I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 555: The weirdness of the Qiang!

The cold night in the winter is still unbearable, but for those who are in full swing, that bit of chill is really nothing.

"Mother, you are Murong Feiyu. On the surface, he is a gentleman and fan. You can say such a thing in secret. You should fight." Murong Feiyu got a big mouth instantly. At the time, Jin Shangyu didn't know what was going on in his heart, he was actually very happy.

Even, at a certain moment, Jin himself wanted to rush to beat others.

However, it is also very strange. After Na Murong Feiyu was beaten, he didn't even get angry, and he didn't even give the color back. Instead, he gave the masked man a fierce look and turned away.

"Murong Feiyu, you remembered for me that next time it won't be as simple as being beaten." Just as Murong Feiyu slowly left, the masked man's somewhat hoarse voice came from the camp.

However, what disappointed Jin Shangyu was that it was not only Murong Feiyu who had left. After a while, the masked man also stepped out of here.

"Mother, it turns out that this is neither the masked man’s camp nor the Murong Feiyu guy. It’s really boring to be a public place. Since there is nothing to inquire about here, I’ll visit one and compare it. Mysterious Qiang" Seeing this, Jin Shangyu had no reason to stay anymore. After a while, his figure floated out of Murong's camp.

This time, Jin Shangyu really used the super body technique, aiming directly at the Qiang residence outside the city.

Because of the peculiar body style, it didn't take long for Jin to come to the outside of Xicheng. There, there was no need to look for it and saw a camp plate reflected by torches.

"Mother, there are thousands of Qiang people. It seems that the situation is really messed up. Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, don't you understand the principle of'press the gourd and get up'?" At a certain moment, it was in Jin Shangyu When he felt the power of the Qiang people, he also directly thought of Emperor Sima Zhong.

In fact, this is not to blame Jin Shangyu for thinking like this. Because when he was drinking in front of the True Dragon Palace, he knew more or less that the number of these foreigners came. But he really didn't know how much it was.

However, this time, after Jin Shangyu's careful investigation, he was also worried about Sima in his heart. After all, when the time comes, the battle breaks out, even if Emperor Sima Zhong relies on these foreign forces to suppress the influence of Queen Jananfeng, what can it be just a change of master?

With these thoughts in mind, Jin Shangyu was also very careful to sneak into the territory of the Qiang people.

Looking up, although it looks like a tent built by the Central Plains from a distance, when I approached, there are still many differences when I look closely.

"Mother, I just searched through the future core. It turns out that the Qiang people practice spiritual worship and polytheistic beliefs. They not only closely link their destiny with the land, but also place their hopes on heaven, hoping that the gods will bless the Qiang people. The weather is going well every year, and every year is auspicious and healthy. A Qiang is a Qiang." While Jin Shangyu was slowly wandering in the camp of the Qiang, his brain was also quickly searching for records about the Qiang through the future core. .

Through understanding, Jin Shangyu also discovered the grandeur, majestic, remoteness and mystery of this ancient nation.

However, when Jin Shangyu took a long time to come to the big tent in the middle, he discovered one of the most important and very difficult problems.

"Mother, I really didn't expect that I can't understand what they are saying. It seems that their integration with the Central Plains is still not enough. Forget it, I still see if the future core can solve this problem." Just heard some similarities in Jin Shangyu During the heavenly conversation, he also realized the mystery of this ancient nation.

However, Jin Shangyu is not an ordinary person, and the powerful future core that Jin is a little afraid of, eventually helped him.


"Forget it, after studying, I can still hear some conversations. It's just that if I let Lao Tzu speak their words, it would be even harder." At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu finally used the future core to hear some Qiang language, he too Lying firmly on the other's camp.

In other words, someone has already spoken in the big account at this time. After Jin Shangyu's forced translation of the future core, the general meaning is to get the land of the Royal Farm.

However, it was normal for Jin Shangyu to hear these things, but what surprised Jin Shangyu was that a large part of the people here said that Jin Shangyu was a good person and a great hero.

"Mother, I really can't figure out the performance of Lao Tzu in the True Dragon Palace. There are fans to join in. It seems that this Qiang is still relatively simple and not as brutal as recorded on some things." He also showed a smug smile when he understood the conversation of those people.

After all, these people are the friendliest people Jin Shangyu has encountered in these days.

Although Jie Ren didn't want to do it right with Jin Shangyu now, they knew Jin Shangyu's details and abilities. In other words, they are afraid of Jin Shangyu, but the people here are different. They admire Jin Shangyu's courage in their hearts.

Perhaps they simply clinked glasses in front of the True Dragon Palace, and they accepted Jin Shangyu from their hearts. This cannot but make Jin feel relieved. Even at a certain moment, Jin Shangyu wanted to jump in and get drunk with him.

But after thinking about it, Jin Shangyu dismissed that idea.

"No, I can't mess around. These people are very emotional people. If I show up in front of them now. Then they will think that I don't believe them and come here to find out the news." After thinking about it, Jin Shangyu also Without thinking about it, he turned around and left.

The main reason for not staying here is that Jin Shangyu feels the kindness of these people.

In this way, with the darkness and horror, Jin Shangyu can be regarded as completing the task of the night.

"Mother, I finished the work ahead of schedule. If so, I will go home and have a look. I can't do it, Ben Lei is still there." After making up his mind, Jin Shangyu's figure also became strange.

If anyone could see him at this time, they would mistakenly think they saw a ghost.

In this way, accompanied by the dark night, with super strong perception, Jin Shangyu also returned to the Jin Mansion without knowing it.

"Brother, you are back"

"Oh, you have made progress so far, you can perceive that your eldest brother is good, right?"

"It seems I still can't hide the eldest brother. Three of them came and they were all let go."

"If you let me go, it's not that simple. Maybe there are three more suffering people in the world." At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also slowly fell from the air to Ben Lei's side.

And that Benlei also stands like a sculpture in the courtyard of the Jin Mansion.

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