I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2344: Unsado (58)

On the "Yunsha Crossing", although the sizzling rain is still going on, the strong men who came here have different fortunes. Some people lost their lives for inexplicable things, and some for exclusive treasures. Still continue to kill the great cause. Of course, there are also people who have already walked in the forefront because they have the key to the desert. Jin Shangyu is one of these relatively lucky people.

Because he entered the core area of ​​the treasure trove early, Jin Shangyu at this moment is also walking calmly in the bright hall. Stepping on the quaint stone steps and looking up at the ancient people's astonishing methods, Jin also has a feeling of blending into nature.

However, while there were so many thoughts in his mind, Jin Shangyu was also able to see the huge stone monument tens of meters high at close range on many steps!

"It is written so clearly. It seems that after so many years of tempering, they are still well stored! But that's right. After all, there is no wind or sun drying here, and the person who engraved the text back then has the pen power! Jin Shangyu has come to the top of the stele at this moment.

Because the entire surface of the stele is placed diagonally, Jin Shangyu can read the words on it smoothly.

"My book cloth was born in a "turbulent" world, and accomplished in a "turbulent" world! Today I feel the changes in the world, the kings are moving, and the country is "colored"! It is designed for future generations, for the great Han Dynasty, specially built This secret place! May the future generations never open... mother, what does this mean! It would not be the original intention of the Han emperor Liu Bang when he just ascended to the throne! If this is the case, then he is too powerful! But it is also right, he was able to punish the kings at the beginning, so that the officials did not dare to move, he must be guarded in the depths of his heart! Alas, just don’t know this so-called How many treasures are there in his treasure!" While reading the text on the giant stone tablet, Jin Shangyu was full of emotion in his heart. After all, he now understands one thing, that is, any powerful king will treat his descendants. Something worried.

However, Jin Shangyu sighed with emotion, but he would not take it too seriously. After all, this is the heart of the emperor and he has no relationship with Jin.

Of course, what Jin Shangyu is most concerned about at this moment is where the treasure is and what good treasures are there.

Because of the different thoughts, Jin Shangyu at this moment had a little understanding, and a few flashes came to the center of the hall.

The reason for this is because Jin Shangyu is looking for real treasure!

The giant oil lamp in the cave hall is still creaking, as if it is telling the sadness and loneliness of hundreds of years. In the very center of the hall, Jin Shangyu also sat cross-legged on the ground like an ancient Buddha enters Ding.

At this moment, it goes without saying that Jin is fully aware of the changes here, or that he is looking for a cave with hidden treasures.

And this sitting is half an hour. During this period, Jin Shangyu is also fully exerting his powerful perception. Although here, his perception ability has declined due to the inexplicable magnetic relationship, but he is also now Knowing a truth, that is, the more concentrated you are, the more benefits you will get.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu slowly opened his eyes, a strange smile appeared on Jun Lang's face.

auzw.com"What an ancient person! He thought so carefully and hid the real treasure in the rock wall! If there is no such strong perception as Lao Tzu! I am afraid that even if he came here, it is I can’t take away a treasure. Even saying that even my own life might be thrown here!” After discovering some clues, Jin Shangyu didn’t stop, and the whole person came to a relatively flat hole with a few flashes. Before the wall.

"Mother, you girl, this is it! Open it to Laozi! No, I can't open it! This, what's the situation!" I wanted to push away the stone wall in front of me with the strength of my physical body. But no matter how hard Mr. Jin exerted, the stone wall in front of him remained motionless, as if there were no caverns, it was just an ordinary stone wall.

This sudden change also made Jin very surprised. After all, his perception just now was quite detailed, how could this happen.

"No, this, this place should be the location of a cave storehouse! Does it need other organs to steal hands here! It's the key of the desert, it's impossible! I have already looked carefully before, as if the key of the desert was long ago It is integrated with the stone wall! It is impossible to pull it out again! This, this, is there any other mechanism!" While concentrating on it, Jin Shangyu carefully observed the inexplicable stone wall in front of him.

However, just as Jin Shangyu raised his eyes a little, he also discovered a problem, that is, standing in front of this stone wall, he could see a beam of light shining.

"Mother, what's the situation! It will not be the direction pointed by the brightest light of the giant oil lamp, but it will be a sign to open the entrance to the treasure! This, this ancient person won't be so brain-burning!" With weird changes, Jin found a relatively flat stone wall while following the rapid light.

I pushed it a few times harder, and it was marked just now. There may be a stone chamber behind it, but there is still no movement.

Several more trials ended in failure, and this result was somewhat beyond Jin's expectations.

"No, this will not work, that will not work either! Isn’t that old man Liu Bang just trying to dig a hall here to show off! It’s impossible, I don’t believe it! No, there are two rows of white marble pillars, one by one. In contrast, it's hard to say that the mark here is just a turning point, and the opening method for each one is the stone wall opposite it!" After thinking about this, Jin Shangyu at this moment also feels amazed. The whole person soared to the stone wall area opposite in the first time.

There, Jin Shangyu also found nothing, but with a few pushes, an unprecedented change occurred.

Because at this moment, with Jin’s vigorous promotion, the previously marked stone wall made a miraculous rumbling noise, and then an entrance shaped like a door and window appeared on the stone wall.

Faced with such a change, Jin Shangyu was also happy in his heart, and the whole person came to the dark stone cave in the next moment.

Looking at the dark cave library, Jin Shangyu was able to see the basic structure clearly with the light in the hall.

"I really didn't expect that even the stone room of this ancient man was so smooth and smooth! Let's go, you should also see what the treasure is here! As for the hidden weapons, I don't want to encounter it, but if I do, I am not afraid! "Because I felt it beforehand, Jin Shangyu at this moment is more at ease about the cave library in front of him.

As far as what is stored in it, Jin still expected it. After all, Jin Shangyu was able to come here this time because he wanted to open his eyes, especially to see what the emperor Gaozu's masterpiece was.

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