I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2724: Return to Jincheng again (25)

The night was filled, and the lights were on, but everyone in the small living room of Jin's Mansion had their ears pricked. Nothing else, because at the moment they are listening to Jin Shangyu's narration, or the action plan for the next stage.

"Old Wen, Shang Yu knows that you must have received some news. Actually, we don't need to think about it. We are really going to send troops to Yuwen City! Of course, what you want to know most is my action plan!"

"Shang Yu, I know why we are in a hurry! The obvious thing, your return time is too short! The last trip to the desert took a few months, and now I have to go north again, I don’t know how many days it will take. You can come back!"

"What, Brother Yu really wants to go north!"

"Yuyang, there are some things that I still have to listen to Shang Yu himself! After all, it is already a troubled autumn. Even if we can find temporary comfort here, it will be short-lived!" At a certain moment, just after Wen Shuo said As it fell, Ran Yuyi also muttered to himself unconsciously.

Of course, at this moment, Zhen Jiufeng, who was sitting next to her, reminded him in a timely manner.

Faced with such an embarrassing scene, Jin Shangyu had no other choice but to tell the truth.

"Everyone, you don't actually say it, I want to say it too! This action really requires me to take action! After all, Yuwen City is not an ordinary place, it has been run by Li Yin for a long time, and the Yuwen tribe Some people also depend on him!"

"Shang Yu, you, you don't have to explain too clearly. Just tell your plan. After all, this is Jin's mansion, not studying military issues!"

"That's right! Actually, what the old lady taught is that I have talked too much! Let me put it briefly, it is estimated that in three or two days, this young man will go northward, and the target area is Yuwen City. Periphery!"

"Big Brother, no matter where you go, you must do more to protect yourself! Mayfair wishes Big Brother a safe return soon!"

"Girl, your brother, I haven't left yet! Let's talk about it, haven't you said it, it's still two days away!"

"Brother Yu, you, since you are going north, can you bring this girl this time!" While talking, Duan Yunyan also hurriedly asked.

Faced with the different responses of the girls, Jin was also anxious, but anyway, his resistance is still much smaller now.

"Yunyan, brother understands your thoughts! But Yuwen City is too far from Duanbu, and this time it's a chaotic battle!"

"You, you are afraid that this girl will drag you back!"

"Well, Yunyan, Shang Yu is telling the truth! Obedient, this time, when he returns, he will definitely take you to Duanbu! In other words, when the army triumphs, it will not be too late for you to join him. !"

"This, this, today is to give the face of Jiufeng sister, okay, I, I will not go!" Although she is very reluctant, but after thinking about it, even she herself knows that Jin Shangyu's trip is not a sightseeing tour. , The dangers in it are not something ordinary people can predict.

After a few words to appease Duan Yunyan, Jin Shangyu also continued: "In fact, this military action is extremely important! It may also be the biggest offensive initiated by Jin Jun in these years!"

"This is true. Before you sent General Xiao Wudi to fight with the royal family. Although the battle lasted a thousand times, you eventually extended the territory of the Huayu to the coast of the East China Sea! But after all, it was a passive attack! But this time it’s different. We are actively attacking Yuwen City!"

"Old Wen, you are so right! You all know that Li Yin and I are big enemies that don't share the same sky! But don't think about being crooked, this time fighting Yuwen City is really not a private revenge!"

"Smelly boy, all right, I'm not allowed to talk about military operations! Let's talk about who is going to take with me this time, after all, Li Yin's men are not fuel-efficient lamps."

auzw.com"Sister, in fact, I actually plan not to bring anyone this time! After all, the environment there is quite special! As you said before, if it doesn’t work, let Nanling Qi Come out and help! As for the shadows, there are still many things that haven't been done around Jin Cheng!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at this moment actually also simply stated his personal travel plan.

In the following time, the reaction of the women was almost the same. After all, Jin Shangyu's return from the desert was too short, and it was even short as if he had not returned.

"Well, I know your thoughts, Zhen Jiufeng! But we can't help choosing this kind of thing! If Shang Yu doesn't go, we have to send Shadow and the others to take action. You know, our opponent is very cunning!"

"Sister, even you said that Li Yin is cunning and cruel, so why let the son go!"

"Lvzhu, you rarely speak, this time it is good to be able to say what you are thinking of yourself! But you should know that in the current crowd, I am afraid that no one is more suitable for this candidate than Shang Yu. !"

"What my sister said! Luzhu's thinking is simple!" Although she knew what she said and wouldn't change the facts in front of her, the Lvzhu girl was still a little worried at this moment.

In this way, as Jin Shangyu revealed his plan to go north, the atmosphere in the small living room of Jin's house became tense.

But no matter how nervous he was, it was calm in the end.

At a certain moment, just after Jin Shangyu explained one by one again and assured him that there would be no incident, the small meeting in Jin's mansion could be regarded as closed.

When the psychedelic night became deeper and deeper, Jin Shangyu was already lying on his big bed with a hug.

"Brother Yu, you, you must return safely!"

"Girl, I've told you so many times, that nothing will happen! Besides, isn't it two days to leave!"

"Brother Yu, Yunyan's worries are not unreasonable! After all, your opponent is Li Yin! And the relationship between the Huns and the Jie people is very close!"

"Well, two beauties, why don't you trust your man! Don't worry, no one can hurt Jin in this world!" Although his mouth was very relaxed, Jin Shangyu was at this moment. I also felt the worry of the second daughter.

When feeling moved, Jin Shangyu's hands clasped her two daughters tightly again.

The long night is warm and affectionate, but in front of young lovers, everything goes too fast.

The next morning, when the small kitchen in Jin's Mansion was still very lively, people outside Jin's Mansion came to visit.

The person here is not someone else, but General Moore who specializes in collecting intelligence.

"Old Wen is here, please be respected by Moore!"

"So it was General Moore! Why did you come here early in the morning!"

"Old Wen, the final general has just received the latest northern intelligence, and wants to report directly to the lord!"

"So that's it! Come on! Come on! I don't know if Shang Yu is up!" At one point, when General Moore followed Wen Shuo and entered the courtyard of Jin's mansion, Jin Shangyu felt it too. The arrival of the latter.

"Mother, you girl, you came here to report so early, it seems that the situation in the north is about to change a lot! Forget it, you can get up if you don't want to get up!" After sensing Moore's arrival, Jin also Reluctantly got up from the big bed.

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