I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2328: Yunshadu (42)

In the following time, everyone gathered together, the purpose is to study how to act. After all, they are now on the high cliff, and it should be said that they can participate in the battle for treasure.

Of course, their mixed team has its own hole card, that is, the sword-shaped key on Zhang Wanyu's body-the key of the desert.

"Everyone, now our team seems to have a lot of people! But after all, it's not the one with the most chance! After all, everyone should know the fact that the people here are very powerful, and they don’t. The people, the Huns, and even the dead men sent by the Jia Mi Group may be our enemies!"

"Uncle Yi, what you said is absolutely true! Yuan Tian still said that, everything depends on Uncle Yi's arrangements!"

"Okay! Thank you Yuan Tian for his overall view! However, the old man must also put the ugly words first. First, the young man is not here, and some things may be more variable! Secondly! If we really find the treasure in the desert Land, what to do! Is it to wait for the return of the son, or take the treasure by yourself!"

"This, this, the old man thinks that if the son can return, it is naturally a good thing! But in the current environment, the sand and rain are filled with fierce fighting, and I am afraid that waiting for the son to return is already unrealistic! So the old man thought it was better to hunt for treasure Bao is the best policy! Once we succeed, we will exit here as quickly as possible!"

"I also agree with this idea!" At a certain moment, when Yi Jianzi brought up some situations, several elderly people, including the second elder in Southern Capital, also took the lead in expressing their views.

Of course, during this period, Yuan Tian and Zhang Wanyu also shared their ideas, but their ideas are still somewhat different.

"Everyone, now the general direction is basically settled, and that is to keep moving forward. It is best to find the entrance to the treasure! Of course, Yuan Tian wants to wait for the return of Rufeng, but Wan Yu is Disagree! It is normal for the two of you to have such thoughts! But you must consider the practical problems! So the old man decided to move on and set off now!" While speaking, Yi Jianzi is also determined at the moment, because he The figure is already moving forward.

Although Yuan Tian and Zhang Wanyu were still a little bit unwilling, they finally followed the team forward. After all, they knew that Yi Jianzi had to do everything in the current situation, otherwise there would really be big problems.

Here, Yi Jianzi continued to move forward with the mixed team, and Jin Shangyu at this moment had a new idea, that is, to find the treasures of the desert on his own.

After so long of thinking, he also came to the conclusion that there should be three entrances to the treasure, and the three-handed desert key is the key to entering the three entrances.

Of course, in the harshest environment in the northwest of the'Yunshadu', Jin Shangyu also saw Yuanhong's persistence. However, seeing the worsening environment there, Jin finally retreated!

"Mother, you girl, now it seems that there must be treasures here! But I just don't know what the treasures are here! Is it possible that this cliff is the coat of the treasures! If this is the case, there should be an entrance On the cut surface of the cliff to the south!" After having an idea in his mind, Jin Shangyu also moved in shape, and the next moment he was far away from Yuan Hong, who was struggling to persist.

After about a quarter of an hour, Jin Shangyu also came to the southernmost tip of the top of the high cliff.


There, Jin Shangyu also saw the tragic ending of the "chaotic" war between the teams. Although there is a bedding of fine sand, Jin can still see the corpses and their limbs being randomly discarded there.

"Mother, it's so tragic, and I don't know what they are fighting for! If there is no treasure inside this cliff, aren't you guys dead in vain! It's really interesting! No matter, since you are all looking in the depths, Lao Tzu will oppose If you can find the entrance to the treasure on this cliff, not only will there be less wind and sand, but it will also be easy to get out!" This time, when I saw the tragic situation left by the fighting of the strong. At that time, Jin Shangyu was also thinking quickly in his heart.

In this way, less than a quarter of an hour later, Jin had already "touched" the cliff slowly along the cliff.

The reason why he wanted to "feel" down was because Jin Shangyu wanted to observe the entire cliff face. After all, his biggest purpose here was to find the entrance to the treasure.

And after half an hour of boring treasure hunting journey, at a certain moment, in the middle of the southern cliff, Jin finally found the clue.

"Mother, it's here! This, this stone can be moved! It's hardly possible, as long as you push this stone away, you can find the entrance to the legendary treasure!" He tried to move forward with his hands. The raised boulder, Jin Shangyu muttered to himself.

However, as time went by a little bit, Jin still verified his previous idea, that is, the entrance to the treasure land is in the middle of the cliff.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu slowly pushed the boulder, the radical change happened in vain!

It was too late, it was fast, just as Jin Shangyu slowly moved the huge boulder in front of him to the left, three arrows were shot out of the black hole that had just split a gap.

"Mother, this is too dangerous! If I hadn't been fast enough, and the prediction was early enough, I'm afraid these three arrow feathers could kill my son! However, this hidden weapon is still placed. For too long, the speed of reaction may also decrease! Forget it, I won’t compare it with the ancients. I’d better find the entrance to the treasure earlier!” As he muttered in his heart, Jin Shangyu was also in a certain moment, The boulder pushed away completely.

This time there was no rain of arrows as expected, and some were unknown stone "caves" of black holes. Because Jin Shangyu was in the middle of the southern part of the cliff at this time, the wind was the weakest, and even the sand and rain became sparse in some periods of time.

Of course, Jin Shangyu at this moment really hopes that there is no one around him, and hopes that the environment here can be better. Otherwise, how could he leave that Yuanhong.

In other words, Jin Shangyu was on the cliff of the mountain, staring at the black zoisite "hole", without any movement for a long while, just silently observing everything in front of him.

From time to time, there are rustles of sand on the high cliffs, and occasionally the screams of strong men from various quarters can be heard after fighting. And to these changes, Jin is like an outsider, he doesn't think or pay attention to it at all. Perhaps in his heart, the thing that is most concerned about at this moment is this dark stone cave "hole".

"Mother, it turns out that this is really an entrance! It seems that if I want to perceive further, I must concentrate as much as I can! No matter, I don't want to, let's go in and see! If there is a legend Good baby, it would be nice to get a few pieces! If there are only some silver stuff, this son is not rare!" At a certain moment, while Jin muttered to himself, his figure was already smooth. Slowly enter the wall of the cave!

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