I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2620: Weird Sand Ridge (17)

After a few breaths, the second elder from Nandu finally came to Jin Shangyu and the others.

"My two are fortunate to live! Please also the lord to give the order to attack with all his strength!"

"Second elders have worked hard! Actually, the two elders don't have to be like this. Even if there is no credit, your position in Jin Junzhong is unbreakable! To put it more bluntly, there is nothing special to do here! Do you understand? !"

"This, this, yes, I will understand! It seems that this time we two old men are ashamed first!"

"The two elders are joking! Then, please return to the team! As for the army in front, let us see what they do!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at the moment also slowly cast his eyes on the cavalry ahead. Before the team.

There, there were also countless glances at Jin Shangyu and others, because they were also observing the changes in Jin Shangyu and others!

After a confrontation, Jin Shangyu also discovered a problem, that is, the general in front of him may also be a super deadman.

After a long time, seeing the other party just observing, not advancing or retreating, Jin Shangyu also smiled slightly, and then said to the people around him: "Everyone, since they don't want us to stay here, let's go!"

"My son, I really want to leave! You know, this is under the sandy hills! If we retreat too early, will they have a chance to take advantage of it!"

"Brother Yi, don't worry, there will be no accidents. I believe they are more afraid of the Huns' cavalry troops than we are! Besides, now Brother Mo and Lao Duan should have entered the hinterland of Fenshaling, we should also retreat. If you haven’t passed the Sandy Ridge when the dusk falls, the consequences will be very serious!"

"Yes, right, right, the lord said that! This is something that the three of us can guarantee!" In fact, the three Tianyin hermit brothers who stood behind Jin Shangyu also slowly interjected.

Seeing that all three of them had spoken, Yi Jianzi didn't say much in the end, but with a big wave of his hand, he signaled that many powerful men turned their horses.

"General, no, they want to run! If we let them run away, we really won't get anything this time!"

"Yes, yes, what do you hesitate about, General! Now as long as the cavalry strikes, they will die without a place to die!"

"That's all, you don't understand. Their backlash looks like they fled, but they are not at all confused! If we strike out now, they will definitely have a way to deal with it! And it would have been certain that it was them A plan for targeted elimination has long been made! Do you all want to be ghosts under the sword!"

"This, this, but we are not reconciled! After all, this time we are the closest to the treasure! Alas..." Although we still sighed constantly, but what happened, because the master did not give orders, so the whole army is also in the original The ground is clattering, not advancing or retreating.

Here, the unknown cavalry team that had just arrived at the foot of Fenshaling did not give a final attack order, and at this moment Jin Shangyu and others had already rushed to the whip and disappeared among the continuous mountains.

The mountains are rolling, and the sun is warm!

Maybe it was because he hadn't entered such mountains for a long time, so Jin Shangyu at the moment also felt very stable. Think about the desperate struggle in the desert before, you die and die, and the group of people are also in a great mood.

auzw.com "Lord, it seems that following you is really a way of life! If you chose another way, you would not die on that cloud and sand crossing, you would also fall into chaos."

"The two elders joked, in fact, this is also the result of everyone's hard work! Besides, even where your second elder is, are they all big shots!"

"The lord is serious this time! In fact, how can our old brothers not know what the current world needs! Forget it, we won't talk about any extra words. From now on, our two old men will be members of Jin Jun!"

"Mother, this person is different. He was a family before, but they had to make some great contributions before they were willing to regard themselves as Jin Junzhong! That's all, maybe this is the thinking of the ancients and the present. Different ideas!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu felt the changes between the two elders in the southern capital, he also thought of something again.

In the following time, they did not march quickly, but slowly, after all, their task was to stare at the cavalry under the Fenshaling Ridge.

Here, Jin Shangyu waited while walking and talking some homely things, but at this moment, the cavalry unit under the Fensha Ridge had undergone a different change.

"Report, report to the general! Out, something has happened!"

"What's the matter, don't make a panic look! Let's talk! I'll listen!"

"If you go back to the general! Just now, our guards discovered a new situation! And such a situation is very unfavorable to our army!"

"New situation! What do you mean! This time we were really fooled by a small team of Jin Shangyu!" Although the commanding general at this moment is deliberately suppressing the impatience in his heart, the surrounding sergeants can still feel it The latter means of anger.

Faced with such a general, some panting reporters did not dare to neglect.

"General, it is reported that there are already a large number of cavalry squads in our rear, and they are all Huns! All signs indicate that the Huns will have major military operations, and the combat target is most likely us!"

"What, you mean, there are Huns behind us! How is this possible? Didn't the previous information say that they were far away from here, and the purpose was to stop Jin Jun's Yunbao convoy!"

"The general calms down! The villain doesn't know what happened! But we must make a choice now, otherwise, we will fight the Huns under this sandy ridge! If such a scene really happens The person who has benefited the most is that Jin Jun!"

"This, what the **** is going on! God, I originally said it was to get the treasure, but now the baby hasn't got it, and I have to fight the powerful Huns!" This time, after hearing the report from the visitor, he sat down. The commander general above the tall horse was also completely unable to suppress his own emotions. The whole person seemed to be crazy, not only ranting loudly, but also casting his gaze fiercely on the Fenshaling Ridge.

Faced with such an embarrassment, the words of an old man in black finally awakened the angry general.

"Master General, you still have to return to reality! Regardless of whether our choices were right or wrong, we don't have time to think about it now! The old man thought, at this moment, let's go around from the Northwest! If there is no major war with the Huns, we believe that our losses will be minimized! As for Jin Jun, let’s just say that Jin Jun has entered Fenshaling!"

"This, this, nothing else, the only thing at the moment is to do this! The whole army retreats to the northwest according to the general's order! If the Huns keep chasing us, tell them where Jin Jun is!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" For a while, at the suggestion of an old man in black, the cavalry team that finally gathered under the Fenshaling also whizzed toward the northwest.


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