I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2302: Yunshadu (16)

Under the cliff of lonely mountain, strong people from all walks of life gathered, but they did not reach an agreement because of their attacking issues. Especially the words of the old man from the north Duanbu made many strong people do not know how to deal with it.

In the face of such chaos, it was Jie Ren Yuanlie's words that broke the peace under the high cliffs.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry anymore! The deity also has a countermeasure! I don't know, if you would like to listen!"

"Yuan Lie, if you have any ideas, just say it directly, don't waste time here!"

"Okay! It's actually very simple! Most of the people or forces that can come here are already identified! To put it bluntly, it's not yours, or ours. Even if there are some small forces, it is estimated that they would not dare to treat us easily. Attack! Do you agree with the deity's analysis!"

"This, this, there is not much difference that should be analyzed, Yuanta commander, you, what do you mean to say!"

"The deity thinks that if it is a person from one of our forces here, you can directly join your team! If it is from other forces, we will jointly'force' them to leave here! How!" At the end, Yuan Lie is also at this moment. "Lu" showed a very strange expression.

This time, after listening to Jie Ren Yuanlie's words, many strong men began to look at each other face to face.

"This, this method seems to be okay! After all, most of the people who can come here are the people who fall behind here!"

"Yes! Even if some small forces send people here, if we can work together to "force", I believe they will not even dare to get close to the cliff!"

"The method is good! But, if the people from then on are from one side of the force, what should be done!" Although there is no clear statement, the strong people present can hear it. This person has something to say.

Feeling the cautious psychology of the strong from all walks of life, Na Yuanlie laughed again.

"Master Duan, you heard that too, they are still questioning the deity! Is it possible that the deity has to kill one of his subordinates before they can talk to you!"

"Yuanlie, you don't have to say it so bad! The reason why everyone thinks like this is because you have too many strong people! Besides, even if the cliff face here is divided into several areas, I believe that in the end you will still Occupies the most place!"

"Father, let's speak rationally! Yes, the deity has some selfishness! But this selfishness is just a few more people! Besides, we are fighting here and there are countless deaths and injuries, and finally only a few people are left. You can't open the treasure even when you climb to the top, how about that! I believe the old man understands it too!"

"This, this..." At a certain moment, after Na Yuanlie explained some of his own things again, even the old man in Duan Duan who was very cold to him had no words to respond.

After all, at this time, as the representative of the biggest power here, Jie Ren Yuanlie still expressed the greatest sincerity.

For a time, because of the emotional changes of the old man in Duanbu, it also instantly produced a spreading effect among the strong.

And Jin, who was hiding in the dark at the moment, also smiled in his heart: "Mother, you girl, don't you just want to climb without fighting! It seems that all forces want to do this! After all, fighting while climbing. , While also dealing with inexplicable biological attacks that may appear, individuals will choose a three-person battle to delimit an area!"


Here, Jin Shangyu also perceives the changes in the situation here, and at this moment, under the cliffs, a unified opinion has been formed, and that is to start the "Gu Desert Hero War" here in advance.

"Everyone, don't have any ideas! Actually, the deity wants to seize the treasure, so why don't you think this way! So you can think about it, but you have to do something, or come up with a good plan!"

"Yuan Lie! Since everyone agrees to your proposal, let's start a three-player battle soon! After all, time waits for no one! And the longer we delay, the more people may arrive here!"

"The old man is right! No matter, since everyone has no objections, then it's settled! There are some papers here, so maybe you all form a team and register here! Once you have done this, you can draw lots and play. Of course, the front of this high cliff is huge. Everyone wants to go up from the middle position. After all, the environment here is better! So in a moment, Mr. Duan will divide the area on the front of the cliff!" The strong in the forces formed a trio.

Those who were originally a three-person team were relieved of these troubles.

Looking at the old man in Duan at this moment, the whole person came to the front of the cliff with a few flashes.

Looking up at the huge cliff, he did not act immediately, just silently observe.

At a certain moment, under the gaze of everyone, the old man Duanbu also moved again, and the next moment he came to the middle of the cliff face.

But seeing him, I don't know when to take out a very sharp dagger, and the next moment he swipes on the cliff.

In another area, Yuan Lie also organized personnel to record the numbers of the three groups who signed up for the competition.

After the old man Duanbu finally completed the division of the front of the high cliff, everyone under the high cliff also kept their eyes on the cliff.

Because the cliff at this moment can already see several areas divided by daggers with the naked eye.

"This, this is really divided! By then, will they be able to abide by the agreement! If they don't, it will not be what they are now!"

"This should be obeyed! After all, no one will want to attack others when the time comes, because climbing the mountain and finding the entrance to the treasure is the kingly way! Also, have you noticed that Duan Lao just divided the area fairly! That is to say, the better the path of the cliff face, the more narrow he divides it! It seems that the old man still has a heart of fairness and justice!"

"Well, do you still need to say! Although we also have super deadly combat power, there will always be an inexplicable feeling for the old man of the Duan family! Did he really break through the legendary realm? !"

"This, this is hard to say! But, you have seen that Yuanlie is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Forget it, don’t say it, it seems that the result of the draw of the match has begun to be announced! I don’t know, will we directly Be eliminated! After all, the first round is directly eliminated!" While speaking, the eyes of the powerful people from all walks of life also gathered again on Jie Ren Yuanlie.

Because at this moment, the first round of matches will be announced from here.

Faced with this new situation, Jin Shangyu, who was hiding in the dark, also laughed secretly again.

"Mother, I'm here to fight for the treasure. To put it bluntly, isn't this the one who came to the house? The thinking of the ancients is different from the modern people! What is the comparison, what is comparable, to At that time, it’s not over if you have your own ability! Then come up with another'Gu Desert Hero War', who seem to be all heroes. In the final analysis, everyone is afraid of death and does not want someone behind them to attack!" Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself in his heart when the situation changed.

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