I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2725: Back to Jincheng again (26)

Jincheng’s early morning is still relatively fresh, not to mention the current climate is still good, even in the severe winter, because Wei Yu's urban construction level is relatively high, the entire Jincheng environment is still very particular.

Clean and tidy are its labels.

But for this morning, Jin Shangyu is still a little bit resistant, because someone's lazy sleep may be soaked by the arrival of one person.

"Brother Yu, you, you are quite active today! Didn't you get educated by Sister Jiufeng during a walk last night!"

"Beauty, don't guess randomly, this time there is something serious! Maybe the latest information from the north has come back!"

"It turns out to be like this! Then, let the girl get up too! Sister Yuyang is also true. She woke up so early, I'm afraid she hid in the small kitchen to study new dishes again!" At one point, Jin Shangyu was dressed neatly. When he went out slowly, Duan Yunyan stretched his waist lazily, muttering to himself from time to time.

On the other hand, General Moore, who was standing in the living room on the first floor, was very anxious. If it weren't for the place where he couldn't rush around, I'm afraid he would have searched for Prince Jin by himself.

"General Moore, you don't have to worry, I will let someone notify the son in a moment!"

"This, this, good! I will understand at last!"

"General Mori, it seems to be a very important thing! Or else, the old man will go upstairs and see!"

"Old Wen, no need, my son is here!" As he spoke, in fact, Jin Shangyu at the moment also slowly walked out of the stairs.

"At the end, Moore sees the lord!"

"General Mori has worked hard! Let's talk, is there new variables in the north!"

"Return to Lord Lord! According to the latest information, the Tuoba Xianbei Tribe is already in a precarious state!"

"Oh, there is such a thing! It seems that the Jie people are really acting this time! However, even if the Jie people send out a powerful army, it is difficult to defeat the Tuoba Bu in one fell swoop! Could it be they The internal struggles of the people have already surfaced!" At this moment, when Jin Shangyu heard Moore's report, he also slowly guessed.

And such an inference can be considered more accurate.

"The lord's guess is not too bad! It seems that Tuobaye has been suppressed!"

"What? Even he was taken down! Be more careful!"

"Don’t worry, Tuobaye has no life in danger for the time being, but he has lost his personal freedom! The reason why no one kills him is mainly because his status is more important. Maybe some people want to use him to contact some helpers. !"

"Okay! Okay! It's fine! It seems we should start to leave, otherwise, even if we rush past, there will be no good results! After all, the person we are most familiar with now is his stubbornness!" Jin Shangyu at the moment There was also a very strange smile.

In the following time, Jin Shangyu also listened to Moore's report in detail. About a quarter of an hour later, Moore also slowly withdrew from the Jin Mansion under Jin Shangyu's signal.

"Shang Yu, you, you want to start early!"

"No way! You always hear it, after all, it will be too late if you don't leave! It seems that in the early hours of today, Ling Yun has already led the troops out!"

auzw.com "Yes! It is estimated that Jin Cheng will be out now!"

"Well, now that he is gone, this son should also be on the road! Elder Wen, take care of the family affairs!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu at the moment actually returned to the third floor again.

This time, Jin Shangyu looked at the empty room, and he was also full of emotion!

"It's really embarrassing for them! I hope this is the last time, this time you will return, you will definitely accompany them! Alas, Tuoba Ye, Tuoba Ye, you are so smart, you have been calculated! Regardless, let's sort out your thoughts first!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was alone in the vacant room and his thoughts were flowing slowly, Jin's small kitchen became more and more lively.

"Yunyan, you're here too, then, isn't it just for him to be alone on the third floor!"

"Sister Jiufeng, nothing happened! Just now, General Moore came, maybe some new information appeared!"

"Oh, you mean Moore is here! This, this is one thing, if the old sister is not wrong, it should be a matter of the north! Moreover, I have a hunch that this kid may go north in advance! "

"Really! Then, that is too unimaginable! Think about it, this time Brother Yu hasn't stayed at home for long. Alas, I really don't know when it will be stable!" At a certain moment, In the small kitchen of Jin's mansion, the women were also talking quietly.

What they didn't know was that Jin Shangyu had already started the mode of entering Ding in his own room at this moment.

Because at this moment, he seemed to feel the strong changes in the future core. And he has to make himself stronger before going north. After all, when facing Li Yin, Jin always feels a little worried.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Jin Shangyu's thinking. After all, no matter how hard he worked over the years, he would let him escape very strangely whenever he was about to take that person.

Of course, Jin Shangyu can still be relieved of this, after all, the one who ran away was still in a weak position. This may also be the reason why Li Yin has not actively sought Jin Shangyu's troubles in recent years.

Here, the early morning hours in the Jin Mansion are still so lively, and the Jin Jun Operation Command Center at this moment has long been a very busy scene.

"General Ge, the army led by Ling Da has successfully marched north, and the first batch of Yuwen Wushuang's army food and grass have also been supplied!"

"Okay! That's it! Besides, I heard that General Moore went to Jin Mansion to report the latest information! I don't know when he will come here!"

"It should be soon!"

"Okay! After he comes back, you want him to come here soon!"

"The final commander!" After a brief conversation, a young general quickly withdrew from the combat command center.

At this moment, Ge Feng, Li Zhao and others are very worried.

"General Ge, don't worry! I believe this offensive northward will achieve good results! Of course, even if there are no specific results, there will be no major consequences!"

"Master Li, you don't know anything! This time, Lingyun commander led a hundred thousand army to attack Yuwen City, but it is impossible for us to take that big city at once. Not to mention that the defensive force there is very strong. The higher-ups will not sit back and watch!"

"What the old general said is true! But this time, you still forgot someone!"

"Oh, you, you mean girl Murong Yuyan! That's right, with the special relationship between the lord and the Murong Xianbei tribe, it is possible for them to send troops together! But it also depends on the lord's true combat intentions! If you really want to take down Yuwen City, it is estimated that even if the Murong Department does not want to send troops, it will not work; on the contrary, at most it is deterrence on the momentum!" While talking, these two people are also you, and I chatted.

The reason why they are very anxious now is because from the bottom of their hearts, Li Zhao and Ge Feng still disagree with Jin Shangyu personally going north. After all, the Lord Jin Cheng’s personal insurance is not very acceptable. .

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