I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1093: Battle of Pingyang (1)

In Pingyang City, in the county house, in a small living room, two people were talking in low voices. However, it is also very easy to distinguish from the appearance of his clothes.

"My lord, he seems to be angry! He drank too much yesterday! If we hadn't been using the North Camp to suppress him, I'm afraid he would really lead the army away!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxiaomo is shaking the sky. Sooner or later, he will squirm under our feet! Are you not willing to drink, let him drink enough! You can send a few jars of the spirits that we have collected for many years in our mansion in a while, just say this master If you want to get in touch with the General!"

"Don't worry, the villain knows what to say!" At a certain moment, in a mansion in Pingyang City, the master and servant were also chatting and laughing.

Of course, judging from what they were talking about, it should be no good to Mo Jingtian.

"My lord, now we have 50,000 new troops in Guangcheng! If we add the previous soldiers and horses, there will be at least 80,000 people! If this Mo Jingtian can train them all into elite soldiers, we will make a lot of money! "

"Look at what your villain looks like! What's this! The officer doesn't just want him to do this! Tomorrow, I will ask him to move the garrison outside the city into the city! The reason is the sneak attack by the northern camp!"

"My lord, even though Mo Jingtian has a straightforward character, he is not stupid! Doing this will make him suspicious!"

"No, I will give him all the military power in the city! You say, how would he choose!"

"Sir! If that's the case, we don't have nothing! Even the most basic right to life depends on the face of others!"

"Well, there are some things that can only be understood and cannot be said! When the time comes, you will know that the officer is amazing!" At a certain moment, seeing the expression of anxiety and horror on his confidant, the Pingyang County Governor Zhao Dongyu also showed a strange smile.

Faced with such a master, that person didn't say much, and the whole person became calmer.

"Why, I understand, I still don't know how to pretend to understand! In fact, there are some things, you know, we are the master servant, but these years, the official has not regarded you as a servant!"

"The grown-up is serious! The villain dare not! The villain has the status of today because of the love of the adult! It is too late to be grateful! How can there be other ideas! The strategy of the adult is still good! After all, this Mo Jingtian is still not Those who know how to adapt, as long as we show them well, he will definitely get into the ditch!"

"Well, you can understand the officer's mind! Go down, make arrangements, just tonight, the officer will have a dinner for General Mo for a visit!"

"Yes! The slave knows how to do it!" As he spoke, the subordinate also quickly turned around, leaving only the strange smile on Zhao Dongyu's face in the small living room.

"Jin Shangyu, aren't you doing construction there! You also found a Jincheng! Lao Tzu, no matter what city you are, sooner or later, you will build it for the official! Hahaha..." At one point, he was under that name. As the figure slowly disappeared, the county guard of Pingyang was also in a good mood.

There is no word in the day, and when the sunset slowly arrives, the entire Pingyang City also appears more charming.

After all, there was still a flow of people in the city during this time period. Especially because Jin Shangyu's proactive purchase in these days has also invigorated the economy of Pingyang City, and various items are sold very actively!

In the eyes of the people in Pingyang City, it seems that what they have in their hands, as long as they dare to show them, they will be bought!

auzw.com Of course, if there is one place that is the busiest at this time, it is the county guard house.

"Come and come! Please, the general, it is an honor for this officer to be able to appreciate the light today!"

"The county guard is serious. Although the general is the guardian general of Pingyang City, he is also under the leadership of the adult! The adult will not be able to bear such words!"

"Look, when did our generals say the same thing? Did you learn a lot in the city these days! But don't worry, the brothers wine we drink today is not about military affairs!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Okay, then, I will be here to the end!" At a certain moment, in the courtyard of the county guard house, Zhao Dongyu also brought Mo Jingtian into a very luxurious hall with a smile on his face. in.

Of course, it wasn't just Mo Jingtian who was banished at this time. Those people had already waited in the hall. Seeing Mo Jingtian entering the hall, everyone got up quickly, and they all greeted Mo Jingtian.

"Well, you guys, don't do this, you wouldn't be used to this kind of occasion, please sit down!"

"General Mo, what are you talking about! You are the patron saint of Pingyang City. If there is no general, we would not sleep soundly! Brothers, you said, what the younger brother said is right and wrong!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Wu is too right! Over the years, the county guard has changed a few, but the general is still here! Why, because your duty is important, and it is our guardian god! You have ideas about this, and I, Zhao Dongyu, know it in my heart!" After feeling the changes in everyone's mood, Zhao Dongyu, the guard of Pingyang County, also rushed to say something that made Mo Jingtian very puzzled.

After all, according to Dajin's official position, this Pingyang City is really the county guard in charge! But the problem is that Mo Jingtian has been guarding here for many years, and he has long since become a landlord. So at this time Zhao Dongyu's words really moved Mo Jingtian a little.

"My lord, I must not say that! After all, you are the Lord of Pingyang!"

"Okay, just say something to your heart! Come on, let's get seated quickly, don't chat here anymore! Well, you guys, don't fill up General Mo's wine!" While motioning to Mo Jingtian to sit down, Let people pour wine for it!

Of course, everyone can clearly see that Mo Jingtian is sitting in the seat of the main seat.

"This, this, Lord County Guard, isn't this a bit inappropriate? Or, let's change it! After all, you are the master here! How arrogant you would be! Besides, everyone is the face of Pingyang. ! How can I sit on top of the main seat?

"Brother don't be like this! Brother said that today is a family banquet. The wine you drank is brothers' wine. There is no military or political distinction, let alone high or low. Brothers, do you think it is right?"

"Yes, yes, what we drink today is brother wine! Come here, since it is brother wine, then, let's toast General Mo together! After all, this is the first time the general has attended such a family banquet!"

"Don't, don't! If you want to drink, you have to respect the county guard!" Feeling the enthusiasm of the crowd, Mo Jingtian was also a little bit unable to sit still.

After all, Mo Jingtian's personality is fundamentally straight, so how could he be treated like this.

For a while, everyone around Mo Jingtian toasted frequently, and within an hour, Mo Jingtian had already expressed a hint of drunkenness.

After all, Mo Jingtian at this time is facing many opponents, and it is difficult for him to break through alone!


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