I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2635: Weird Sand Ridge (32)

The breeze glides over, as if massaging the various vegetation on the ridge, and like a regular return visit by a friend from afar. Although this is not a paradise for small animals, the lush vegetation decorates the mountains and ridges very warmly.

However, behind this kind of warmth, there is a strange feeling that people can't tell. Especially the two powerhouses on the opposite side have seen a life-and-death battle approaching quietly.

"You, what are you going to do, do you use this girl! After all, their strength is no better than ordinary dead men, very weird!"

"Girl, do you still use beautiful women to help me! Don't worry, he is just an old man! If he knows the current affairs, he will retreat by himself, otherwise he can only accept the worst result!"

"Master Jin, what place is this, when is this, why do you still have goodwill in your heart! This will inevitably suffer a big loss! Let this girl do it, and directly launch a lore!"

"Hahaha, thank you for your concern! But you just wait for a good show!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan's voice fell slightly, Jin's figure was shot out.

Seeing such a scene, even though Murong Yuyan wanted to say a few more words, she didn't say it in the end.

Because at this moment, she could no longer stop Jin from taking action.

"Jin Shangyu, you, don't have anything wrong with you! Forget it, just wait here, no, let's follow!" For a while, because Jin Shangyu took the lead in launching the Shen Fa and facing a distant tree The tree flew away, so Murong Yuyan was also caught in a dilemma.

Directly following Jin Shangyu rushed over. She was afraid that it would affect Jin's lore, so let's not follow along. To be honest, Murong Yuyan was really a little worried. After all, they were facing the Xiongnu Blood Guard this time.

Here, Murong Yuyan is still thinking about how to deal with the current situation, and Jin Shangyu at this moment has already arrived in a tall woodland with full of energy.

There, Jin Shangyu swept a little bit and found the towering old tree with many weirdness.

"Mother, don't you like to be alone and don't help each other? Then Lao Tzu will fight with you! The Huns blood guard, whether you are a **** or a human, Lao Tzu will have to face it!" Flying by, Jin Shangyu at the moment is also slowly thinking about something in his heart.

However, at this moment, there was a long sigh in the ancient forest that was still silent just now.

"Hey, I was discovered by you! It seems that Jin Jun is going home in a big victory this time! It's just that if you do this, isn't it a bit innocent? Anyway, you have to leave some money to buy roads!"

"Hahaha, old man, you have finally moved a bit, if you don't move a bit, my son really thinks you are a trunk of an ancient tree!"

"Oh, you, you can actually see through the old man's concealment technique! That's all, since we all found each other, let's meet and talk!"

"It's easy to say, as long as you leave here now, old man, and tell what you came for, this son will not pursue other things!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu at this moment actually also slowly stopped flying.

Because at this moment, he already saw a very old man standing under the old tree in front of him.


With her dazzling eyes, it seemed that people could guess the strength of the opponent at a glance.

"You seem to be very confident! In fact, people who are confident will die early! Although it may not sound easy to hear, this is the truth! I wonder if young people understand what the old man means!"

"I understand, of course I understand, after all, you are always a big man who kills countless people! But there is still a word to say below!"

"Oh, you haven't changed any emotions at all. You seem to be a character. Let's go, what do you want to say, and which one of Jin Jun are you? Chasing the wind? Every Luoyun? Or are you someone else? What kind of character!" Although the two sides have not directly started, Jin Shangyu also thought of a lot from the other's words.

"Mother, you girl, you still know Zhuifeng and Feng Luoyun. Now it seems that this guy is not a simple character. I probably have counted Jin Junzhong's masters long ago! Forget it, since it is. Expert, I just take it seriously!" At a certain moment, when the other person said something that surprised Jin, he was thinking about countermeasures quickly.

However, facing such Jin Shangyu, the old man standing under the old tree also said again: "Why don't you answer the deity's words, are you scared!"

"Fear, how can you not be afraid! After all, your Huns blood guards have terrifying records, so who is not afraid!"

"Well, you know what we are capable of, then you know the result today! Let’s talk about it, do you do it yourself, or let the old man send you on the road! You know, I felt you had some weird things before, so I didn’t Forcing you to show up directly, I really didn't expect that you kid would dare to come here by yourself!"

"Hahaha, it seems that you old man is also a very confident person! Of course, as you said, confident people will not end well! Especially you guy!" While talking, in fact at this moment Jin Shangyu of Jin Shangyu is already slowly walking towards the old man.

Speaking of it, the distance between them is several tens of feet away, and for these powerful people with super physical skills, this distance is almost nothing at all.

"Okay, it's a newborn calf! Well, I will let you know the methods of my blood guard today! But for your courage and carefulness, the old man will also give you another chance, self-decision, so you can stay A whole body!"

Seeing the old man said so confidently, Jin Shangyu also smiled slightly in his heart, after all, Jin Shangyu was relatively confident in his ability.

Only this time, he didn't dare to be big, after all, the other party was a fierce Huns blood guard. So after listening to what the other party said, he also responded with a smile: "Old man, are you a good person too! So this son can tell you directly, you can keep your whole body!"

"Oh, you dare to go forward! That's all, let it be!"

"What! Please tell the old man! No matter how powerful it is, this young man will accompany you to the end!"

"What a **** thing! Look at the deity's net of heaven and earth!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also saw the thin and thin old man in front of him disappear directly into the trunk of the ancient tree.

Faced with such a strange scene, Jin Shangyu's scalp became a little numb. After all, Mr. Jin had his first experience of such a scene.

"Mother, you girl, this guy is not a ghost, how could he disappear in the trunk in an instant! Pooh, don’t panic, he can’t really disappear in the trunk, he must be Blindfold! My heart is strong, my heart is strong..." At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's mind was affected, he was also thinking about countermeasures deep in his heart quickly.


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