I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1075: Controversy between body and law!

The spring breeze is blowing, and the green grass is like flowers.

In the unnamed open land, among the weeds that are not too high, there are five figures flying like a swallow and flying like a wind.

The reason why it is said to be five figures is mainly because Ling Yun, Shadow Shadow and others have also joined the gallop. After all, as witnesses, they cannot stay where they are!

Of course, at this time, Jin Shangyu and Zhuifeng were far ahead. Especially that chasing the wind is even more in the lead, always occupying an absolute advantage.

"Mother, it turns out that this kid has changed a lot, and he can actually push his body skills to this speed! It seems that if you want to beat him, you can't do it without real kung fu!" Quickly, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself in his heart.

At this time, although Shadow and others did not catch up with Jin Shangyu, they were not too far apart.

"Ling Yun, I really didn't expect that this stinky boy, Zhuifeng, could be so fast! It seems that I sometimes miss my eyes!"

"Luo Yun, why do you say that!"

"Don't tell the truth about the two of you, in fact, just yesterday, I had a battle with Zhuifeng, and it ended in a draw!"

"Luo Yun, I am afraid that neither of you did your best yesterday!"

"Yes, I admit this! However, even if I use my full strength, I may not have the current speed!" As they spoke, several people were already running at high speed.

When it came to that shadow, he didn't say a word, but followed closely behind Ling Yun and Feng Luoyun. From the expression of his complexion, it could be seen that he hadn't given his full strength.

The three of them followed closely behind, and the tall old tree at this time had already appeared in everyone's sight.

"Boss, if you don't exert any effort, I'm afraid you will lose to the chasing wind! At that time, you know what others will say!"

"Prince Feng! Don't you just want to see the true strength of this young man! Well, let you all see it!"

"Oh, listen, our eldest son Jin is going to show off! Chasing the wind, you hurry up, the boss is going to show off!" After feeling the change in Jin Shangyu's mood, Feng Luo Yun also shouted loudly.

Faced with such a situation, although the distance from the chasing wind is less than two hundred meters, it is probably only a few millimetres between masters.

"Okay, don't you want to watch it! Don't blame me for not reminding you!" After making up his mind, Jin Shangyu also tried his best to urge the body technique. The whole person also undergone essential changes in an instant, and his figure suddenly resembled A dark line drifted forward.

"No, you see, the boss really used real kung fu! What kind of body is this, why can't even I see it! Look at it, don't keep talking!"

"Talk, talk again, we won't even see the result of the game!"

"That's right! After all, we haven't launched the strongest body technique! Since we are all witnesses of this body technique dispute, let's speed up!" When Luo Yun spoke, he was the first to accelerate with all his strength. The speed also instantly increased to a new level!

Of course, at this moment, Ling Yun and Shadow Shadow also changed their body shapes, closely following Feng Luoyun.

In addition to the chasing wind at this time, after hearing that Jin Shangyu was about to accelerate, he also became crazy. The whole person seemed to be flying. The speed is so fast that people dare not say more.

auzw.com However, when the ancient tree in front of me was only a few hundred meters away from the chasing wind, a dark shadow passed by it with an impressive amount of time.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Jin Shangyu!

"You, this, this is impossible! Boss, are you a man or a ghost, a fairy or a god! This is not fair, you are too bullying!"

"Why, don't you accept it! If you don't accept it, ask the referee behind you. Of course, there are two witnesses! If you lose, you lose! Besides, don't you want to challenge this son! If you make a little progress, your heart will swell!"

"Boss, you, forget it! It's all you guys who hurt this young man! This is a big ugly thing!" I wanted to say a few more words, but when I saw the old man Jin leaned against the old tree, he laughed. Looking at himself, Chasing the wind did not dare to say anything, after all, this time he was convinced of the loss.

Besides, the three witnesses came under the ancient tree almost at the same time. Faced with such an ending, the three of them also smiled at each other, their embarrassment was beyond words.

"Why, why don't you speak, do you not believe this result! Actually, this result is very simple! The main reason is that you don't want to believe it! Since you all want to know why the body is so fast, then it's to tell you! Listen! Do not listen?"

"Boss, you don't want to sell it off! Actually, we let the chasing wind compare with you, just to inspire you to show your true ability! Although we use some small means, the goal is good!"

"Okay, every general, if you think carefully, I don't know what this son! Come and come, all of us brothers sit down!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also let everyone sit under the old tree.

"Big brother, um, how did you improve so fast! We managed to improve for a short while, but you improved a lot! It seems that if this continues, we will never catch up with you!"

"Ling Yun, you are a sincere person, unlike some people who have to do it! In fact, this body method not only requires a good light method, but also the most important thing, that is, the physical quality!"

"Physical fitness! What's the matter! Some of us who think we are no worse than the boss! Why can you speed up so easily!"

"Chasing the wind, that's why you are not authentic, dare you say that your physical fitness is good! Compared with ordinary people, your physical strength is very strong! But if compared with real strong people, you are still a little bit worse! "While speaking, Jin Shangyu also slowly took off his coat.

Almost for an instant, everyone exclaimed. Nothing else, just because Jin Shangyu at this time is already a devil-muscular body. It makes people feel a sense of infinite power!

"Boss, you, how did you practice it! It's not natural!"

"That's right, there is a big reason that is born! But when it comes to training the body, I still have a set here! You can take it and see! I hope it can help you!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also took out one. The pamphlet-like stuff was delivered to everyone!

"Nine-training method! What kind of exercise is this!"

"It's not a technique to put it bluntly, it's just a method of strengthening the body! Of course, if you practice this method, you should be able to make progress!"

"Boss, that's all! There is no quick success method!"

"Of course there is! But I just don't tell you to chase the wind! If someone asks, maybe they will tell!"

"You, you! Forget it, look at your appearance, there is no more! Okay, since this'Nine Training Method of Strengthening the Body' is easy to use, then, let's take a look at the master book!" At a certain moment, everyone was right. When Jin Shangyu's body style was amazed, the chasing wind also brought the brochure.

Of course, everyone laughed when they saw such a chase, and Jin Shangyu also slowly put on his jacket again.

Although this time reveals his own body and speed, but for his brother, sometimes Jin Shangyu still knows what to do!

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