I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1077: Procurement (1)

In the unnamed mountains, in Jin Jun's main camp, everyone was surprised by the news of the Imperial City. After all, Shi Chong's army was able to win it was beyond everyone's expectations!

"What, Shi Chong actually won! How could it be possible! He is a big businessman!"

"Yes! Is it possible that Jia Mi is deliberately showing weakness, and even has a bigger conspiracy in the future!"

"You guys, stop guessing! You know that Jia Mi lost 30,000 horses! Even if you show weakness, you don't have to be so hurtful!" At a certain moment, both Zhuifeng and Lingyun felt that Shi Chong should not win. At the time, Jin also expressed his views.

In this way, everyone also exchanged opinions about the war that took place in the imperial capital Luoyang, but in the end they formed a general opinion, that is, to ignore the imperial capital and focus on developing their own territory.

"Brother Li, dear brothers! Everyone is here today. In fact, since the day we left the Imperial City, it has been far away from us! Unless it is some major event, it will not affect us! Of course, we are the best The important thing is to build your own base! Maybe you are not familiar with the term base! But you will know later!"

"Brother, in fact, we all know your intentions! Just tell us, as long as our brothers can do it, we will do our best!"

"Okay! Lingyun, General Ge has been focusing on training, time is very tight, you have to participate more! Chasing the wind, you now take the responsibility of defending the main board!"

"The final commander!"

"Boss, they all arranged tasks, what Luo Yun did!"

"That, big brother, Shadow also doesn't want to be idle!" At a certain moment, seeing that Ling Yun and Zhuifeng both had tasks, Luo Yun and Shadow also hurriedly stood up.

Faced with these two people's initiative to ask, Jin also chuckled, and then said softly: "The two are impatient! Why don't you have a job! Now I will give you an important task! Now our construction plan has been implemented! It is estimated that Wei Yu is still busy now! So, none of us can be idle!"

"Boss, just say it! What task, both of our brothers can complete!"

"Okay! Let's be straightforward! You two now pick some who can talk, take the silver, go to the city, buy! This is the list! The more the better!"

"No, the boss was already ready! No way, why is this list so long!"

"That's right, because there are so many materials to purchase! Of course, in order not to attract the attention of Pingyang County, we don't want finished iron and grain! But a large amount of limestone and iron ore must be purchased! Things, you two just watch and collect! Remember, you need a lot! Money is not a problem!"

"This, this, we thought it was a big task! It turned out to be going to the city to buy things!" Feeling that his task is different from others, Luo Yun is also a little reluctant.

After all, the generals who were born in the army are still willing to train sergeants!

Facing such Feng Luoyun, Jin Shangyu laughed again.

"Big Master Feng! Your mind, brother, I know! But, don't underestimate this procurement task! In fact, your success determines the success or failure of our big base! Do you understand! In addition, the reason for letting Shadow also goes, just to beware of the Pingyang County Guard, after all, he will pay attention to it after a long time! If he dares to take action, you and Shadow can teach a lesson or two, but you can't hurt his life! It's okay to keep him. Contain some other people!"

"The final commander!"

"Shadow will do its best to complete the task!"


"Well, you all go down! From today, we will truly enter the season of great construction!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's body also showed a strong sense of confidence.

Of course, seeing Jin Shangyu showing serious feelings, everyone also solemnly politely bowed and left.

"Pingyang City! Although you are old, I just want to build a bigger city under your nose! Is the Eight Kings Rebellion! Isn’t the Five Random Blossoms! Come on! I’m waiting here!" Look As everyone left, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself loudly in his heart.

After all, the decision made this time will truly affect the future development trend.

Jin Shangyu assigned all the tasks here, and others didn't mention it, just talking about the purchasing team at this time, that is, Feng Luoyun and Shadow.

"Shadow, you take a step first, explore the situation in Pingyang City, and look for materials such as limestone, iron ore, etc.! Later, I will take the convoy into Pingyang City as a businessman! Of course, we will also be divided into Several caravans! A large square will attract the attention of the people in the city!"

"Okay! I'm leaving now! What's the situation, Shadow will report to brother at this time tomorrow!"

"must be careful!"

"Don't worry!" As he spoke, the shadow also walked out of a tent.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu has set big plans, the entire Jin Jun’s main business has become extremely busy inside and outside!

Of course, outside this huge camp, there is also Ge ​​Feng's army guarding it. The chasing wind has become the leader of a "special forces".

"Report! Lord Commander! A dozen hunters were found in the outermost area! We have been observing for a long time. They should be hunters in the city, and some of them may even be ordinary people!"

"Oh, I actually touched here! It seems that it was the Pingyang County Guard who caused the trouble! Tell the brothers not to embarrass them! Please come in, but make it clear to them! They will not be released in a short time!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay, you go! I don't believe it anymore. A few little hunters will find the base camp of Beiying! No, it seems that their purpose is not to find people, but to test! I really didn't expect this Pingyang County to return. Quite cunning!" At a certain moment, after the wind had guessed something, he also muttered to himself.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu’s arrangement, the farming of the land, the planning and planning, and even some people are mining, after all, there is another reason why Jin has set up the camp here, that is, a place not far from here Natural open-pit coal mine!

There are things a day, but they are all busy, and time slips by little bit in such a busy time.

At a certain moment, just when Luo Yun had arranged his ten caravans, a figure slowly appeared in front of him.

"Shadow, how is it, how is the news inquiring!"

"Big Brother Feng! Actually, it is still in a closed state now! However, I still went in! After understanding, there are three merchants selling limestone on the west side of the city. Of course, there is a large iron on the side of the street. Ore reserve area! It looks like it should be the personal property of City Lord Pingyang!"

"Oh, the city was sealed! This is easy to do! They can't keep sealing the city! Of course, with the supplies, the rest is how to talk! I hope the Lord Pingyang is also a businessman!" There was also a strange smile.

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