I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2278: Unknown Valley (26)

In the nameless valley, by the Qianlong Pond, two men in black were staring at the young man in front of them. Although they did not attack, they could see disdain and teasing in their eyes.

And the young man looked innocent, as if he came here is not his original intention.

"You, tell me what your name is and where you are from! If you don't say it, my adults will kill you directly! And throw your body into the Qianlong Lake to feed the fish!"

"This, this, in fact, my name is Yi Rufeng, I'm just an ordinary person!"

"Ordinary people, it's a joke of the heavens. People who can enter the desert and walk here will be ordinary people. Do you think we are fools! Tell the truth or die!"

"That, I really call Yi Rufeng! Of course, I said that ordinary people are relative to you strong men!"

"Greasy tongue, it seems that the Central Plains people have a variety of ways to protect themselves! Don't worry, just say this to you, we will make your death easier!" At a certain moment, I saw someone who took the initiative to flatter, and a Jieren man did the same. Said with a slight smile.

Of course, the young man discovered was not someone else, but Jin Shangyu who sneaked here.

However, while the conversation between the two parties was still going on, violent water splashes also appeared on the surface of Qianlongtan.

"My lord, something is happening! Did they succeed!"

"Don't worry, take a look!"

"My lord, then, what about this kid!"

"The disposal is of course necessary! Bring them together and discuss it later!"

"Go, let's go!" After hearing the leader's words, Jin Shangyu was also "forced" by a Jie man with a knife to move forward.

After a short while, the three of them also came to the edge of Qianlongtan, where Jin Shangyu clearly felt the rapid changes underwater.

However, because of being "forced" by others, Jin Shangyu at the moment is also expressionless.

At this moment, the Jie people are all nervous. Especially the Capricorn man who led the team fixed his eyes firmly on the surface of the pool.

"My lord, look at it, the splash is getting bigger and bigger! It seems that someone has come out! No, why is there so much blood!"

"No! Someone was killed underwater! Could it be that there are really inexplicable creatures underwater!"

"My lord, this, this is not necessarily true, maybe it was the Beihai Sanxiong who did it!"

"It's really annoying! Come here! Salvage the corpse in the water! The rest are on alert!" For a while, because of the huge changes that have taken place on the surface of the lake, the Jie Ren at this moment will also quickly have a hook. His long rod descended into the pond.

Before too much, four corpses were already salvaged.

"My lord, they are all ours! And they are all fatally wounded, the wound is in the throat!"


"It seems that it was the work of the Beihai Sanxiong! But why didn't the other three come up! Does it mean that the current Beihai Sanxiong is also at the end of the battle, and is vulnerable! Come on, let’s see who else can water? A few more people will be able to defeat the Beihai Sanxiong!"

"This, this, my lord, it's really gone! You think, if a little bit of water doesn't have sex, even if you throw them down, you will be drowned!"

"Yeah, it's really maddening! How could such a situation happen! If you can't get the treasure tonight, the sergeant will kill the wrath of the thunder! By then, we will be the biggest losers, not only will we not get the baby? , And I have to pay a huge amount of money to the Xianbei people. Just thinking about it, it’s hard to calm my mind!” Feeling that the change in the situation is too unfavorable for him, the person leading the Jie Ren team at this moment is already a little frustrated.

However, at this moment, the Jie Ren dying fellow next to him turned his attention to Jin Shangyu, who bowed his head and said nothing.

"Mother, I'm not paying attention to Lao Tzu! If so, that's a good thing, because Lao Tzu is about to go down and see, maybe there is a baby!" Feeling the strange look of the Jie man , Jin Shangyu was also "chaotic" thinking in his heart.

However, at this moment, the man also moved his eyes and said, "My lord, in fact, we can actually let him go and try it! After all, there are more people in the Central Plains who are proficient in water sex!"

"Oh, why didn't the deity think of this! Well, let him try it, if he can't get the treasure, just kill it!"

"Yes, yes, you, say you, did you hear, go down now, or die!"

"Well, I said everyone, you really don't know the "sex" of water! If you go down, you will die!"

"Boy, you have a lot of words! You think you can live if you don't go down! I now count three. If you still don't move, you can shoot and kill! One, two..."

"If you have it, don't count it anymore, it's weird, or else, you can go down and see! But you have to keep your reputation, if you get the baby, you can't harm me!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at the moment also took out a long cloth belt to tie his clothes tightly and tightly.

After all, the purpose of this is to avoid having to take off your coat.

"Hahaha, it seems that this person is still a bit "sexual"! Otherwise, he wouldn't agree so quickly!"

"Yes, yes, what the adults said! The villain will let him go down right now!" After a simple conversation, Jin Shangyu also jumped into the Qianlong Pond at the urging of that person.

The moment he fell into the water, Jin Shangyu also discovered that the lake here is mild compared to the nameless cold lake! However, Jin is not sure what is inside the water cave at the bottom of the lake.

After all, from the beginning, Jin Shangyu did not feel the situation of the underwater cave.

In this way, because Jie Ren wanted to salvage Tanzhong's baby before dawn, he was also in a hurry to go to the doctor and found someone Jin.

Of course, this is what Jin Shangyu thought. After all, with his thinking, how could he not think of what would be here.

"Mother, you girl, if there is really a key to the desert here, the chances of me getting the treasure will increase a lot! However, it is really a trouble for these Jie masters to stay by the pool! No matter that, let’s go and take a look! Maybe the Beihai Sanxiong is really waiting for Lao Tzu underwater!” While thinking quickly in his mind, Jin Shangyu dived down the side of the pool wall.

Because it is under the moon night, the visibility under the water is extremely low, and I can only faintly feel that there are foreign objects swimming in the water. But these little things still couldn't stop Jin from moving forward.

In this way, it didn't take long for Jin Shangyu's figure to reach the bottom of Qianlongtan. There, Jin Shangyu also found some new situations with his strong perception.

For example, the three unknown Jie people were swaying in front of the water hole at the bottom of the pool. Although there were no injuries on their bodies, Jin Shangyu knew that these people would have died long ago and could not die again.

"It turns out that they are trapped by the underwater rattan here. It doesn't feel good if you want to come and drown in the water alive! No, the three of them should be tied here with rattan! Sanxiong Beihai, you The method is really good, but you have met the even more ferocious Jie people." After thinking about the Central Plains in his mind, Jin Shangyu also slowly moved his figure closer to the underwater cave at the bottom of the pool.

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