I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2713: Back to Jincheng again (14)

In Jin's mansion, apart from the old man Wen Shuo who was still wandering around in the small courtyard, the candlelight on the third floor was still flashing. At this moment, Jin is very happy because he has two beautiful women with him.

"Brother Yu, there is one more thing, we want to know your true thoughts!"

"What's the matter! Come and listen!"

"In fact, it's not a big deal, maybe you have a plan already in your mind!"

"Sister Yuyi, can you just tell me! In fact, it's whether you, Mr. Jin, will capture the imperial capital and become a great leader! After all, there are many rumors about this matter in the people!"

"Mother, you damn, no! I just want to live in peace, why is it so difficult! What kind of imperial capital is still attacking, what kind of bird emperor! No, I can't let this kind of thing continue to ferment Go down! No wonder Li Zhao and Ge Feng are going out of the city to greet them! It turns out that they have already thought of something in their hearts!" At a certain moment, when Duan Yunyan's voice just fell, Jin Shangyu was also thinking and responding quickly in his heart. Of the policy.

After all, such a thing is really something Jin does not want to see.

"Brother Yu, don't you, don't you be excited! After all, it's just some rumors! No one has said anything directly! Of course, we also listened to others!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Jin, you are really quick enough! Don't worry, even if you become the emperor, we will not abandon you!"

"Beauty, what is this? Stop and stop, this kind of thinking must not be possible! Otherwise, I will not be the master of this Huayu now!"

"Well, Brother Yu, just as Sister Yunyan said, it's just a rumor! It's just that we don't want to hide it from you!" This time, seeing such a big emotional change in his beloved man, Ran Yuyi also slowly Said.

Maybe it was Ran Yuyong's words that played a role. Maybe Jin had figured out something. In short, at this moment, Jin Shangyu finally returned to his original mood.

"Well, I was a bit gaffe just now! The main reason is that I didn't expect such rumors to come out! No matter, let's pass it, the final decision is still in my own hands! Actually, what I want to listen to is yours idea!"

"Brother Yu, do you mean us or Jin Jun's soldiers!"

"All in!"

"It's very simple. Our sisters are naturally based on you. No matter who you are, even if you go to the wild forest in the mountains, we will go with you! As for others, Yuyi really doesn't know how to say it. !"

"What Sister Yuyi said is that Yunyan thinks the same way! However, Yunyan can feel that everyone's mentality is slowly changing! As for what kind of change, it is really unclear!"

"It turned out to be like this, thank you! Don't worry, I know what to do! Of course, Li Zhao, Ge Feng and their ideas are also normal people's ideas. If this son criticizes directly, it will hurt people's hearts! Hard!" At a certain moment, after Duan Yunyan uttered his thoughts, after a long sigh, Jin Shangyu also gently embraced the two daughters in his arms.

And time slipped by in such embarrassment.

A night of warmth, I won’t say more about it. When the next morning arrives, Jin’s happy hour will continue.

"Jiufeng, you, you have to cook by yourself! Isn't it a bit bad!"

"Brother Wen, you, you still think too much. I am an ordinary person, even an ordinary person who wants to cook a few meals for his brother!"

"Jiufeng! Why are you so troublesome! Thinking about it, you also have a high status in Shang Yu's heart! If that's the case, why bother yourself! After all, are you still you!"

"Brother Wen, what you said is true, but now I have changed, and I don’t have the sharpness I had before! I believe you can all feel it, so please treat me as an ordinary person from the bottom of my heart! "While speaking, Zhen Jiufeng at this moment is also slowly walking towards the small kitchen of Jin's house.

Looking at the middle-aged beautiful woman going away, Wen Shuo at this moment is also full of emotions. After all, this is the former queen Jia Nanfeng, let alone let her cook, even if she raises her feet and waves her hands. Need a lot of calls!


"Mayfair met Old Wen!"

"Oh, it's not bright yet, why are you in a hurry! Didn't you sleep well last night!"

"No, no! How can I not sleep well! I just want to get up early to help or something!"

"It seems you knew Jiufeng would get up early and cook!"

"Forget it! It's just that we don't want to come over and disturb Sister Jiufeng, but we are afraid that he will not be too busy alone! So just" At the end, Jin Feier was still talking.

At this moment, Wen Shuo, the chief steward of Jin Mansion, was very understanding, and did not ask anything, just nodded gently, which was regarded as a response.

Watching Jin Feier's departure, Wen Shuo was also thoughtful, after all, the latter's identity was quite special.

Because the people in this mansion are people who are more or less related to Jin Shangyu. For example, Zhen Jiufeng, it is Jin Shangyu who sacrificed herself to take it back from the **** of death; while the Lvzhu girl is the famous mistress of the Golden Valley Garden. If it were not for Jin Shangyu's rescue, I am afraid this woman would have become another person. By the time Jin Feier's life experience was rather miserable, not only was she sold into the Golden Valley Garden and received inhumane training since she was a child, but she also faced the danger of being killed at any time.

But in any case, Jin Feier, a girl from Jinguyuan, still has a little inferiority!

"Lv Zhu has seen Lao Wen!"

"Oh, isn't this the Lvzhu girl! Why, you got up so early, didn't you think of the small kitchen for help too!"

"That's not it! The main reason is to remember to walk! After all, Girl Murong doesn't come here often!"

"Yu Yan has seen Lao Wen!"

"Say it, so you two want to go together! That's right, come out early in the morning to get some fresh air! Good thing! Old man, I have something to do, so just take a walk by yourself!"

"Yes! Old Wen go slowly!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan and Lu Zhu watched Wen Shuo leave, these two people are also rare to leave the gate of Jin Mansion.

"Lvzhu, you, where are you taking me! There won't be any good sights waiting for me!"

"Miss Murong, I don't know who we are when we are older. No matter if you are so capable, I will call you sister!"

"This, this is not good!"

"It's okay! After all, are we good sisters! Sister Yu Yan, you, haven't you taken a break?" After a little pause, the Lvzhu girl also said slowly.

Faced with such a Lvzhu girl, Murong Yuyan also smiled slightly, and then stretched out his hand to take the other's arm.

In this way, the two beauties had disappeared in a small forest outside the Jin mansion.

"Sister Yuyan, you said this forest is not beautiful!"

"Lvzhu, you are the legendary first beauty of the Jin Dynasty! Why do you want to ask Lin Zimei if it is beautiful? If you listen to it as a man, you will naturally say that you are the beauty of Lvzhu better!"

"Sister Yuyan, even you have to make fun of the girl, then, the girl really doesn't know how to live in the future!"

"Okay, is it just teasing you! Our sisters don't need to be like that! This is indeed an alternative landscape! Is there any scenery with forest and water!" As he spoke, Murong Yuyan at the moment also reached out and stroked the green leaves and red flowers around him .

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