is the winner of the Celestial Tournament!" Seeing Jin Shangyu soliciting his own opinions, Luo Yun became more serious every time Luo Yun also expressed his opinions.

"Mother, that's right! It's this time, I don't expect them to take the initiative! Then, let's protect ourselves first!" Seeing Feng Luoyun talked about the topic, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart. Talking to himself.

In this way, the two did not say much, after unifying their opinions, they acted separately.

Of course, Jin Shangyu will not be busy at this time, because at this time Jin must see his two wives. Although the wedding ceremony has not been held yet! But the word "madam" is still affordable.

Passing through a small tent, a familiar tent also appeared in Jin's eyes.

"Mother, I can finally come back and see them! These days, I've been exhausted! Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, all these troublesome things will be counted on your account!" At one point, Jin Shangyu told himself When he went to the residence, he was thinking wildly in his heart.

"That, the son is back!"

"Oh, girl, you're here too! Don't, don't leave! It's okay, can you do it together!"

"Brother Yu, just let her go! Don't they want to see each other too!"

"Yes, yes, it's what Yunyan said! I'm sorry, girl, go ahead!" Just when he arrived at his tent, Jin made a little embarrassment with the blushing Hu Bier.

However, because of Duan Yunyan's timely relief, Jin still got rid of that awkward situation.

"Let's go, really gone! Well, so are you two, why didn't you say it earlier! It made Lao Tzu a little embarrassed!"

"Brother Yu, what are you talking about! Originally, you didn't understand the situation! No, you understood the situation and haven't let the family go!"

"Okay, Yunyan, in fact, what Brother Yu said before was just a polite remark! Now that everyone is gone, let's not entangle here! By the way, that, I don't know how the business is going!"

"It's okay! However, there are some things that we can't foresee! Just like today, if the guy Feng Luoyun had not shown hidden strength, it is estimated that this royal farm would be humiliated!" said In the end, Jin Shangyu also sighed long.

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