I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1088: Give death!

Facing the chaos, Jin Shangyu and others also made bold guesses, but they did not seek to take the initiative. At this time, Li Zhao was also a little unhappy, after all, the direct consequence of the chaos was that the people suffered.

In this way, it is still in Jin Jun's account of the Chinese Army, and everyone is also analyzing the current situation, and the final research result is still based on the consolidation! After all, taking the initiative now will inevitably become the target of public criticism.

At sunrise and sunset, the cloudy and sunny weather disappeared. In a blink of an eye, General Jin Jun also ushered in a very important day, that is, moving.

On this day, people got up early, some who cleaned up their camps, and some who played with their own little things. In short, there were so many people who did everything.

"Boss, let's go! It wasn't too much difference between moving yesterday! Today, you can witness the housewarming of the brothers!"

"Okay! Thank you!"

"Boss, what's the situation! It made the final general embarrassed!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu watched the sergeants dismantle his camp, he also thanked him deeply.

However, this thank you from Jin really made Wei Yu very embarrassed.

In other words, just the day before, Jin Shangyu had already moved most of the things, including those flowers and plants, into Jincheng.

And now Jin Shangyu has really become a spectator.

"Shang Yu! Come here!"

"Oh, it's Brother Li! Don't you want to move too!"

"Move, of course we will move! But, now I have to wait! There is new information!"

"What's the matter!"

"Something happened in the capital! Simalun is dead!" At the end, Li Zhao also looked a little serious.

After all, such news is not a happy news in itself.

"Dead, so fast! It won't be the work of King Liang, right!"

"Shang Yu, you, how did you know! Could it be that you have the power of an unknown prophet!"

"No, no, just guessing! Don't take it seriously, Brother Li!"

"Really! I used to think it was accidental, but now I don't believe it!" Li Zhao also muttered to himself, feeling that Jin Shangyu's ability was ahead.

In this way, Li Zhao told the news of the imperial capital that he had just received. The general content was that Liang Wang Sima Zhu asked to kill Simalun, so the imperial court sent an envoy to Jinyong City to give him death.

"Simalun, Simalun, the sky net is so great, so careless and not leaking! Big Brother Li, it seems that Jia Mi is still doing it! If he hadn't taken the initiative to use secretly, how could Simalun die so early!"

"No! Well, listening to the son, it seems that this Simalun is dead!"

"I didn't mean that! In short, the situation is a bit messy now! Forget it, let's die! Let's move our house!" At a certain moment, I heard some small things from Li Zhao's words, Jin Mou People don't dare to say more.

auzw.com After all, through the future core, in contrast to the development trend of history, it is strange that Simalun is not dead! At this time, Li Zhao obviously had some doubts. If he continued to explain, it would not be easy to end. Jin Shangyu also knows this.

Because this is a good day to move, Jin Shangyu and Li Zhao didn't make too much publicity, just as nothing happened. And time slipped by in such a busy schedule.

When the twilight fell, the whole move was over at sunset. The original continuous camp is empty.

Of course, the various training grounds originally built still exist.

"Shang Yu, you have seen it too. This is our outer city! Even here, it is even more difficult for the enemy to attack. There are three lines of defense in the distance!"

"General Ge is worthy of being a general, knows how to defend! Shang Yu has been taught!"

"My lord, don't say that! In fact, we spent so much money and manpower to build Jin Cheng, the purpose is to be solid! So the old man must be fully prepared!" While speaking, Ge Feng also showed a strong sense of confidence. force.

"I'm older, but I am really experienced! Let Lao Tzu say that General Ge is no worse than Huang Zhong of the Three Kingdoms!" After feeling Ge Feng's strong aura, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself.

In fact, when Jincheng was being built, Jin Shangyu discussed with everyone how to maximize Jincheng's defense strength.

In addition to the extensive use of reinforced concrete, Ge Feng's defense against outer cities has also been recognized by everyone.

Speaking of it, it is also very simple. It is to set up a defensive position every ten miles outside the outer city. This will not only strengthen the defense of the main city, but also extend the entire city a lot.

In the daytime, he is busy and busy, and when the lanterns first come on, Jin Cheng's nightlife is also slowly unfolding. Let’s not mention the mutual trade between ordinary people. The military management area at this time is also the area where Jin Shangyu and others live.

There, because it was the housewarming celebration, the sergeants also started the "drink war" mode.

Of course, because Jin Shangyu is the backbone of this Jin army, he is also a natural target for everyone to attack.

"Why, boss, the old general's wine can be drunk, but the younger brother's wine can't be drunk!"

"Luo Yun, you didn't dare to drink like this before! What's going on today! Don't you be afraid that Girl Bier will come and clean you up!"

"Boss, don't say anything, besides, brother, I want to go to Jinjiazhai! Drink!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu mentioned Hu Bier, Luo Yun's mood changed a lot, and he took the cup with one mouthful. Drink the Chinese wine.

"Mother, it's true! Let alone him, even Lao Tzu would have missed the two of them a long time ago! I don't know if they are used to living there! Alas! Forget it! Wait for some stability, I have to pick them up for whatever I said!" After feeling Feng Luoyun's emotional changes, Jin was also secretly sad.

However, at this moment, the shadow who had been passive, only knowing that he was drinking, also slowly stood up.

"Lord, it's not right, let's call it Big Brother! Shadow can't say anything! As long as Big Brother has a word, he will die!"

"Well, don't be like that! Today is a big day, don't mention those unlucky words! Come and come, all are good brothers, drink!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing the shadow is indeed a little too powerful, Jin In the end, the person drank the wine directly from the glass.

In this way, because everyone's mood was very good, the "drink war" was intensified, and even afterwards, many people were already sent back to the room.

"You girl, Luo Yun hasn't fallen down yet. It seems that he really left behind before! However, General Ge's drink volume is really not comparable to ordinary people!" At one point, many people When being carried down, Jin Shangyu also slowly scanned the people who were still holding on.

In other words, there are Feng Luoyun, Ge Feng, Lingyun, and Ma Tianhe on the long wine table at this time! As for the others, even Jin Shangyu didn't know where he went.


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