I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2343: Yunshadu (57)

However, in the face of numerous Xianbei powerhouses, and Yuanhong himself did not have full confidence in opening the treasure channel, he finally chose to give in again.

"You, you, forget it, since the old man is here to see the treasure, don't care about it with you! Turn it on, you turn it on! It's too late, we can see nothing!"

"Master Yuan, thank you for your kindness! Then, that son is going to open the real treasure channel!"

"Don't say it, it's meaningless to say it again!" At a certain moment, when Na Yuanhong agreed to take a few steps back, Tuobaye, who was holding the key of the desert with both hands, also instantly moved left and right, and the next scene was also It surprised the people present.

Because at this moment, almost the entire stone wall began to move.

At a certain moment, with a muffled sound, a very wide and dark passage appeared in front of everyone.

Such a sight directly shocked everyone on the spot. Even Yuan Hong didn't have much to say at this moment, because all his attention was attracted by the dark passage in front of him.

"My son, what shall we do! Go in or not!"

"Does this still need to be said! What are we here for? Let's go, even if it is a terrible place, we must go in!"

"Yes, but Yuanhong doesn't mean to go in at all!"

"Don't worry about him! He is alone now, it is impossible to walk with us at all, otherwise we will deal with him first when encountering treasures, and he will also guard us! Let's go! If you don't go, I'm afraid you will lose the first Machine!" As he spoke, in fact, Tuoba Ye was holding a torch and walking towards the dark passage as if looking back.

"Tuobanye, it seems that you are really a brave person, nothing, you dare to enter, how could the old man not go in and take a look!" At a certain moment, Yuanhong watched Tuobaye and other strong Xianbei slowly disappear. When he was in the dark passage, his left hand also patted lightly, the next moment, Feiyun Diao also fell on his shoulder.

Here, Tuobaye, Yuanhong and others have entered the dark passage one after another. Let’s not mention it for the time being. Jin Shangyu at this moment has successfully used the key of the desert to open the passage to the treasure, so he is also the first to slow down. And into.

After all, it is impossible for Jin Shangyu to just open the channel but not enter.

"Mother, I just wanted to watch the excitement and open up my eyes. Now that I succeeded, how could I turn a blind eye!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was also striving for twelve minutes and continued to face the darkness. Go deep in the channel.

The previous exploration also made Jin Shangyu feel the cruelty and original affection of the ancients, just like those skeletons and bones, each one is not struggling hard, but how they struggle, they can't escape their long-destined fate.

While sighing, Jin Shangyu did not forget to observe the stone walls on both sides of the passage. After all, this time, Jin thought he had entered an area that he could not control, saying that it was a place of great danger and danger. Not an exaggeration.


"Liu Bang, you old boy, I really don’t know what you are doing with such a stuff here! Is it possible to be afraid of when your younger generations will run out of money, or the royal career will be out of style! But anyway, you It's not appropriate to do this!" Although Jin Shangyu knew that the current wheel of history had come to the weird period of the early death of the Western Jin Dynasty and the unformed Eastern Jin Dynasty. But he still knows the emperor's mind!

In this **** era, there are not many forces who want to stand up from it, or even to the pinnacle of life, to unify China! But there are not many forces who have died out in the annual ring of history in constant battles.

It's just that everything here is almost the same for Jin Shangyu, because Jin himself is a traverser from modern society. He not only knows the general history of development, but also knows what he needs!

"No matter, it turns out that this place is really artificially chiseled. If that is the case, it seems that the entire'Yunshadu' may be the artificial project of the year! Alas, this, how many people need to work hard here, It’s possible to succeed! Besides, the bones deep at the end of the passage also illustrate a problem, that is, the builders turned out to be the silent guardians of this place in the end!" Muttered to himself.

It can be said that since entering the dark passage, Jin Shangyu has a kind of inspiration, as if everything here is the dust of history, nothing will be left, just like those who died.

However, just as Jin's mood was relatively sad, a different scene appeared in the depths of his consciousness.

It is a wide area shaped like a modern conference hall. There, there are no bones and skeletons that can be seen everywhere, and some are neatly arranged.

Especially on the white marble pillars on both sides of the hall, there are oil lamps exuding ancient atmosphere.

To say it is an oil lamp, in fact, has exceeded the cognition of ordinary people. Because there is still inexplicable oil in the huge stone oil bowl, it gives people a very strange feeling.

Looking further ahead, there are rows of neatly constructed steps, and the central place above the steps is a huge oblique stone stele. Even the font on it can be clearly perceived by Jin Shangyu!

"Mother, here, what is this place? How did you make such a big show! If all the giant oil lamps here are lit, it is estimated that the lighting in this hall should be comparable to that in modern society! Wrong, Then, there are still words on the stele! No matter, I have to speed up a little bit! Otherwise, I am really afraid of being overly talkative and not admirable!" While putting his own perception to the full, Jin Shangyu accelerated his walking. pace.

After less than half an hour, Jin Shangyu finally reached the end of the dark tunnel, and the special torch in his hand was still creaking, indicating that the air here was relatively normal.

However, the most exciting thing for Jin is that after Jin Shangyu turned a few turns, he came to the cave hall he had felt before.

Just when he arrived there, Jin Shangyu had a feeling of being stared at, because the space here was too big, and even said that a dozen large transport planes of modern society could be parked here at the same time.

Faced with such a vast scene, Jin Shangyu was also holding a torch, looking east and west, and finally gritted his teeth and made a decision, which was to light the giant oil lamp here.

But seeing Jin Shangyu at this moment, he paused for a while, and then he started flying around. About half an hour later, the giant oil lamps in the entire cave hall were all lit by Jin.

"Mother, this, this is called an adventure, there are such adventures! The thinking and techniques of this ancient man are extraordinary! The beautifully carved white marble stone pillars are already ancient treasures! Don't! It is said that there are special kerosene lamps on each one! It’s not right! It’s hard to say that the fuel in the stone lamp bowl is the legendary corpse oil! If this is the case, it would be quite scary! No matter how many, The most important thing now is to take a good look at the wonders here!" At a certain moment, after all the oil lamps in the stone cave hall were lit, Jin Shangyu was thinking about something quickly in his heart.

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