I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2733: Jieren Camp (1)

Passing through the mountains and grasslands, at a certain moment, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan had already arrived in a relatively dense forest.

"Master Jin, you really improved your body speed! We left the horses down before, isn't it a bit too early? If we don't meet any Jie people camp, we must really rely on our own My feet!"

"Why, doesn't the girl believe your brother and me! Don't worry, we are all the closest way! If there is no Jieren camp, this son will carry you, the young lady, to the north!"

"You, you" Murong Yuyan at this moment did not know what to say after hearing what Jin said.

But no matter what, at this moment, Murong Yuyan still believes in Jin Shangyu. After all, by now, the person who knows Jin Shangyu best is really the first person.

This is not to say how Murong Yuyan understands Jin Shangyu's living habits. The most important thing she knows about Jin is in terms of comprehensive strength. For example, now Murong Yuyan can be sure that someone Jin will have a very powerful perception method!

Regarding this point, even Duan Yunyan and Ran Yuyi are not quite clear.

"Girl, you, do you have a lot to say now? In fact, we are also very familiar friends. Just say anything!"

"You, what do you mean! I don't want this girl to ask some taboo topics!"

"There is no taboo topic in this son! If nothing is wrong, let you, a beautiful lady, say something is wrong!"

"Good, good! This is what you said, Mr. Jin himself! Well, can you explain to this girl why you have a strong self-awareness! And this ability is still growing!"

"This, this, it turns out that this girl is asking this question! I'm sorry, no comment!" For a while, when Murong Yuyan's question just came out, Jin Shangyu also directly gave himself The answer is no comment.

"Mother, I thought I would ask something about the Jieren camp, so I asked about it! Even if you girl knows something, I can't directly tell the identity of the traverser, otherwise. But it's a miraculous event!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was a little bit shameless and didn't answer the other party's question directly, he also muttered to himself.

Maybe it was because of Jin Shangyu's mood swings and changes, maybe Murong Yuyan didn't even think that someone Jin would tell the truth, in short, when Jin Shangyu was slightly silent, she also spoke again.

"Jin Shangyu, this girl knows that this is your answer! Well, I won't mention this matter, you should talk about your action plan now! This, this is not without comment!"

"No, no! In fact, there are some things that I don't want to tell you, mainly because I can't tell them! Forget it, since the girl doesn't follow up, I won't tell you!

"What are you thinking! This girl wants to know your plan of action, what's the use of you still entangled in the previous things!"

"Good, good! In fact, my plan is very simple, that is to find their camp, and then do our best to destroy it!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at the moment also showed a very strong sense of confidence.

Faced with such Jin Shangyu, Murong Yuyan also knew in his heart, after all, Jin's hatred for the Jie Ren was understandable.

"Master Jin, your plan is good, but it looks a little simple! And there is a very real problem in it! I don't know if you, the master of the domain, have considered it!"

"Beauty! What's the problem! Why not speak out!"


"The real problem is that there may be thousands of people! And there are only two of us! Yes, Mr. Jin is very powerful, you can fight one against one hundred, but that's a thousand people!"

"This, this is a problem! However, there is really no other way! After all, it is not easy to find a helper now!" For a while, just as Murong Yuyan's words fell, Jin Shangyu was also in a dilemma.

After all, what Murong Yuyan said was really troublesome. If you want to completely destroy a thousand-man cavalry team, you can't do it with just two people.

In this way, because the two encountered a very realistic problem, their walking speed also slowly dropped!

"Girl, you, can you say this is okay!"

"how is it!"

"You and I will join forces to kill all their commanders, including the little commanders! I believe that by then, this team will inevitably disperse and flee!"

"Jin Shangyu, you are so innocent and cute! You kill a leader, and they will inevitably produce a new leader! Moreover, with the unity of the Jie people, how could they be frightened and fled by two people directly? There is also a special mission here, so how can I easily retreat!"

"That's right! It's not okay, it's not okay! Did we really meet them, just borrowed two horses and we passed!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at the moment also has some emotional changes.

After all, they came here without thinking about fighting a cavalry, so the current problem is also difficult to solve.

In this way, because there was no better way, and the twilight had already fallen, the two of them sat down in a sheltered place at the moment.

And Jin also quickly collected some firewood. After a while, the blazing bonfire also reflected the beautiful lady more sweetly.

"Well, I just walked around, and there is nothing good to eat, only this silly roe deer!"

"It's okay, with your Jin-style barbecue method, you can eat any meat!"

"Beauty, when did you become so gentle! It seems that sometimes, this person will change!"

"Jin Shangyu, what are you talking about! When has this girl no longer been gentle!"

"Also, look, still talking! From the day we met, you have been a super killer-level character! If it wasn't for this young man who was somewhat capable, you would have become your dead soul under the sword!"

"You, do you dare to turn over the old account! At that time, I was not going to participate in the Tianchao contest! Who told you to ruin our good deeds!" For a while, just as Jin Shangyu's words fell, he sat on the side of the bonfire Murong Yuyan said with some embarrassment.

In fact, what Jin Shangyu said was not false. When the two of them met, they were in a fight. At that time, Murong Yuyan was also wearing a mask and had a unique body style, which brought a lot of pressure to Jin Shangyu.

"Mother, this beauty's mind is really different! She may be silent at ordinary times, and she is really aggressive when she talks! Forget it, good men don't fight women! My son still continues to barbecue. Meat!" At a certain moment, when the conversation between the two was a little bit stiff, Jin was also thinking wildly in his heart.

In this way, because the two people’s dry food has already been given to the poor group, the only way to avoid being hungry at the moment is to hunt by oneself, and then Jin Shangyu will bake it to satisfy the hunger!

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