I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2671: Liu Haifeng's choice!

Faced with a situation that is not conducive to them, Liu Haifeng, the general of the Huns at this moment, still chose to continue chasing Jin Jun. Perhaps in his opinion, only truly defeating Jin Jun and gaining treasure is their greatest victory.

Of course, Liu Haiyun was still a little puzzled about his elder brother's decision, and even said he strongly opposed it.

"Big brother, you, if you do this, I am afraid you will encounter unnecessary losses! Now the big things are before our eyes! To put it bluntly, he can retreat, why can't we retreat! Even if it is tracked down from above, He also calls the old ghost against him!"

"Second, you don’t know, this time the situation is too serious! You must know that the treasure in Jin Jun’s hands is not a small amount! Don’t persuade brother anymore. If you don’t get the treasure this time, you will definitely Will not retire!"

"Big Brother"

"Don't talk about it again! Talk about it again, no matter who it is, military law will do it!"

"This, this! Forget it, let's follow the words of the big brother, but you have to plan for the worst!"

"Second, what are you doing tonight, why are you against me everywhere! If you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame me for not thinking about brotherhood!" At a certain moment, when Liu Haiyun was still a little unconvinced, As the commanding general, Liu Haifeng also showed a very serious expression.

This time, Liu Haiyun stopped speaking. After all, he knew better what kind of temper his brother had.

In this way, because Liu Haifeng had already made the decision to continue chasing Jin Jun, with the transmission of orders, the entire Huns cavalry team also launched a powerful pursuit against the distant Jin Jun.

It's just that what they didn't expect this time was that the strong men in black had already been waiting on their way forward.

"Mother, you bastard, fortunately, you Liu Haifeng, you have suffered so much, and you want to continue to fight against Laozi! That's all, if that's the case, let you try Jin Jun's secret tricks! Brother, you can let go for a fight this time! As for this young man, you are not in a hurry to shoot, who told you that Liu Haifeng is not qualified enough!" Just sneaking on the side of Liu Haifeng's army, Jin Shangyu sensed the opponent's action plan.

However, this time, Jin Shangyu did not directly send to Thunder assassination method, but wanted to let Liu Haifeng know what would happen next.

Here, Jin Shangyu is still feeling the unpredictable changes in the world, but at this moment, Yi Jianzi and others are showing a very strange smile.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, that Hu Mietian led his army to retreat, and his Liu Haifeng still wants to kill him! Several people, now is the time for us to show off!"

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Brother Yi, none of their little generals can run away! As long as we kill their leader, I believe that no matter how many sergeants, they will become no owners! "

"Well, well, everyone should pay attention to protect themselves, after all, they are also powerful cavalry sergeants!"

"Don't worry! Let's go!" After a brief conversation, dozens of figures flew forward quickly in a not-so-dense woodland.

At this moment, Liu Haifeng also became more excited. Because his desire for the baby has long been exposed!

"Second, why don't you talk anymore! Is the shoulder injury more serious? If you can't cooperate with the army, you can return by yourself! Don't worry, I won't think about your brother!

"Big brother, although my injury can't fight anymore, I still have the power to protect myself! However, my younger brother still wants to say a few more words!"


"Alright, don't say anything, I know what you want to say! But you should keep those words in your heart! You can wait until I get the treasure!"

"Big brother, you, why don't you listen to my brother's persuasion! You know, Jin Jun may have undergone major internal changes now, otherwise why should Hu Mietian lead his troops to retreat! He didn't want to give you the fruits of victory! !" Although he knew that his own words might not be able to work, Liu Haiyun was still nagging at this moment.

At this moment, Liu Haifeng seemed to be in a relatively calm mood, as if the words of his brother around him could not shake his heart of action.

"Report, report to the general! The big thing is not good! This time it has suffered a heavy loss!"

"What's the matter! Don't panic! Come here soon, do you want Ben to cut your head!"

"If you go back to the general, just now, our forward lieutenant was killed! And, at the same time, two other lieutenants were killed!"

"What! Such a thing can happen! How is this possible! Did Jin Jun send a master over!"

"Big Brother, isn't this something obvious? People are warning you! If you don't retreat, I'm afraid these generals will not be killed or injured!" For a while, seeing that a new situation has occurred, Liu Haiyun at this moment is also doing it again. Stepped forward to persuade.

What he didn't expect was that his brother, even in such an unfavorable situation, eventually chose to continue to pursue Jin Jun's action plan.

In this way, as time slipped little by little, the Huns' army also got closer to Jin Jun's mixed team.

However, for them, fast forward is not without price, and the biggest price is that there are fewer and fewer people in the Xiongnu army!

How could this situation not make Liu Haifeng anxious.

"You, you guys, don't pass the order of this general! From now on, no one can have an intersection with Jin Jun! As long as you see it, you can just kill it! Besides, don't they often send dark hands to harass Second, you, it's time for you to attack!"

"Big brother, it's not that you don't know, the younger brother is injured now, not to mention the loss of more than half of the combat effectiveness, even if it is against the weaker strong, it is not sure to win!"

"You, you don't have any means to summon the blood guard! You know, if the blood guard comes out to help, our chances of winning will be great!"

"Big brother, can we stop being naive! We can summon the blood guard at will! To tell the truth, although the two previous blood guards were called out by the younger brother, they were in the Tianyuan restricted area. As long as things are arranged, I just called out for help!"

"That's it! So, are you a blood guard now! Or you are a fake blood guard from beginning to end! If this is the result, your ending will be very tragic!" Hear your brother's words clearly Later, Liu Haifeng was also angry.

After all, his own little generals fell one by one, and he hadn't had a good way to deal with it, this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Faced with the upsurge of anger from his own brother, Liu Haiyun at this moment, even if he wanted to come forward and explain a few words, before the reins of the warhorse hadn't been pulled up, he had a retreat in his heart.

However, at this moment, the cataclysm happened again in vain.

But at this moment, although the Huns continue to maintain an extremely fast marching speed, major changes have occurred within them.

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