I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2277: Unknown Valley (25)

With this thought, the entire Jieren team also became busy and "chaotic", and some dead men who were familiar with the "sex" of water were also gathered together.

Looking at it, there are fewer than seven people, and the faces of these people are all the same. That is fear, it is fear from the bottom of my heart.

The reason why such a scene appeared was because they had just seen the scene when the North Sea Sanxiong came out of the water, and even heard the conversation between them.

"Man, you, how come you got here too! If you dive into the water, I'm afraid there will be no turning back!"

"Looking back, how come you are looking back, you didn't hear it just now. Even Beihai Sanxiong didn't dare to stay in the water too long, let alone our little characters. Without attacking by inexplicable creatures in the water, I'm afraid I would just drown! "

"Keep it down, don't let the adults hear it! If it makes the adults unhappy, I'm afraid you will die before entering the water!" Although the sound is not too loud, the black man standing at the far end also accepts it.

"My lord, look, how to deal with them! Although they are their own, you have heard what they said. I am afraid it is still a bit difficult to expect them to get treasures from the pool!"

"Difficulties must go on! Difficulties, there are better candidates!"

"Yes, yes! The villain understands that I will let them go to the pool! Moreover, the villain will tell them that if anyone gets the treasure, they will be rewarded with silver and ten beautiful beauties!"

"Okay, you can say anything, as long as the deity sees the baby, everything can be discussed! Go!"

"Yes, goodbye, villain!" After hearing the disdain of the man in black, the Jie Ren who claimed to be the villain also moved, and in the next second he arrived at the edge of Qianlong Lake.

There, there were already seven Jie Ren dead men waiting.

"That, in fact, you can be selected, which is a good thing! After all, it is your heroic act to contribute to the race!"

"This lord, I don't know how deep this pool is! Although our brothers can swim, they are just ordinary water sex!"

"Yes, yes, this lord will tell us about the situation here. If we don’t tell us, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get up again! Of course, it’s a trivial matter for us not to get up. If this affects the adult's treasure collection plan, I am afraid it will be a major event among major events!"

"Hahaha, it seems that you still have a lot of thoughts! No matter, we are all our own, how could we harm you! In fact, this cold pool is called Qianlongtan, and it is said that a real dragon was trapped in the pool. Fame! But these are all legends, you don’t have to take it seriously! As for the current situation of the pond, it is very clear, because the Beihai Sanxiong has already reported the relevant situation to our adults!"

"It turns out that this is the case, then, then, please let this adult elaborate. After all, some of us are going to go into the water to hunt for treasure!" While speaking, after feeling the mysterious and unpredictable of Qianlongtan, someone asked again.

Faced with this new situation, that person didn't conceal it and talked slowly, not only telling the origin of Qianlongtan, but also telling the basic situation underwater.

For example, the underwater is relatively spacious and there are not many underwater creatures. In addition, there is a natural hole in the water on one side of the bottom.

After a little thought, the seven knew that they had to enter the water cave in the lake if they wanted to obtain the legendary treasure. For them, such a diving method is impossible for them.

Even if he barely dived into the bottom of the pool, he couldn't survive in the end.

Based on these considerations, the seven faces changed drastically, and some even started to slowly recede.


"You, don't bother to escape from this place! Others don’t know what this place is, don’t you know! How can you escape! Besides, your potential is still there, as long as you reach your maximum potential, Maybe it will succeed! Take 10,000 steps back, even if you are not in the water today, what awaits you will be the boundless anger of the adults!"

"This lord, you know that I am an ordinary dead man. This time, didn't you say let us do some ordinary coolies! Why are you now a man of Xiatan!"

"My lord, in fact, we really don't have the ability to dive! If we are forced to dive, we will only end up with a dead end!"

"Oh, you are going to rebel! Come here! If they don't get into the water within three breaths, you will shoot them on the spot, and then push them into the pool!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" For a moment, just before a black-clothed man's big hand waved, several crossbowmen had already aimed their arrows at the seven people gathered in one place.

Facing such an unfavorable situation, the seven had been terrified for a long time, but frightened by the dangerous situation in front of them, in the end there was still a Jie Ren dead soldier who reluctantly jumped out of Qianlongtan.

Maybe it was because someone had acted, so in the next half an hour, the seven also jumped into the pond one after another.

But the scene that annoyed the people on the shore still happened. That is, only people dive, no one dives!

"You, you don't want to dive yet. When will you wait? Don't you know that the sky is about to dawn! If you can't get the treasure at dawn, I am afraid you will never get it!"

"This, this, my lord, we really don't know how to dive!"

"No, I have to do it! Or I will die! Come! Let go!" At a certain moment, at the order of the man in black, dozens of arrow feathers were shot out, and the target was the pool. Of the seven big Jie people.

This time, without other people's persuasion, the seven people also dived into their bodies, and when it was not too much, the entire pool returned to a calm state again.

"Do you think they have a chance to get the baby!"

"If you go back to the adults, just now the villain has used the last resort, I believe they will exert their greatest potential. After all, in the face of death, the human potential will be infinitely improved!"

"Really! However, the deity is still a little worried! After all, the **** of the seven of them is really not good! Nothing, wait a minute! But it is also a strange thing, why the Beihai Sanxiong has not "showed" now Did you die underwater!"

"This, this is unlikely! It is said that the North Sea Sanxiong once dived to the bottom of the North Sea for several hours without a problem! Not to mention that it is only such a short time!"

"Forget it, just wait! No, someone is coming! Quickly follow the deity to take a look!" As he spoke, his figure flashed out, and he appeared in front of a bush in the next moment.

"Young man, come out! If you don't come out, you will end up piercing your heart!"

"Um, I'm sorry! You found it!"

"Good, good! It turned out to be a native of the Central Plains, you, how could you be here! It's impossible that you lurked here long ago!"

"This, this, why do you surround Qianlongtan!"

"Oh, you, you still know Qianlongtan. It seems that you have been lurking here for a long time! Let's talk about your name, and which big power is it from! If you answer well, maybe the deity will consider staying You are a corpse!" At the end, the Jie Ren man dressed in black also "showed" a playful smile.

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