I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2563: Frequent follow-ups (18)

The sudden turn of the situation left the entire cavalry team at a loss, and even Sima Ning, the battle-tested general, showed a rare worry.

"General, we, we may really be surrounded! We have only planned for things now! Otherwise, brothers may all be thrown here!"

"Yeah! Now we have the cavalry of the King of Changsha behind us, and there are powerful cavalry standing in the way on the left and right! What should we do!"

"What to do! What else can we do? If the general is allowed to say, the only thing we have to do now is to continue the attack. Only by defeating Jin Shangyu and others can we enter the desert and escape!"

"General, you must do this! Although we can pass through the thatched huts! But let us know, they are not ordinary people! Now it seems that the old man feels that they are deliberately retreating slowly. , The purpose is to lead us to attack this very sensitive position! General, you think, if they show a strong side, it is estimated that all the forces that come to get the treasure will choose to aim their soldiers at them! But now they behave like this Unbearable, like a lamb to be slaughtered!" At a certain moment, when Sima Ning was in a dilemma and didn't know how to make a decision, an old man also said slowly.

His words awakened the powerful people around him like a divine enlightenment. For a while, everyone's emotions were also stirred.

"General, what he said makes sense! If he said that before, the final general would not believe it, but now we are already surrounded on three sides!"

"That is! If this is the case, then we will be miserable, because Jin Shangyu and others must have a powerful back-hand method!"

"Well, I will have heard what you said. It's not about studying whether Jin Shangyu is strong or not. The most urgent thing is to find a way to escape! I don't believe it. With my thousands of cavalry, I will fall to this point!" Once, when the general Sima Ning heard the comments from everyone, he also said slowly.

Here, thousands of soldiers and horses headed by Sima Ning were still hovering in an area, but at this moment the sound of horses galloping was heard on the left and right sides.

To put it bluntly, without any perception method now, everyone knows that someone is coming.

"Brother Yi, it seems that Mr. Jin is still quite good! He guessed right again!"

"Yeah! Uncle Yu is too that! However, it seems that the cavalry attacked from the left and right directions, the target is us!"

"Xiao Wanyu, don't talk nonsense! After all, Sima Ning's army is still standing there!"

"Uncle Absolute God, you may have forgotten one thing, that is that these people are most interested in our baby!" As he spoke, Zhang Wanyu at the moment actually showed a touch of worry.

In fact, at this moment, one of the fundamental reasons why Zhang Wanyu said this is that he also has some perception, so he can see the opponent's target.

It's too late to say, it's fast, just when everyone is still talking, the cavalry who attacked from the left and right directions are already fighting with Sima Ning's cavalry!

Facing the unfavorable situation of being attacked on three sides, Sima Ning is also rarely calm, because he knows that if he is impatient at this time, he will probably be destroyed in a few rounds!

"According to the general's order, the entire army shrinks, and the rear army should not resist the cavalry team of the King of Changsha. Laozi takes it back! Also, let the road leading to the thatched house as far as possible!"

"General, if you do this, they will follow! By then, we really have no room for maneuver!"

"Spinning! This is no longer needed now! If they only have a baby in their eyes, then we have a chance! Otherwise, it will be the time when our brothers fight to the death!" At the end, Sima Ning also quickly took him with him. The sergeant retreated to an area slightly opposite to the corner.

Although on the whole, they still have not escaped the overall situation surrounded by three sides, but in a specific area, they still send a signal to the three forces, that is, they only want to escape, not the baby.

auzw.com "My lord, it seems that Sima Ning and the others are trying to escape!"

"Oh, why do you say that!"

"If you go back to your lord, look! They were still resisting our offensive before! Now they gave way!"

"Hahaha, well, the deity knows that his Sima Ning will definitely not dare to face us head-on! No matter, let the order go on, since he is very knowledgeable, then let him go!"

"Yes! The last general will do it!" While speaking, there was actually a middle-aged man who looked like a general quickly conveying orders.

At this moment, the old man who was called an adult didn't say much, just smiled weirdly at Sima Ning's direction.

"My lord, it seems that you are still thinking about it! If you came here before, I am afraid that Sima Ning will end up with us!"

"Hahaha, what is Sima Ning? It's just a martial artist! In addition, there is already a gap inside him! It is estimated that they have no way to escape now! This time, we didn't deal with him, but others would not Keep him!"

"My lord is saying that! It seems that sometimes, you don't necessarily need to kill someone yourself!"

"Well, don't be too careless, after all, the two of them can't wait! It is estimated that they have also met Sima Ning now!"

"Um, in fact, the villain still has something to say!" At a certain moment, in the most central place of a cavalry team, someone also whispered to the old man on the tall horse.

Facing the emotional changes of his subordinates, the old man called an adult also nodded with a slight smile, indicating that the other party could talk.

"My lord, although you have a great trick, but the two parties do the same! What to do! By then, I am afraid Sima Ning will really live, and the three of us will meet together directly!"

"This, this is a problem! Then, what do you say?"

"From the idea of ​​a villain, we can't let Sima Ning go directly. To put it bluntly, we have to fight with Sima Ning! Only by doing this will the two of them underestimate us, and even between them will happen. The big conflict is unknown!"

"You, you fellow, it seems right to bring you out this time! Come here!"

"The end will be!"

"Let the order go on, and take out a thousand cavalry to the deity to entangle Sima Ning! If he wants to run, stop him, if he wants to fight hard, you will slowly retreat!"

"Yes! The final commander!" After a low growl, a black-faced general also left again.

Here, the cavalry team sent by the King of Changsha is calculating Sima Ning, but at this moment Jin Shangyu and others have a different mood.

On the one hand, Jin Shangyu is still observing the situation of all parties, and at this moment, the old man in Duan, including Tuoba Ye and others, are a little worried.

After all, the current situation has reached a very critical time. In other words, they may face the unfavorable situation of a joint siege by three or even four parties at any time.


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