I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2621: Weird Sand Ridge (18)

However, when the cavalry team wearing the costumes of the Central Plains had just walked out less than three miles away, the Huns cavalry behind them had already pursued them.

"Report, report to the general, our rear army has already fought with the Huns! It looks like they think we are Jin Jun!"

"You, are you idiots? Didn't you let you pass on Jin Jun's whereabouts to them!"

"General, in fact, we've been shouting for a long time! But the Huns didn't believe what we said. They just said that we are Jin Jun, and that we wanted to lead them away, and then let the baby be transported. The convoy passed!"

"Wow...It's really annoying! Huns, are you all fools! Pass the command of the general, and fight if you want to fight! I am worried that there is no place to vent my anger!"

"The general is not allowed! You know, this is the territory of the Huns at all. If we are surrounded by them, we will really lose a lot!" As we spoke, just before the commanding general was about to give an all-out fight, before The black-clothed old man who came up to persuade also tried to persuade again.

Although the battle at the moment was not too fierce, it was already a big trouble for this cavalry team that wanted to get the treasure.

"Well, since it is such a critical situation, forget it, let Jin Shangyu take advantage of it!"

"General, if you can think like this, I am so happy for the general!"

"Happy, what's so happy, to put it bluntly, aren't you still afraid of throwing yourself here!"

"This, this, we really don't think so!"

"Okay, these things are not what we are talking about. The most urgent thing is to leave here early! But once we take the initiative to retreat, the Huns will definitely be overwhelmed by the entire army! So, we should fight now even if we don't want to fight! "

"This makes some sense! However, we must grasp this degree. Once we are entangled by them, I am afraid there will be no chance to retreat!" For a while, the person called the general wanted to order to retreat. At that time, a very realistic problem was also before them.

In fact, their idea is still correct. First, if they take the initiative to retreat, they will inevitably attract a full-scale attack from the Huns! Come on, if it is really dragged by the other party, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, the Central Plains cavalry team at this moment is also caught in a dilemma.

In the end, the commander general gave the final order.

"Everyone, although the situation is more complicated now, we have to figure out what happened here! Judging from the general's inference, we are already caught in Jin Jun's trap!"

"General, I am afraid you are only half right! In fact, the Huns were also deceived by Jin Jun, otherwise they would not treat us as enemies!"

"Yeah! This should be more true! Come, you can't delay any longer, let's send the elite cavalry to attack!"

"Yes! The final commander!" At a certain moment, when the man who looked like a general gave an order, a cavalry team of more than a thousand men also whizzed directly at the Huns' cavalry.

It was too late to say, then soon, when the cavalry of the two armies collided again, the Huns also felt unprecedented pressure.


"No, it seems that Jin Jun is going to launch a real offensive! What to do!"

"Brother, what else can we do! Our cavalry is only the first one. Since we are going to fight, let's play with them! Even if the Jie Ren can't beat Jin Jun, let's try!"

"Brother, your mind, the younger brother understands, but you also have to know one thing, that is an indisputable fact that Jin Jun is strong! If our brother is eliminated by them, what should we do! Let alone the general is on the two wings of Fenshaling Command the battle! Even any general will accuse us of doing things badly!"

"Forget it, no matter what, people are starting to die. If we calculate here, we will end up with the bitterness! So the old man thinks that the best thing to do now is to eliminate the enemy!" In fact, the Xiongnu cavalry at this moment has already stepped up their attack.

And such a scene of the battle between the two armies was also formed in an instant under the Fenshaling Ridge.

"Report, report to the general, our elite cavalry did not repel the Huns! What to do! What to do about this!"

"Shut up, is it the time to be anxious! Don't be messy, whoever shows such emotions again will not be forgiving!"

"Yes, yes, I'm finally convicted! But, the current situation is indeed not good for us!"

"Okay, don't say any more, pass the order of the general, and send another thousand cavalry to reinforce them! If you can't repel the enemy, don't think about coming back alive!" This time, because I know the extreme of the situation Not good, so the general at the moment also showed a very serious expression.

Here, the two cavalry squads are already fighting inextricably, but at the moment on the Fensha Ridge, Jin Shangyu is communicating with the masked beauty beside him.

"Master Jin, listening to this voice, it should be a real fight!"

"Forget it! But Lao Tzu has become their common enemy again!"

"Jin Shangyu, what do you mean by this! Why do you say that! Anyway, we are almost safe now!"

"Girl, in fact, the two sides who are fighting now hate us! I think the Huns must regard the cavalry in front of them as Jin Jun, and the unknown Central Plains cavalry team is even more annoyed because they are blocking us now. Huns!"

"It turns out to be like this! It seems that you are the great Master Jin! Forget it, let's not say, when will we speed up the march! You know, General Mo and Lao Duan are still waiting for us!" Although there is a dialogue The voice is not too loud, but Murong Yuyan at this moment is still more concerned about Mo Jingtian and the old man Duanbu who are walking ahead.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu did not rush to answer Murong Yuyan's words, but smiled at the old man Tianyin.

"Lord, it seems that you are the real powerhouse in this world. Our three brothers really learned!"

"My brother is joking. In fact, they are blocking my son on the two wings of Fenshaling, which is also a normal person's thinking! But my son is not that normal person!"

"Yes! The lord can not only subdue me, but he can also know far away things. These few points alone are no one else! However, now we are not the safest! You know, the Huns The cavalry of China is still extremely fast. I am afraid it is possible to catch up with Jin Jun with the team!" Although the old Tianyin at this moment was a little bit stuck in his speech, Jin Shangyu knew in his heart that the other party could say this, and he probably knew it. The strength of the Huns.

"Mother, you girl, it seems that the fighting power of the Huns is still relatively strong! If they really break through the cavalry team at Lingxia, will they find out that something big has happened? And whether they have anything to follow I don't know Fa, I don't know! Forget it, I don't want these things, let's speed up the march!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu felt the unpredictable changes in the situation, he was thinking quickly about something.


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