I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2714: Back to Jincheng (15)

Speaking of which, this scenic line is also a primitive grove that Jin Shangyu deliberately left behind. Not to mention the intersecting shadows of the trees here, it is beautiful and magnificent. Even the small river passing through the woods is also impressive. Being in nature, the feeling of peace in the heart.

"Lvzhu, it is not easy for you to talk about these years. Not only do you have to face tremendous psychological pressure, but there are also substantial threats!"

"Sister Yuyan, it seems that the son and you are already very good friends! Otherwise, how would you know about me!"

"This, this, it's not like this, it's just that I am willing to gossip! Of course, is this to learn more about you? It must be harmless!"

"My sister was joking, how can you be malicious! In other words, my background is a joke, and it is a rare thing in the world to be bought as an object in Jingu Garden!"

"Well, Luzhu, don't mention those bitter memories anymore! Isn't it great now! Not only can you talk to the sisters about world affairs, but also the admiration of Lord Jin!" Murong Yuyan also showed a smile that is not easy to detect.

At this moment, the Lvzhu girl hadn't noticed the subtle changes of the other party, after all, his thoughts were still in the background of his suffering.

In this way, because the two had to talk together last night, they also became good friends. Even the conversation between each other is relaxed a lot.

"Sister Yu Yan, don't always ask me about my past, you can't talk about you! Besides, as a woman, Lu Zhu can see that you must be yours!"

"Girl, can't you talk nonsense! I am different from you! He is the lord of Huayu, and I am the person of Murong Xianbei in the north! You should understand what I mean!"

"Sister Yuyan, even if you are not from Huayu, we can see that the son takes you very seriously, otherwise we would not treat Murong Xianbei as his own person!"

"Well, girl, don't mention me, let's talk about Jin's mansion! Why didn't you see Bier this time!"

"Sister, you mean Sister Hubi'er! She rarely comes back now, maybe she has to accompany Feng Luoyun more!" At the end, Lvzhu was still wanting to talk.

After discovering that Lu Zhu's mood had changed, Murong Yuyan didn't ask any more questions, but quietly held the other's Qianqianyu hands, enjoying this wonderful time in Jin Chengzhi.

Here, two beauties are walking along the banks of the woodland creek, but Jin Shangyu at this moment is full of meaning, as if this is the real country of happiness.

"Brother Yu, you, you can't get up yet!"

"Get up, why do you want to get up! Come on, beauty, let brother kiss one more!"

"Brother Yu, my eldest son Jin! If we don't get up again, we will be talked nonsense!"

"What are you afraid of! My son is joking with his own woman, what will they say! Besides, let them say what they want to say! Yuyao, say yes!"

"Not at all! Anyway, I'm going to the small kitchen to help! I guess sister Jiufeng has been busy for a long time now! It's Brother Yu, shouldn't it be time to get up and see everyone!" During the conversation, Ran Yuyang is already Packed up, slowly walked down the third floor.

Seeing Ran Yuyang walking away slowly, Jin also wanted to say something but stopped. After all, what they said was reasonable. Even if someone wants to stay warm for a while, it must take care of everyone's emotions.

"Why, is it a little disappointment!"

"Hahaha, this son will not be disappointed! After all, isn't there another beauty here?"

"Yes, this eldest lady didn't say anything!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu showed a very strange smile, Duan Yunyan also regretted what he had just said.


Here, on the third floor, Mr. Jin wants to stay with his beloved girl for a while, and the small kitchen of Jin’s mansion is also very lively.

"Come on, oil, take that pure vegetable oil!"

"Good! Sister Jiufeng, what else do I need!"

"Um, you can do everything else, add two spoons of water to this pot every quarter of an hour!"

"Understood! Well, it seems that someone is here again!" While talking, Jin Feier also saw a beautiful shadow slowly entering the small kitchen.

"Yuyi, what are you girl doing here! Hurry up, go back!"

"Sister Jiufeng, you, aren't you busy here too! Besides, Fei'er can be here, why can't Yuyu help you!"

"This, this, forget it, it's all here, that guy is not up!"

"It doesn't seem to be right!"

"It seems to be! It seems that the bed-laying mode is turned on again!" While fiddling with the green vegetables in front of him, Zhen Jiufeng slowly communicated with Ran Yuyi.

In this way, because of the arrival of Ran Yuyi and the fact that there are many girls busy here, it also adds a lot of liveliness to this place.

At this moment, the old man Wen Shuo was very busy, not only had to inspect the entire palace, but also had to arrange manpower to start a new day.

"Old Wen, our mansion is actually a bit small! After all, our son is a real big man! If he really takes that step in the future, he will have to build a bigger pavilion!"

"That's right! Others don't know, don't we know! The son is the most hopeful one to take the Imperial City right now!"

"What are you two talking nonsense! I don't know what you should do or what you shouldn't say! Like this kind of thing, you just listen to the rumors, and you dare to say it yourself! I really don't know the four words of military orders. !"

"This, this, do we also listen to others! We have to do it, we are wrong! Come, come and work!" At this moment, when several Fuzhong handymen saw Wen Shuo's sudden release The anger is also very scared.

"Old Wen, in fact, they are just talking about it! Why are you so angry!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Luo Yun, you, why did you come here early in the morning! No, there is also a girl like Bi'er, come, come and sit inside!"

"Well, Bier won't sit down, talk to you, I'll go to the small kitchen for a trip!"

"This girl, okay, you go, Jiufeng and the others are there too!" While greeted casually, Wen Shuo took Feng Luoyun and walked slowly in the courtyard of the Jin Mansion.

"Old Wen, listening to what you just said, it seems that you are very sensitive to the topics they mentioned!"

"Master Luo Yun, you, you are Shang Yu's good brother, you should understand his character! Although our current power is already strong enough, even the surrounding parties are afraid of it! But, but we still forgot One thing, that is Shang Yu's nature, he is too kind, and even said that he is not like a person in this world at all!"

"Yes! Luo Yun doesn't know the truth! But since this year, there have been many rumors among the common people! I believe this kind of thing will be heard in his ears sooner or later!"

"So we can't talk about things now! Forget it, let's not talk about such serious topics, let's talk about how you two came here so early!" Although I want to say a few more words, I change my mind. In the end, Wen Shuo changed a relatively lighter topic.

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