I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2301: Yunshadu (15)

It may have been a melee, and the winner is the king and the treasure is won, but the current situation has undergone huge changes.

And the person who proposed a three-person battle to determine the right to unlock the treasure turned out to be Jieren Yuanlie.

Faced with this new situation, many powerful people are whispering, some are internal coordination, and some people begin to communicate with people around them, or with people they think they can associate.

These changes in behavior undoubtedly do not explain a problem, that is, if this battle is really carried out, it will be a true "ancient desert hero battle".

"Why, do you have to think about it for a while! You know, the deity has said long ago, even if there are treasures here, there is a time limit! If we keep facing each other here, I believe that the best time will be from our side. Slip away! Old Duan, you are a man of high esteem! How about you say a few more words!"

"Yuanlie, your proposal is really good! Play against the number of three people, and finally decide who can climb the cliff on their own! But, but you didn't make it clear how to compare and how to confirm the personnel participating in the competition! To make a simple analogy, now you have more people, let alone divided into several groups, even if divided into a dozen groups, it shouldn’t be a problem! Isn’t this a natural advantage! Besides, there are many companies that only send one A trio!"

"Master Duan's question is quite accurate! The deity also heard it just now, and everyone seems to be studying this problem! Don't worry, if this matter is not resolved, how can the deity raise such a battle problem!"

"Oh, it seems that your Chief Yuanlie has been prepared for a long time! Well, just speak out and listen to see if everyone has any opinions!" At a certain moment, when Yuanlie wanted to say something, The old man from the north Duanbu smiled and said.

This kind of questioning is actually very simple, and it is what everyone wants to hear! After all, they don’t believe that the Jie people will break their arms, I am afraid that such a thing will never happen!

Facing the "color" of everyone's expectations, Yuan Lie didn't want to, and said directly: "Everyone, you are all strong men sent by all parties! To put it bluntly, in terms of strength, you are all one of a million characters! Now is different from the past, everyone here has this kind of strength, in other words, that means that our usual advantages are gone!"

"Um, Yuanlie, you don't have to talk about other things, just tell me how to compare!"

"This, this, okay! In fact, the meaning of the deity is that as long as anyone here can form a team to participate in the competition! The purpose of the real competition is to decide who can climb the cliff. Of course, after yesterday's trial, I believe you all If you have enough preparation, you won’t be afraid of inexplicable attacks from above! So the meaning of this deity is that everyone can form a trio and end the competition! In the end, the winner will be free to climb the peak! What do you think!"

"What, it turned out to be such a result! The old man disagrees! The old man has only three people here, and Yuan Lie has dozens of people! In this way, even if I can fight again, I can still hold their wheels! "

"Yes, yes, that's what I think! Duan Lao, you, you must call the shots for me! He Yuanlie wants to swallow the right to climb the cliff!"

"Everyone, you guys, please be quiet! The old man believes that this is not the final result of Yuan Lie's leadership! After all, his words have not been finished yet!" As he spoke, the old man from the north also took a step forward, loudly Said.

After all, the current situation is really complicated, and he can't help but stop talking.

At this moment, Yuan Lie really did not finish his words as the old man Duan Bu said.

auzw.com "Hahaha, you guys are really interesting! The deity didn’t even finish speaking, you rushed to express your opinions one by one! That’s right, after all, you all feel that you are the weaker party. And my clan is the strong side!"

"Yes, you are so right! That's how we think!"

"What is your name, the deity does not want to know, but it is very bad for you to talk like this, because you don't know what the deity has to say!"

"Yuan Lie, there are strong people from all walks of life gathering here today! The old man doesn't believe you will start on the spot! So, the old man will no longer be afraid of you!"

"Really! Well, well, you can think like this, it seems to be a good thing! Of course, sometimes, the deity still has to be clearer! Just like the one who participated in the battle just now, although the deity said that anyone can participate Fight! But there is no final result!"

"You, what do you mean! What can be the result? Isn't it the final winner, just climb the peak!" At a certain moment, when the Jie Ren Yuanlie wanted to say something, there was a middle-aged man. It was also very displeased.

Facing such an embarrassing situation, Yuan Lie didn't have any episodes, instead he said with a smile on his face: "Well, this brother, your mood, the deity understands! In fact, what the deity wants to say is what Duan Lao wants to hear!"

"Yuanlie, you seem to have said a lot today! Just say the same thing! Although you have brought more people, it is probably not a simple matter for us to cooperate with you to seize the treasure. !"

"Good, good! The words of the old man are really like swords and guns! No matter what, the deity said, in fact, although this'Yunsha Du' may have an entrance to the treasure, it is not necessarily, after all, it is just a rumor! So what I mean is I want to leave more people to climb the summit! Of course, when the time comes, we can divide the entire front of the mountain into several areas! Whoever gets what kind of area will go up from there! If there is a violator, others can Combine it!"

"What, you, you want most people to climb the mountain! And you have to divide the front of the cliff into several areas! This, this is a new formulation! However, the old man thinks that this may not appropriate!"

"Oh, what is the meaning of the old man Duan! Are we just standing here like this! Is it really not ascending the peak, not taking the treasure!"

"If you take it or not, the old man really doesn't care too much! The old man just wants to know what if someone else arrives here after we allocate the area!" At the end, let alone Yuanlie, even stand here. The rest of the people are full of doubts.

After all, the question raised by the old man Duanbu is really a real problem.

In fact, if the strategy of the three-person battle is approved by the powerful, then these three-person battles must be one after another fierce battle! After such a battle is over, everyone's combat power will be wiped out to a certain extent.

Of course, if another force or someone arrives here at this time, it will be a real new force, and it is also possible to attack from behind everyone!

For a time, because of the doubts of the old man Duan Bu, the atmosphere under the high cliff also became strange.

But it was the Jie Ren Yuanlie who broke the deadlock in the end.

But seeing Yuan Lie at this moment seemed to be thinking about something, as if he was observing something. A pair of eyes glanced at the invisible high cliff from time to time.

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