I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2734: Jieren Camp (2)

Although such days seem to be a bit monotonous, it is nothing for this pair of young men and women. After all, Jin Shangyu's barbecue technique is quite unique.

"Come on, beauty, this piece of meat may be the best, eat it while it's hot!"

"Yes, it's really good! Hey, you, you seem to have some seasoning! It seems that you are ready to show off your craft long ago!"

"What are you talking about! In fact, whenever I go out, I always bring some seasonings. After all, these little things can play a big role! Just like now, I only eat barbecue without a bit of salt, and finally I can't eat it! Now it's different, there is I use Jin-style seasoning as an introduction, and we can still solve the food and clothing problem along the way!"

"Okay, you are well prepared! This girl remembers you!"

"No, I still remember my work, what's the use? I don't know what kind of reward you Miss Murong will give to this son!"

"What are you thinking about! I really think this girl will give you the reward of Mr. Jin! The beauty of thinking is just that! Don't take it seriously!" Murong Yuyan said with a smile at the moment.

Faced with such a bright northern beauty, Jin Shangyu wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

But he didn't know when there was an extra kettle in his hand.

"Well, I said beautiful women, let's stop bickering, do you have a bite too!"

"You, you just drank it! You are sure to let me have a sip!"

"Beauty, where we are now, you should know! To be honest, we only have a pot of this thing!"

"It's really only a pot! Forget it, pass it over! I was really thirsty after eating barbecue just now!" In fact, Murong Yuyan at the moment was also begging Jin to pass the kettle.

However, when Murong Yuyan took the kettle and took the first sip, the whole person also stood up directly.

"No, that, I said beauty, this, how can I stand up after drinking a little! Do you want to thank this young man! Don't worry, let's go on the road together, don't be so clear!"

"You, are you looking for a fight! You threw the jug over! You did it on purpose!"

"Don't, don't, it will really happen if you fight like this! If you really kill this young man, you will have to go on your way alone!"

"It's good to be killed! I lied to this girl to take a sip of liquor! Who do you really want to choke to death!"

"Yes! I'm afraid you are cold! Xingsi let you drink a sip to warm your body! Okay, if you can't drink it, then drink water!" Although Jin Shangyu received a powder punch at the moment, he could see Murong Yuyan still looked a little coughing, and then threw a kettle over again.

And this time, Murong Yuyan didn't drink it directly, but put the kettle under his nose and smelled it, and finally took a few sips slowly.

The bonfire was still creaking, and at this moment Murong Yuyan didn't say much, but quietly looked into the distance, as if thinking about something, as if just in a daze.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu was not idle, taking some firewood and adding it, and then using a dagger to break down the leftover roe deer meat. Even at the end, Jin did not forget to set up the small tent he carried with him.

The reason for this is because Jin Shangyu wants to roast the remaining meat as much as possible into dried meat, and then store it with him. After all, he didn't know if he could hit a suitable prey next time.

In this way, as the dark night slowly struck, Murong Yuyan also entered the small tent under the sign of Jin Shangyu.


At a certain moment, at the middle of the night, Jin Shangyu also completed his task. He had just collected the roasted jerky and called Murong Yuyan who was sleeping.

"Jin Shangyu, what are you doing, isn't it still light! Why do you want to wake me up!"

"No, that, beauty, it's time, we can go! After all, some things can only be done at midnight!"

"You, what do you mean! It's not that we are already very close to the Jieren camp!"

"It's not too much! It's only more than twenty miles! We'll go over and take a look in a while!" Jin Shangyu said solemnly while slowly closing the small tent.

Seeing that Jin Shangyu at this moment was very serious, Murong Yuyan didn't say much in the end.

After all, for her, Jin Shangyu's arrangement was right. After all, the latter has super perceptual ability.

In this way, even though Murong Yuyan was sleeping Zhengxiang, she also knew that business matters, so the two of them also embarked on the road to continue northbound after half an hour.

"Girl, this time we have to complete the beheading operation at night! Although we analyzed before that they will not be killed by us and run away! But as long as we carry out the assassination operation at night, they will have an illusion!"

"You, you mean, directly killed them in large numbers, making them mistakenly think that an assassination team is attacking them!"

"Beauty, you are right! What we have to do now is to kill as much as possible with the fastest body speed. Only by doing this, they will retreat in the face of difficulties!"

"Okay! This girl will fully cooperate with you! I just don't know what they are here for!"

"It's okay! Before attacking, I will know the real situation! Don't worry, this battle, we will win!" While talking, these two people also showed their full strength.

After a while, the mountains and ridges that were not far away were also shining with torches. Needless to say, I knew that there must be a large group of people stationed there.

"Jin Shangyu, you, your perception is really improved, and you can feel such a distance! And you may have known the location of the Jieren camp a long time ago!"

"No, that, I said girl, we are not talking about perception now, it is better to get closer!"

"Get closer! Even if this girl doesn't have any perception ability, I also know that they must have a secret whistle in front of them!"

"Of course there is! But, are we good at picking up secret whistles!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu also showed off his figure at the moment, and flew away in one direction.

In the next second, just as Murong Yuyan's figure fell, the two men in black had already fallen on the grass.

"You, you actually solved the trouble yourself! It seems that sometimes there is no way out for you to follow you on the road!"

"Okay, go ahead! After all, we will get into their camp sooner or later."

"Okay! Since you are so great, Lord Jin, this girl will follow you honestly in the next time! However, if you need Lord Jin, just speak up!"

"Beauty, this is what you said! Come and come, you can take a good trip with this son!" As they spoke, the pair of young men and women had already disappeared into the dark night.

The first reason why Jin Shangyu wanted to be as close as possible to the Jie Ren camp was that he wanted Murong Yuyan to listen to what the Jie Ren said, and the second reason was to better launch a thunderous blow.

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