I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2327: Yunshadu (41)

Speaking of it, the reason why the old man from Central Plains at this moment would directly report out of the house was because he knew what kind of person Yi Jianzi was, or that he might be such a person himself.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Wanyu was a little embarrassed. After all, he didn't bother to know the identity of the other party before!

"Um, I said Uncle Yi, have we passed a bit? After all, he is just a Central Plains! And he has no hatred with us!"

"Little Wanyu, you don't have to say anything now, the old man is in charge here! Yuan Tian Gongzi, weren't you still worried about the safety of this little guy before! Come on, get him aside!"

"Well, well, what Uncle Yi said is too right, should Xiao Wanyu come to Brother Tian! Besides, what are you doing so fast?"

"You, you, forget it, just leave!" Knowing that at this moment, Yi Jianzi is going to talk to the old man named Yu Hualong, so Zhang Wanyu is unwilling to follow Yuan Tianong to rest not far away.

Speaking of which, the people behind Yi Jianzi are actually the trio of Nandu Second Lao and Yuanmei Villa. And the reason why they left in such a hurry was because Zhang Wanyu left the large group by himself.

Here, the Young Master from Yuanmei Villa took Zhang Wanyu away, but at this moment, Yi Jianzi was uncommonly calm, and there was even a strange and mysterious "color" between his eyebrows.

"Master Yi, they are all gone, can you tell me! Don't worry, my life was saved by Wan Yuen Gong, so you can say anything you want to ask or know! The old man must know everything !"

"Oh, you, you thought of this directly! It seems that you are also an experienced old guy! In fact, someone Yi distracted them, either because he wanted to say something big, or he wanted to tell Brother Yu not to pretend to be too tight! After all, some Things, fake is fake!"

"Master Yi, it seems that you still suspect the old man! Well, if that's the case, then, how do you think Master Yi should deal with the old man! Kill or release!"

"Kill? Release? Brother Yu's thoughts are really straightforward and simple! Actually, the old man can see clearly just now, Brother Yu should already be determined to die! And now, you not only avenge your revenge, but also live. Come down! I can't help saying that your luck is overwhelming!" Although there is no direct expression of the principle of "sex", Yi Jianzi at this moment is still not forgiving.

Facing such a super power, the Central Plains man who claimed to be Yu Hualong also laughed.

"Hahaha, Master Yi, it seems that you are the real master! Since you don't want to kill the old man, and don't want to let our house go, it seems that you want to subdue the old man!"

"Oh, you, why do you say this! Did the old man say it just now!"

"Master Yi, you, don't ask anything else, just mention Wanyu's life-saving grace! It shows that you want to subdue the old man! No matter, since the feud of killing brother and brother has already been paid, the old man is the same with whoever goes. Speaking of it, I am not afraid of adult jokes. The three of our brothers have no plans to return to the South this time! Not to mention that our lord can't even compete with the king of Southern Capital. Even if he can win, he is useless! After all, it is already here. The world is in great chaos, when the heroes are everywhere!"

"Good, good! It seems that talking to someone who understands is a pleasure! In that case, I, Yi Jianzi, will directly pick out some things! You are right, the old man wants to take you over! Of course, your ability is our fancy Yes! However, you should also know that loyalty is more important than anything! Now on this'Yunshadu', the old man doesn't want to talk too much. As long as you follow us, the future will be left to the future. Let's talk about it!" At a certain moment, after Yi Jianzi knew the other party's thoughts, the whole person also seemed more happy.

After hearing Yi Jianzi's affirmation, Yu Hualong let out a long sigh. After all, both of them are people who have experienced many battles and are extremely experienced in dealing with affairs.

auzw.com "Since I have said that, Hualong will follow you from now on! Of course, you don’t have to say your true identity now! Because some things need a little bit !"

"Brother Yu, if you can think like this, the old man is very happy! Come, come, come, and now the old man will tell you! He is called Yu Hualong, you may all know it, and now the old brother Hualong has decided to join us Team!"

"Uncle Yi, you, what you said is true! This, this is too fast!"

"Wan Yu, it's not because of Yi's great ability, mainly because you saved people first! Speaking of which, you are the great hero! That, brother Hualong, the two of them are from the southern capital city. The strong!"

"What, they turned out to be from Nandu City! Well, then I don't know what kind of opportunity Nandu City wants this time!"

"Hahaha, Brother Yu was joking, in fact, our brother has already returned to Young Master Yi Rufeng! To put it bluntly, he will no longer be a member of Southern Capital City!"

"This, this is true!" For a while, after hearing such news, Yu Hualong was already too excited to be able to himself.

After all, for him, if there is still a trace of unwillingness, I am afraid that he is a little sorry for his former lord. And now that the two elders in the southern capital are all attached to this team, the last little knot in his heart is also directly solved.

In this way, with the help of Zhang Wanyu, Yi Jianzi will finally return to Jin Jun in Hualong, so the team has grown stronger.

In this team, Yuan Tian Gongzi's smile was less.

After all, to him, the trio of Yuanmei Villa is still outsiders.

"Master Yuan Tian, ​​there seems to be something on my mind! I don't know if I can talk to the old man!"

"Uncle Yi, Xiaotian can call you uncle, indicating that you are the elder of Xiaotian!"

"Well, what you think in your heart, how can the old man not know! In fact, you don't have to be too persistent! Our team is a mixed team! Of course, now the son is not here, you again Seeing that the brother is attached, there may be some thoughts! But someone Yi said here, whether you are from Yuanmei Villa or the youngest friend of the son, the old man will not have other thoughts about you! You, you understand the old man Are you interested?"

"This, this, Xiaotian understands! Thank you for the care of Uncle Yi!" This time, after hearing what Yi Jianzi said, Yuan Tian was also bright in his heart.

At this moment, Zhang Wanyu, who had not spoken much, also walked over.

"Brother Xiaotian, don't think too much, let's study our itinerary! After all, it is a coincidence that we are able to come to this'Yunshadu'! Now we have the help of Uncle Yu again, I believe we will Get the legendary treasure!"

"Boy, you are an optimist. Brother Rufeng has been away for so long. Now there is no news at all. You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry!"

"Well, you two don't quarrel here! Let's talk about how we go!" At a certain moment, when Zhang Wanyu walked over to quarrel with Yuan Tian, ​​then Yi Jianzi also stopped talking.

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