I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2564: Frequent follow-ups (19)

The dark night is still dreamlike, but at this moment, there are thousands of horses running in front of the nameless hut, and the shouts are endless.

By the time Jin Shangyu and others who were at the center showed different emotions.

"Shang Yu! You, you can really be sure that they will kill each other!"

"Lao Duan, if you ask like this, Shang Yu can't answer! After all, they might not follow our ideas! Of course, I will try my best to prevent this from happening!"

"Shang Yu, look, you are not even sure! It seems that this matter is not very reliable! Let's do it! It is better to protect you from the desert now, and then detour away!"

"Old man, don't Shang Yu know what you think! However, we are not a few people, but a team! Don't worry, some things have not reached the most critical moment!" Although Jin Shangyu wanted to use words Comforting the old man Duanbu next to him, but he also knew that the other party would not listen.

Because the ultimate goal of the Duanbu trio in the desert is to protect him, the lord of the Huayu! As for the baby, the team, they didn't even consider it.

"Well, Brother Duan, since the son has an idea in his mind, let's do it according to his statement! As for the last thing, don't worry, even if the sky falls, we won't let it crush the son!"

"Okay! Brother Yi is so proud, and the old man is also very grateful! If that's the case, the old man won't say anything! Shang Yu, just let it go! I hope you can take everyone out of the predicament!"

"Mother, you damn, these two old men are both good-minded, but a little more direct! No matter, it's all for the sake of my son anyway, I don't blame you! The situation here is still There are so little complications! Sima Ning, you should not feel well right now!" At this moment, when the old man Duan Bu and Yi Jianzi reached a tacit understanding, Jin Shangyu was also very moved in his heart. There is only one purpose, and that is to protect his safety.

Here, although Jin Shangyu and others are still shrinking their manpower, at this moment Sima Ning is really in danger.

"Ah, save, save me! Save me!"

"You, why don't you come back! Why bother with them!"

"My lord, it's not that we want to pester them! It's just that they won't let us go! It seems that the people of the King of Changsha simply want to kill two birds with one stone!"

"Yeah! Their people followed again. It seems that their purpose is to hold us back and prevent us from leaving here! What a vicious trick!" At one point, a counselor saw the sergeant in the distance. When the cavalry that was chased was killed on the spot, something came to mind.

"You, what did you mean by what you just said! Are we going to clear the way and they will go after them!"

"General, now it seems that your words have been fulfilled! They are trying to hold us back! Neither let us desperate nor let us run away!"

"Wow... I'm so mad! That said, I shouldn't let the road open before!"

"General, it's too late to say anything! The matter of the moment can only be prayed that the left and right armies will not attack us first!" After seeing the enemy's strategy, one of the counsellors also sighed helplessly.

However, just as Sima Ning exchanged views with the advisers around him, the radical change happened again. The left and right armies, which were only tentative attacks just now, actually launched a powerful offensive against them.

For a time, the shouting and killing sound shook the world, making people afraid to look directly.

"Mother, the two armies on the left and right seem to want to get into trouble! If this goes on, then Sima Ning will undoubtedly lose! No, I am afraid that this time he will not even have the chance to save his life!" While muttering in his heart Jin Shangyu is also quickly perceiving the trend on the battlefield.

In other words, just when Jin Shangyu wanted to perceive the battlefield situation as much as possible, Murong Yuyan next to him also spoke slowly.

auzw.com "Master Jin, how about it? Is it a mess now?"

"Beauty, do you mean this young man is upset, or the situation on the battlefield is messy!"

"Both! It's just that your Da Young Master Jin's confusion should account for most of it!"

"Oh, when will you get into this young man's heart and see so clearly! Yes, I am in a mess, but what can I do with chaos! There is nothing more to take risks now!"

"Jin Shangyu, what do you want to do! You don't want to go out and do something by yourself!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan heard Jin Shangyu's words, the whole person became very impatient.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu did not directly answer the other party's question, but slowly cast his eyes on the surrounding chaos.

There, they also saw Sima Ning's desperation.

"Protect the general! We must protect the general from breaking through!"

"No, they are going to take the life of the general this time! Since they want it, the general will give them! However, they have to pay the price of death!"

"General, we know that your combat power is shocking, but it's hard to beat four hands! Besides, there must be a large number of dead soldiers lurking around here!"

"Dead warrior, what about the dead warrior! Ben General's identity back then was also a death warrior! Now that it is the last moment, let Ben general be a death warrior again!" While talking, but seeing Sima Ning at this moment, he went straight The horse flew down.

"General, you, where are you going! There are elite soldiers sent by the king of Changsha, so you can't mess around!"

"Brothers, you should know that it is impossible for us to survive today! Since it is dead, let them accompany us on the road together!"

"General, you, you are trying to capture the thief first! But, there is no chaos in their defensive formation!"

"Don't worry, this is the last time I will command you! Come, shoot all the arrow feathers at them! I just want to see them feel bad!" While talking, with the sky of arrow feathers, Sima Ning also It shot at a cavalry team like a feather arrow.

"No, Sima Ning is going to work hard! He, he is still a super strong! It seems that we still don't know much about him! What should I do!"

"What else can we do! They have bows and arrows, so do we, pass the deity's order and release arrows! The deity wants to see if your body is hard, or the arrow is hard!" After a brief conversation, in Sima Ning's A large number of arrow feathers also appeared in front of him.

Facing such a nearly saturated attack, Sima Ning also flickered. Although there were many arrows on his body, he still came to the center of the cavalry team at the last moment.

"The old immortal, I would have given way to the road, but you still have to go downhill. If that's the case, let you accompany Laozi on the road!"

"Protect your lord! Protect your lord! Let go of the arrow!"

"Well, don't shoot any more arrows, this will hurt your brother! Sima Ning, you are a character, but only a character! It is also your honor to be able to die under the deity today!"

"Hahaha, it's really the biggest joke this general heard today! Well, if you don't let go of arrows, then you are ready to fight a fair fight with this general!"

"That's right! But you don't have that qualification! Kill!" At one moment, at the order of the nameless old man, a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance also moved, and the next second came to Sima In front of Ning.


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