I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1092: The veteran is out!

The magic night is like ink, the stars are like silk...

One day, on the night when Jin Shangyu decided to attack Pingyang City, the atmosphere in Jincheng City was very different, and a powerful war spirit was also coiled in the night sky of the city.

"Shang Yu, you really decided! If we really go to war, it may be a continuous battle! Or it will cause other chain reactions!"

"Big Brother Li, I understand! Actually, we are passive now whether we move or not. If this is the case, let's fight! We should fight again! If we don't fight again, I'm afraid the foreign forces will be stronger!"

"Okay! Since Shang Yu can think of this, then he will make a big plan tonight!" As he spoke, Li Zhao also looked at the surrounding generals thoughtfully.

In other words, the Jin Jun command center at this time was already full of people. From the faces of everyone, it can be seen that the war is approaching.

"Okay! Now that Brother Li can understand! Then, that son will be lined up! Of course, you must be mentally prepared for specific siege techniques!"

"I am waiting to hear the Lord's orders!"

"Brothers are serious! In fact, this battle is inevitable! Then, the old general Ge will have full power to command the siege war! Shadow, you, you must follow the old general and protect the general's safety! "

"The shadow leads!"

"Lord, you, you can't do this! The old man is willing to take the lead, but does not need the protection of the Shadow General! Please take back and die!" At a certain moment, I felt that Jin Shangyu's arrangement was very different, and Ge Feng also proceeded directly. refute!

"Old general! This time, the reason why I let you take the lead is to let you play your attack skills! In fact, we all know that you are a general with rich combat experience! As for sending shadows to accompany, it is indeed for The general’s safety, but more importantly, is that he is afraid that there will be such a capable man in the opposing army. I believe the old general will understand!

"This, this, that's all, since Shang Yu said this, then, the old man takes the command!" I wanted to say a few more words. After reading Jin Shangyu's explanation, Ge Feng also knew what Jin Shangyu meant.

In fact, what Jin Shangyu said is not unreasonable. After all, after experiencing some things, everyone knows that there are many capable people and strangers in this great world. It cannot be said that they have the power of God, but it is not ordinary people who can resist. of!

"Good, good! Now that the old general is willing to take the lead! Shang Yu, thank you, General! The siege will begin at noon tomorrow! Fifty thousand elite soldiers, can you!"

"Enough! Although the old man can't guarantee to capture Pingyang City! But 50,000 soldiers and horses are already our limit!"

"It's good if the old general can understand! In fact, our current soldiers are above 150,000! But this time the siege is not attacking, but scaring! If you can scare the big city owner, it will be a great achievement! "

"The final commander!" After hearing Jin Shangyu's strategic goal, the old man Ge Feng also gave a heavy salute, and then returned to his seat.

In the following time, Jin Shangyu also confessed some follow-up matters, such as sending Lingyun and Zhuifeng to bring 10,000 troops to attack the garrison outside Pingyang City! They also dispatched 20,000 fine knights at every Luo Yun as a reserve army!

"Shang Yu, you, you are really mature! The old man has said this sentence several times! This time it really made the old man have to say!"

"Lao Wen is joking! Actually, Shang Yu's ability is still far behind General Wen Lao!"

auzw.com "Just kidding! Different times, different opponents, everything has changed! Maybe if you put the old general to the present, you may not be able to meet Jin Shangyu's level!"

"Look at what you said! Besides, Shang Yu is going to be proud! Forget it, let's go back to sleep! I guess they won't be able to rest tonight!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu and the others returned to their residences. At that time, the old man Wenshuo also said thoughtfully.

Of course, as Jin Shangyu said, this night, the whole Jin Cheng spent sleeplessly.

There was no word for a night. When the morning sun slowly shone towards Jin Chengzhi the next morning, the cavalry squadrons ready to go were lined up long ago, waiting for the arrival of the leader.

"Brothers have worked hard! Today at 10 noon, we are going to send troops to Pingyang City! Calculate the distance, it should be at midnight to attack the city! Are you confident!"

"Swear to break Pingyang! Swear to break Pingyang..."

"Okay! You have momentum and more aggressive! This is good! Today we will go to Pingyang City together! Shadow, trouble you!" At a certain moment, when the old General Ge Feng was about to lead his army, he too Speaking slowly towards the shadow.

"The general is serious! I don't understand that although I don't understand the art of siege, I will do my best to protect the general!"

"Thank you brother! Let's go!" While speaking, although he was over fifty years old, the old general Ge Feng was the first to urge his horse to go outside Jin Cheng.

In other words, at this time Ge Feng was the first general to lead troops out of Jincheng. In the following time, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng also led 10,000 soldiers and horses to quickly rush out of Jin Cheng.

"Shang Yu! You, do you think Ling Yun and Zhuifeng can succeed!"

"It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not. The important thing is to bring Mo Jingtian out! After all, we can't really take Pingyang City! Anyway, this is also a strong city. If you want to get it, you have to think of another way! "

"That's right! Judging from the recent news, even though Na Mo Jingtian is in Pingyang City, he does not have many soldiers and horses! It should be around 10,000! And his garrison has nearly 90,000 troops. Soldiers and horses!"

"Oh, this number is relatively reliable! The previous intelligence seems to be a little different! If so, let's do it! I hope Lingyun and Zhuifeng can hurt them!" At a certain moment, just above Jin Shangyu's small building, That old man Wenshuo also expressed his thoughts.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu gave the order to attack Pingyang City, the whole Jin Cheng was in action. Not only are soldiers and horses constantly flowing, but the generals are looking for their own team.

Just like the first General Ge Feng, who set out to run towards Pingyang City before, brought all his three thousand cavalry with him.

Jin Shangyu also saw this behavior, but he did not express it.

"You girl, what the trouble is the old general! In fact, Lao Tzu is the one who doesn't use people and doesn't use it!" While feeling deeply moved in his heart, Jin Shangyu also stood on his own small building, slowly Watching the movement of soldiers and horses in the city.

Of course, Mr. Wen Shuo, who was standing next to Jin, didn't say much. After all, Jin Shangyu's arrangement still made some sense.

In this way, as time glided little by little, Jin Cheng's army also approached Pingyang City little by little. For a time, a large number of cavalry teams also appeared among the continuous mountains, adding a touch of variables to the originally quiet woodland.

Here Jin Jun decided to attack the big city of Pingyang, but at this time, there was no movement in the city. After all, in the city at this time, it is already a time when people are in a state of chaos.


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