I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 554: you wanna die!

Just after leaving the Qin Shi Inn of the Di ethnic group, Jin Shangyu turned his attention to his old acquaintance!

"Murong Feiyu! I hope you can recognize the situation this time and don't mess with Laozi, otherwise, you know the consequences!" While muttering in his heart, Jin Shangyu also showed a sneer in the dark night.

In other words, because of the reason why he hates this Murong clan, Jin Shangyu also symbolically regards it as an enemy in his heart.

Of course, the biggest factor here is Duanbu Xianbei's preconceived reason.

The dark night is faint, giving people a terrible feeling in a trance.

However, at this time, Jin had already shuttled through the darkness. According to the clues provided by Li Zhao, he also went to the north of the imperial capital.

There, from afar, Jin Shangyu discovered the problem.

"My mother, what is this to take part in the Celestial Contest! You girl, isn't this a powerful army!" Looking at the continuous camps, Jin Shangyu was also sweating for the current emperor.

Speaking of which, I don't know why, the northern part of the imperial capital suddenly has a large camp, and there are clear guards on the outermost periphery.

"Murong Feiyu, it seems that this time you are not simply because of that celestial contest! Maybe, maybe there is a bigger conspiracy! I am fortunate to come and have a look!" With many doubts, Jin Shangyu's figure is also the same. The breeze in the dark night is silent and breathless.

"No, there is a secret whistle! This, this is Lao Tzu, it is really difficult for someone else to break in without knowing it!" While observing Murong Xianbei's military camp, Jin Shangyu While thinking secretly in his heart.

However, just before Jin Shangyu came to a very tall tent, he also heard the voice of the people in the tent.

"He, he is really strong. Don't provoke him. If something happens, how can you tell me to go back and confess!"

"Explain! Do you still need to confess Murong Feiyu! How did you trick my dad in the first place, do you still need me to talk more!"

"You, don't do this, we are in the imperial capital now, not in the north, and besides, I am the supreme commander here!" At the end, Murong Feiyu also showed a very serious expression.

"Mother, this man, I know him, but why does this woman have to cover her face in her own camp! Could it be that there are some ulterior stories between them!" At one point, it was in Jin Shangyu After feeling the emotional fluctuations of the two in the tent, his heart was actually up and down.

On the one hand, Jin Shangyu really didn't want Murong to be his enemy. After all, in the eyes of modern people, this Xianbei is plain, and is also one of the components of the Huaxia clan.

But on the other hand, Jin Shangyu really didn't dare not keep his eyes on them, after all, his eldest brother Duan Pixi and them were still rivals!

Just as Jin Shangyu was thinking about it, the conversation in the account became more intense. And the masked man who was still in a weak position just now showed a cruel and decisive side.

"Murong Feiyu! I know you have ambitions to retaliate! But, you never want to benefit from this event!"

auzw.com"Oh, you finally said what you were saying! Good good! That day, the king handed over this great task to me. You shouldn’t have come, but you came in the end! Since you always think so, then you have to listen to my son! First, in this celestial contest, my Murong family must not lose; is this second, or that sentence, I am Murong Feiyu here. The one who has the most say! Of course, you, the supervising eldest lady, can also put forward your own opinions!"

"You, you are deceiving too much! Let's not discuss who is right and who is wrong, just that piece of land, do you want to say, or not!"

"Does this still need to be said? Of course it is!" At the end, Murong Feiyu also showed a weird smile.

After listening to Murong Feiyu's words, Jin Shangyu, who was hiding out of the account, was already out of anger.

"Mother, you are Murong Feiyu, really brave enough! At the beginning, if I hadn't let you go, your kid would have seen Yan Luo!" At a certain moment, I heard from Murong Feiyu Jin Shangyu. After such words, I was muttering to myself.

However, at this moment, the masked woman also slowly stood up. She was startled, and then said softly: "Good good! Murong Feiyu, since you and my goals are the same, then, Then please stop talking nonsense! Tell you the truth, I have already explored that land!"

"What, you, did you act on your own without telling me! Do you know he is very strong!"

"Yes, he is very strong! But he is only one person! Moreover, we don't have to fight him for life and death! At that time, as long as we successfully win the championship of the Celestial Tournament, that piece of land will be natural. That's ours! When the time comes, if the surname Jin doesn't want to leave, let's farm the land there!" At the end, the masked woman also laughed in a hoarse voice!

"Stinky lady! I dare to talk nonsense here. In that day, if I didn't want to beat a woman, you would have been a prisoner!" After feeling the changes in the mood of the two in the account, Jin Shangyu was also out of the account. Muttered to himself.

Here, Jin Shangyu was not lighted by the dialogue between the two, and the two in the account had no good weather. I saw that they blamed each other again.

In general, it seems that this Murong Feiyu stole the power of the masked man, but at least for the current Jin Shangyu, it is still difficult to understand.

"You, what you mean, I understand Murong Feiyu! In the future, I hope we can work together well and don't fight like this now! However, you wear a mask all day, should you take it off sometimes? It's gone! There is one thing spreading in our clan that whoever sees your face will get your rights! Of course, there will be more!"

"Murong Feiyu, you are looking for death!"

"I'm looking for death! What's wrong with me! I am the owner of the highest rights in the future clan! Don't I deserve to take a look at you!"

"Go! If you dare to say a word! I will kill it!"

"Okay, look at you, it's true, just kidding! How can you be serious! That, by the way, how did you deal with Jin Shangyu! I know his ability! Otherwise, neither It will be your turn to take the top spot!" Seeing his previous words, which completely angered the other party, Murong Feiyu also laughed, and then asked about it.

"Murong Feiyu, pay attention to your words in the future! However, you still guessed wrong! He is just a perceptive person, no big deal!"

"Strong perception! It's not right, it seems that his combat power value is also against the sky!"

"Guys! That's what you think!"

"Oh, I get it, maybe he just let you go because he fell in love with you!"

"Looking for death!" Seeing that Murong Feiyu said such words, the masked man suddenly violent, it was directly a loud and loud mouth!

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