I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1078: Procurement (two)

In Jin Jun’s main camp, in front of a not too big tent, Luo Yun and Shadow were also talking to each other, and in front of them were all kinds of caravans ready to go.

"Big Brother Feng, look at your appearance, it shouldn't be too bad for preparation! Then, when shall we leave!"

"Yes! Just now, I also prepared ten caravans. Each caravan has nearly a hundred vehicles. I believe that once a good life is negotiated, the materials will be shipped back soon!" Luo Yun also cast his sights on the various caravans that were ready.

In fact, the so-called caravans are businessmen selected from the sergeants, but don’t mention it, because of the change in clothing and the cooperation of the team, it really makes people think that they are big business people.

"Big Brother, you are really good, and when others look from a distance, they are really not clear!"

"Shadow, you were not deeply involved in the world before, although your ability is superhuman! But you still don't understand the world! Speaking of which, if it is an ordinary businessman, this caravan cannot be broken! But if it is a real business If we contact people twice, they will surely know who we are! Besides, the boss purchases too many things! Hope God bless us to complete the task soon!"

"Then, when shall we leave!"

"Tomorrow! Even if they don't open the city, we will divide into several teams and shout in front of each city gate, I believe they will open the city!" At the end, Feng Luoyun also slowly came to the caravans. Check the attire for a while, and see if there are other loopholes in a while!

Of course, after seeing Feng Luoyun doing this, Shadow walked over in a similar manner.

In this way, in order to transport more supplies back as soon as possible, Feng Luoyun and Shadow also confessed some problems as much as possible.

"Everyone! Actually, calling everyone here is not for the purpose of going through the scene. Our task is very heavy! Have you seen it? Now my brothers are busy! And whether our home can be built well depends on our purchasing plan!"

"Don't worry, general, you can arrange it, as long as we can do it, we will die!"

"Okay! Then, follow the original plan! Leave tomorrow after breakfast!"

"Yes!" At a certain moment, before Luo Yun's words were over, a powerful air current was flying in the sky.

"Brother, let's go back and rest too! Tomorrow is the time to do business!"

"Okay! Brother go first!"

"Shadow, we are all good brothers! Don't do this! See you tomorrow!" After feeling the slight fluctuation in Shading's mood, Luo Yun also whispered back. Then he walked to his camp.

There was nothing to say all night, when the busy camp came again in the early morning of the next day, Feng Luoyun and Shadow had already set off with ten caravans.

"Shadow, now we can march together! When we get outside Pingyang, everyone will separate! Remember! You must enter from the four gates one after the other! Don't be impatient, you must have the strength of a businessman!"

"Big brother, I know! But you still don't let me lead the caravan! Little brother is afraid of saying something wrong!"

"It's okay, you treat it as an ordinary pedestrian! The caravan is led by someone! Of course, once something happens, you can also help one or two!"

"Brother don't worry, with my body style, there should be no problem!" As he spoke, Shadow also nodded heavily.

In other words, Jin Jun’s garrison is also some distance from Pingyang City, so Feng Luoyun and the others also walked for a day and night. At one tenth of the day, a huge fortress appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Every big brother, little brother is one step ahead!"

"Okay! Go! It seems that the city gate has already opened!"

"It was indeed opened!" After a soft reply, the shadow quickly disappeared before everyone's eyes as well.

auzw.com At this time, Feng Luoyun is also dressed as a businessman.

"Brothers, let's go! I'm going in from the west gate, you just need to separate! Remember, you have to purchase as soon as you enter the city. No matter what, load it in the car first! In addition, the big places that Shadow said before We all go there! But we can’t arrive at the same time! Lest the other party doubt it!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay, let's go first!" Feeling the confidence of everyone, I was also very happy to meet Luo Yun.

After a while, ten caravans also slowly poured in from the four gates of Pingyang City.

Facing the prosperous city, Feng Luoyun was also full of emotions. After all, he hadn't seen such a prosperous city in months.

Because Shadow had already made inquiries before, Feng Luoyun also led the caravan directly to the limestone business.

"Come on, as soon as the gate of the city has been opened, we have welcomed major customers! Please come in, our stone is of good material, as long as it is properly calcined, it will definitely produce more dust! And our The price is still the lowest in the city!"

"Well, don't tell me, brother, we are all businessmen! Looking for your master, we come from afar! We also want to make some money from it!"

"Oh, it turns out that grown-ups are in big business! Good, good, young ones go and call the master over now!" At a certain moment, just before Feng Luoyun came to the limestone business, there was a little brother who was also able to talk. .

However, afterwards, he was dismissed by Feng Luoyun.

"General, look, the limestone here is like a hill! We can't finish it!"

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work once, let's come for the second time and the third time! If it doesn't work, let's transport to the middle zone first, and let General Ge send soldiers to guard!" Feng Luoyun also showed a hint of joy while speaking. .

After all, the materials in front of him are really enormous.

However, in their whispers, an old man also slowly appeared in front of Feng Luoyun.

"The old man is polite!"

"The son is polite! It turns out that you are the big man he said! Well, a talented person, really good! Then I don't know how much the son wants!"

"Old man, I don’t speak secretly. In fact, this son specializes in this business, just to make a difference! If you can make it cheaper, this son will take it all!"

"All! Really all, this is a sky-high price!" While speaking, the old man also cast his eyes on the limestone hill.

"The old man is joking. Since I am a businessman, of course I will start with a profit! Now it is the spring season, I believe this stone is better to sell!"

"That's good! The old man is not hypocritical, just give ten thousand taels!"

"Too many, eight thousand taels!"

"No, at least nine thousand taels, this is the base!"

"It's done! However, the old man can send more people to help! You have also seen it, and these carriages can't be transported by this young man!"

"It's easy to say, as long as you add money!" As he spoke, the old man also waved his hand, and dozens of people came out along the direction of his fingers.

"Thank you, old man! Business is going fast! Brothers pay for money and load the car!" As he talked, Feng Luoyun didn't say much, he just lifted out nine thousand taels of silver, and the old man who was looking at the other side pointed straight. head.

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