I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2636: Weird Sand Ridge (33)

On the Fenshaling Ridge, Jin Shangyu had decided to make a few moves with the Huns' Blood Guard, but after the conversation just now, Jin also felt the strangeness of the other party.

But at this moment, a slightly vicissitudes of primitive voice echoed in the ancient forest.

"Hahaha, you, you kid, now you know how great the deity is! Death is what, in fact, the most terrible thing is that you don’t necessarily die directly if you want to die! Of course, you will experience long-term pain Die afterwards! And this is what our blood guards must do!"

"You, are you sure this son will die here!"

"Of course, this is inevitable! In fact, one of the goals of our Blood Guard is to make the enemy unable to live or die! Hahaha..."

"Really, then you are really a good person! In fact, this son also has a habit, that is, he is willing to deal with old guys! You, do you know why this is!"


"Because the old guy does not die now, he will die in a few years, and dealing with such people will make this young man more confident!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at the moment also showed a look of disdain.

In the face of Jin Shangyu like this, the Huns' Blood Guard lurking in the ancient forest didn't say much, but was launching a formation.

For a while, by Jin Shangyu's side, it seemed that every ancient tree was moving fast, and the bright colors in the sky became less and less.

"Mother, no, can this guy also tie Tianjun's formations! It is too dangerous. If someone else enters this formation, it will be strange if you don't die!" After a little bit of perception, Jin Shangyu also understood What is the so-called heaven and earth net in the other party's mouth.

After seeing the mystery of the opponent's formation, Jin Shangyu did not rush to break the formation, but stood quietly in the ancient woods.

There, Jin Shangyu could see the shadows of dozens of ancient trees moving fast. If they were not confident in their hearts, ordinary people would feel dizzy and even lose their minds as soon as they entered here.

Looking up, the color of the sky before has become extremely dim, and a terrifying sound echoed in his ears.

"Hahaha, little guy, are you really interesting! You can stand in the formation without being affected at all! It seems that your heart is very strong! It's just that you think you can rely on your own powerful mind I'm afraid it's a bit naive to break the old man's big formation! The most mysterious thing about the old man's big formation is that he can attack at any time!"

"Oh, you, you old man is really amazing! You can cultivate this kind of offensive and defensive formation! It's just a pity!"

"What a pity! You kid, come on! If you slow down, I'm afraid you will regret it in hell!"

"It's a pity that this kind of formation will also be flat! After all, without the people who set up the formation, no matter how good the formation is, it is useless!" At the end, Jin Shangyu at this moment also slowly opened his slightly closed eyes.

In the face of such Jin Shangyu, the thin old man laughed a few times and stopped speaking.

However, at this moment, Jin Shangyu clearly felt that the Great Array had undergone tremendous changes.

Just now, the shadow of the tree was continuous, and the sky was dim, but in a blink of an eye, hundreds of flying needles flew from all directions!


"Mother, you girl, you can do whatever you are afraid of! It turned out to be such an indiscriminate flying needle attack! No, I can't be careless, otherwise the consequences will be hard to predict!" I felt a little bit, Jin Shangyu found that he was already in a continuous flying needle formation.

Here, Jin Shangyu is ready to launch her body technique to fight against the ever-changing Tianluodiwang formation, but at this moment Murong Yuyan is rarely upset.

Because just after Jin Shangyu was packaged in by the Tianluodi network, she also lost Jin Shangyu's message.

"Jin Shangyu, you, just make trouble, if this goes on, sooner or later, something will happen! This, this is obviously a big array! Smoke billows, what to do! What to do if something happens!" muttered to himself, in fact At this moment, Murong Yuyan also unconsciously walked in the direction of Jin Shangyu's disappearance.

However, at this moment, a not too loud voice drifted into Murong Yuyan's ears slowly.

"Hahaha, you girl finally appeared, who on earth are you! Look at your clothes should not be from the Central Plains!"

"You are finally willing to show up! In fact, it doesn't matter who this girl is. The important thing is that you quickly withdraw from the big formation, otherwise even the Huns blood guards will bleed here!"

"Oh, you are so powerful! You seem to be a powerful master! Let's talk, if you are our friend, you can let you leave here, but if not, the ending between you and the young man is already settled!"

"Old guy, you really think that this girl can't find you! Get out, can a small piece of dead wood help you become invisible!" As he spoke, Murong Yuyan was already holding a sword at the moment.

Suddenly, as a sword light drew across the woodland, the dead wood that was still not very eye-catching just turned into a big living person.

"You, you can actually find the deity! It seems that the old man underestimated the enemy! But that's all!"

"Old guy, if you don't withdraw the formation right now, do you have to let this girl go on a slaughter!"

"Removing, how to remove it, you must know that the Luodi net formation that day, as long as it is activated, there is no meaning to stop, unless there are no more living things in the formation!"

"You, you are shameless, son, where are you, you can't come out yet! That's a big evil formation!" After some verbal confrontation, Murong Yuyan was already emotionally out of control at this moment, and the whole person disappeared in front of Jin Shangyu. Shouted in the direction.

It just made her puzzled that things still happened. That is, no matter how she yelled, there was no answer in the woodland.

"Hahaha, you girl, she has a good figure, and her face should look better! As for saving that kid, save effort! Of course, if you can sleep with the old man for a while, it will make the old man happy, maybe the old man will Consider leaving you a corpse!"

"Bah, **** old guy! This girl is desperate for her life today, and she will kill Er too!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan heard the other party's words like this, she moved with a sword.

"Mother, you stupid girl, why don't you have so much confidence in Lao Tzu! Not to mention a small Tianluodi network formation, even if Tianjun comes out again, Lao Tzu will beat them all over the floor looking for teeth! Since you dare to insult that girl so much, you can only repay it with death!" This time, when Jin Shangyu sensed Murong Yuyan's emotional changes, he was muttering to himself.

It's just that the current Jin Shangyu no longer has the calm state he had before, and there is a strong killing air that echoes around him.

Feeling the changes before and after Jin Shangyu, the skinny old man lurking in the shadow of the tree also changed a lot, and his whole mood also changed a little.


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