I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1087: Jin Cheng (5)

Inside the new city, in the depths of the pavilion, everyone laughed from time to time.

Of course, because Wei Yujian was careful and thoughtful, including preparations for daily life, everyone accepted it.

"My mother, what's the situation! How do you feel like going back to modern society? But there is no electrical appliances, no mobile phones or anything! Forget it, do what you want to do so far! Let's solve it a little bit! Don't make it too much It's spent!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was walking in his own small building, he was filled with emotion.

After all, one of my little dreams was realized.

Of course, it is not Jin Shangyu who is happiest here, they are the Lvzhu girl and the former queen Zhen Jiufeng.

"Sister Jiufeng, look! It's so beautiful, you see, you can stand on it so far! It seems that the direction of the city gate is right there!"

"What nonsense! That's not necessarily true. We have just walked for so long, so how can we still be able to see when we stand here! However, this time, sister, I have been assigned to a small detached building, do I have to come and live together? what!"

"Well, Miss Jiufeng, I'm afraid this won't work, because before, in Shang Yu's small building, there was already a place to grow flowers for Miss Green Pearl!"

"Um, Mr. Wen, this, this is not convenient!"

"What's the inconvenience! It's impossible, those flowers, you have to raise them yourself! Isn't it just a room! What are you so stingy!" As he spoke, the old man Wenshuo also walked to a small room while talking. Say it is small, in fact it is not small, just relative to other rooms.

"Girl, in a few days, you will move here! It is well-lit, and you can grow flowers and plants! Of course, if you want, you can live here, so you can bring tea to the son! "

"This, this..." At a certain moment, I felt that there was something in the words of Old Man Wen Shuo, and the Lvzhu girl was also at a loss for a while, and the whole person looked extremely shy.

Of course, Jin Shangyu couldn't say anything at this time. He just took Zhen Jiufeng to other rooms to visit.

However, even so, Jin did not escape the attack.

"Why, I'm scared, I'm still embarrassed! Your sister, I just don't understand! A big beauty came to the door, why didn't you feel it! Or what's wrong with your kid!"

"Sister, what are you talking about! Come, let's take a look at the layout here!"

"Don't look, just talk about business!"

"Serve, brother, can't I take it! In fact, these things are still going to happen!"

"This, this is just like a sentence! Okay, I won't force you! Let's take a look!" At a certain moment, after Zhen Jiufeng felt that Jin Shangyu's mood fluctuated, he also relaxed his attack on him.

In this way, because of the episode of the second daughter, Jin also made someone miserable, but in the end someone's heart is happy or bitter, and others don't know.

In other words, because of Wei Yu's full preparation, coupled with the previous research, everyone has no opinion.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, let's move in ten days! I hope we can get used to it by then! Of course, you generals will have to work hard. After all, our big city will soon be uploaded in Wangtu of Dajin. Open, maybe the northern camp army or even the garrison in Pingyang City will move!"

auzw.com "Lord Li, we understand! Don’t worry! This big city is strong in defense, even if they want to attack, they may not be able to break it! However, the Beiying surnamed Jin still wants Prevent it!"

"General Ge said that, after all, the old general and Jin Bufan are relatively familiar, and should have a grasp of his psychology!"

"Master Li, back then, Jin Bufan and the old man were opponents and friends! However, this is all ten years ago! Not to mention, since the old man has followed the lord, even if Jin Bufan comes, the old man will fight again. !" At the end, the old General Ge Feng also showed a strong fighting spirit.

Although his age is relatively high, he can still feel the extremely powerful pressure between his eyebrows.

In fact, the reason why Jin Jun has not taken any action now is because, on the one hand, they also need to protect themselves, and on the other hand, Jin Shangyu’s selfishness. That is to say, one day the army of the northern camp can be incorporated.

Of course, it is not the time yet. After all, all forces are about to move, especially the two powers in the Imperial City have been fighting for many days recently, and the results of the battle have also been heard in these two days.

"Everyone, it is estimated that the results of the match between Jia Mi and Shi Chong will come out today and tomorrow! Tell me, who will become the winner when they fight between the two tigers!"

"Is this! The old man thinks that Jia Mi has been in business for many years and has a favorable geographical position. The probability of victory is greater!"

"General Ge's analysis is good! But don't underestimate the energy of a rich man! In short, this son really thought that Shi Chong would win!"

"Okay! Well, then let's bet on a meal! Everyone knows that you have a good cooking skill in every eldest son! Why don't you show up today!"

"Boss, what do you mean! The result hasn't come out yet! How do you know, this son will lose! Maybe the old general will cook!"

"Boy, you really dare to let the old general cook! Tell you the truth! In fact, the result of their battle has already come out!"

"No! Boss, you, you..." At a certain moment, just when Jin Shangyu's words fell, Luo Yun was already angrily speechless.

Of course, everyone was eagerly looking forward to such a message. After all, everyone wanted to know the outcome of the battle in the Imperial City.

"Boss, don't sell it! Let's just say it! It won't really be the official Shi's victory!"

"Huifeng, this time, you are half right! It is reported that Jia Mi was seriously injured in the battle just now! Of course, Shi Chong also attacked the East Gate! Now the entire imperial city Already divided equally by the two!"

"What, there is such a thing! What a weird thing!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu said the changes in the battle situation, Li Zhao also showed a touch of surprise.

After all, this ending is really too weird.

Faced with such a result, everyone is also looking at me, and I look at you, the color of surprise is beyond words.

"Shang Yu! They turned out to be like this! Then, how do you develop next! It is impossible that Shi Chong will really win!"

"This is not necessarily true! After all, Jia Mi divided the troops first. If it weren't for the Jinjiazhai who drew out troops to attack our Jinjiazhai, how could he end up like this! To put it bluntly, Jia Mi underestimated our defensive capabilities! A few days ago, Didn’t Benlei send someone to report! Now the army of Jieren and Jia Mi is known as one hundred thousand, but actually seven or eighty thousand, it is impossible to take Jinjiazhai! Of course, in order to confuse the enemy, I have ordered Benlei to be defensive. Lord, don't reveal your true strength!"

"Shang Yu, what you did is good! In this way, the entire Central Plains will be in chaos! Not to mention that Jia Mi and Shi Chong are fighting for the emperor's capital, even the princes and kings everywhere are attacking each other! It is chaos, it is really chaos. !" At the end, Li Zhao also had some emotional changes.


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