I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2670: The crisis remains!

The dark night has fallen, and the distant twilight is no longer looking back, only the endless chaos continues

Of course, as time slipped by, the pressure Jin Jun faced was also greatly reduced. But one thing, everyone knows, that is, the crisis of Jin Jun's mixed team still exists.

"Mother, since Hu Mietian led the army to retreat, then Lao Tzu should teach Liu Haifeng now, who told him that he was still chasing after him!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu forced the Hun general to retreat after Hu Mietian, He quickly rushed towards Liu Haifeng's location.

Besides, at this moment, Mo Jingtian and others, because of Murong Yuyan's message, can also retreat eastward with peace of mind.

"Miss Murong, I don't know when the lord can come over and meet!"

"This, this, it's hard to say, Xiao Wanyu, you can tell, when will he catch up with us!"

"Sister, can't you be my sister! I really don't know my brother!"

"You, don't talk nonsense! There are some things, but Mr. Jin has said very clearly!"

"Well, let's put it this way, there is really no news from him now! After all, my perception ability is sometimes not available!"

"Well, since this is the case, we have to continue eastward! After all, we are safe, so he can safely follow up! Otherwise, facing a strong enemy, he will fight with all his strength with the lord's temper!" In fact, Mo Jingtian at the moment also showed the current situation.

However, just as the conversation between the few people just fell, the figure of the old man Duanbu also moved from far to near.

"Well, it's Duan Lao, hurry, go over and see!"

"Yes, yes, Duan should have news of Uncle Yu!" Before Mo Jingtian had any action, Murong Yuyan and Zhang Wanyu had already quickly arrived in front of the old Duan.

"It seems that we have temporarily jumped out of their trapping circle! But the danger still exists!"

"That, Duan Lao, did you come from the Huns!"

"Miss Murong, I know you are worried about Shang Yu's safety! Although the old man did not see him, judging from the current situation, this kid must be fine, and he has done a big thing!"

"Lao Duan, just speak directly!"

"Good, good! Actually, the reason why I came back is because one of the main Huns has already retreated!" At the end, the old man also showed a gratified smile.

After all, in the past period of time, the repeated battles have made people feel very uneasy, or it is difficult to be happy.

After hearing such news, Murong Yuyan didn't rush to say anything, just thinking about something alone.

Mo Jingtian, who rushed over afterwards, said in surprise, "Brother Duan, you mean that there is only one Huns cavalry team behind us!"

"Jiantian, you are right, it is one, and this one will probably also face our dark hands! Because now Yi Jianzi and others are probably implementing their own assassination plan! Even the Xiongnu The army is still chasing us, but their speed is no longer as fast as before!"

"It turns out to be like this! It seems that this time I am not really shocked, thank you all! If you hadn't killed the Quartet with them, I'm afraid we would have been besieged and killed!"

auzw.com "Okay, Shocking brother, don't think about it, after all, are we a team! Let's go, the news has been passed, I still want to go over and move my bones!" For a moment, just when Mo Jingtian wanted to say a few more words, the other party was already spreading out and rushing towards the gloomy mountains.

"This, this, now it seems that the lord's ability is really big enough! He can actually force Hu Mietian back! You know, that old guy is a victorious general who has commanded troops for many years!"

"General Mo, don't think too much about it, let's hurry up! I believe Mr. Duan and the others will make the Huns uncomfortable!"

"Fine, although the general also wanted to go to a battle, it is really not the time now! Let's go!" Feeling Murong Yuyan's concern, Mo Jingtian didn't say much.

Here, the Jin Jun mixed team led by Mo Jingtian is still moving forward quickly. But at the moment in the unnamed woodland, there was one person who was very embarrassed, not only because of the pain that caused his facial expressions to be distorted, but even his mouth was not idle.

"Grey slave, you **** fellow! You actually hurt Lao Tzu, you are really damned! No, I must make even more powerful venom this time! No, it seems that Hu Mietian is something wrong! Why? Facing the attack of the two blood guards, he looked complacent! This, what the **** is going on!" While muttering to himself, a middle-aged man also slowly ran away in one direction.

This person is no one else, but the second general Liu Haiyun who was pierced through the shoulder blade by the gray-clothed old man. And he also escaped with the weird nature and invisible murderous venom.

After a few breaths, before the horse of the Xiongnu commanding general Liu Haifeng, Liu Haiyun also appeared.

Seeing his brother finally appeared, Liu Haifeng was also very excited. After all, since the twilight descended, he had already guessed that it must have been a restless night here!

"Haiyun, you are finally back! What happened!"

"Big brother, you, don't you know! Then, that old fellow's domestic slave is actually very powerful! My shoulder injury is thanks to him!"

"You are injured! Isn't it poisonous!"

"Big brother, you forgot, brother, I am the master at poisoning! Don't worry, it's just an ordinary sword wound, but this time we may encounter a strong enemy!"

"What do you mean!" For a while, hearing Liu Haiyun say this, the Xiongnu commander general Liu Haifeng also showed a very worried look.

In the following time, Liu Haiyun also recounted what had happened before, especially when he was embarrassingly escaping, he still felt a different Hu Mietian.

"Haiyun, you mean that Hu Mietian may have some methods we don't know!"

"Exactly! And I still have a feeling that the two blood guards who attacked Hu Mietian will not come back!"

"Won't come back! Don't the two blood guards even have the ability to protect themselves! This, how is this possible! Don't think about it! The urgent matter, we still have to increase our pursuit! I don't know what is going on, now Jin Jun actually ran a long way!"

"Report to the General, it's not OK, call, call the general retired!" At a certain moment, when Liu Haifeng didn't believe his brother's speculation, a sergeant came to the front quickly.

"Speak slowly! What happened!"

"If you go back to the general! Just now, we got reliable news that the general has already led the army back into Fenshaling!"

"What, he actually withdrew! How could this be possible! Didn't he give a death order from above! Why did he have to withdraw by himself!"

"Big brother, don't be anxious! From my younger brother's point of view, there must be a big incident, otherwise why would he send out the baby he got in his hands! Or, let's think about it?"

"No, even if he leaves, we still have 20,000 soldiers and horses, and we can still win Jin Jun! We pass the command of this general and the whole army will give up everything! This general will not believe it, and little Jin Jun can escape us. In the palm of your hand!" For a while, when the commanding general Liu Haifeng knew the current situation, he also made up his mind again, that is, continue to pursue Jin Jun!

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