I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1074: Superman meets!

The first thousand and seventy-four chapters Superman meets! Page 1/1

Just after sending away those generals who came for advice, Jin Shangyu was caught by the chasing wind before him. Of course, speaking of it, Jin also knew what the other person was thinking.

"Chasing the wind, you didn't come to ask for advice, what did that come for!"

"Why, can't you come over and chat if you are okay!"

"Okay! Of course! What to talk about! Why not talk about our base construction plan!"

"Don't don't don't, my son can't talk about this! Or talk about how to increase the lateral movement speed of your body skills!"

"You, you kid, I didn't come to ask for advice. What is this! Hahaha" After knowing the purpose of Chasing the wind, Jin Shangyu also laughed.

After all, Jin has a relatively close relationship with Chaifeng, so he didn't deliberately conceal himself.

"Boss, your smile is so brilliant, you should have agreed to my son's request!"

"Who said yes! Which ear of your ear heard this son promised you!"

"You, you, boss can't do this!"

"Well, although this son did not promise to teach you, he can be compared with you!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu also came to the front of the chasing wind!

"Boss, is that right! Don't admit it yet! Are you afraid that Ling Yun will know! Don't worry, he will be waiting in the training ground! Of course, there are Luo Yun and Shadow!"

"You, your kid is too bad! You actually got Lao Tzu in! But it's good, just in front of everyone, give you a good lesson!"

"Hahaha, I just wait for my brother to teach you! If you don't use real skills! My son still doesn't agree!"

"Good, good! This is what your kid said! Let's go! Put on your kits and you're on, I just can move your body!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also took the lead and walked towards a wide grassland.

And that chasing the wind also laughed again, and he stayed a step closer to Jin.

For a time, within Jin Jun's main business, Jin Shangyu and Zhuifeng were also one after another. Although they were walking slowly, they showed some differences.

"Boss, just take out all the good things! Don't hide them all day long!"

"Smelly boy, what do you take! You are superhuman beings! I still want to study with you! Now it's all right, you guys actually formed a group to lie to your brother and me!"

"Boss, this is a lie! Isn't this that the brothers respect you! Besides, your ability, others don't know, you tell me, except for the shadow, who knows no one!" At the end, The chasing wind also showed a confident smile.

It seems that at this moment, no matter how great Jin Shangyu is, they will have to be determined.

In this way, a quarter of an hour later, on an open ground two miles from the main camp, several figures were looking forward to it, as if staring at something.

"Here, it's really here! This chasing is really amazing! It's really possible to invite the lord over! Of course, my Shadow can take a look at the lord's superior means with everyone, and it is extremely lucky! "

"The Shadow Brothers are joking! In fact, if we can call you over, it means that we are all good brothers, don't see away! We just met the lord a few days earlier!"

"Don't worry, I will adjust my mentality!" At a certain moment, when the Shadow Master was still a little uncomfortable, Ling Yun also stepped forward to comfort him.

Of course, just as the two of them were talking, Jin Shangyu and Zhuifeng had already come close.


"Why, what do you guys want to do! They are obviously superhuman beings, but they have to force this young man to come and show their ugliness!"

"Boss, if you are showing ugliness! Then, our brothers can't even be called ugliness!"

"Luo Yun, you, you, forget it, let's tell the truth! How do you want to compare!" Seeing Feng Luoyun also come up with words, Jin also knows the fact that he is verbal. Less than any cheap.

"The subordinate shadow has seen the son!"

"What's the situation? Yesterday, I was still called Big Brother. Why is he changed to Young Master today! Isn't this a foreigner? You guys tell me!

"Um, Shadow, how do you say one thing, do one thing, you have said it before, and it's eldest brother, so I changed my mouth when I saw it!"

"Yeah! We all understand your thoughts! We may have been a little uncomfortable before! But just get used to it!"

"This, this, okay, then, Shadow will be your brothers from now on!" At a certain moment, seeing Lingyun, Zhuifeng and others come to persuade him, he finally said what was in his heart.

In this way, because of the shadow, everyone talked a little, but everyone knows that the topic today is not the small things, but the real big things.

"Well, brothers, don't talk about these useless little things, let's get to the point! Luo Yun, you talk first! Don't throw everything on this son! After all, this old son Jin is me Please come here!"

"Okay, I said, boss, in fact, you don't have to be nervous! Our brothers just want to learn from you! To put it bluntly, they just want to learn your super body skills! After all, we still know your ability!"

"Luo Yun, since you say that! That's fine, let's compare with you! But, whoever will you compare! Let's run forward together! It seems like that, there is no judge!"

"Well, it's not allowed to go together! Or, I will be the judge! Of course, let's let the chasing wind come!"

"Ling Yun, you, don't think you can be a referee if you are more stable! Actually, I can chase the wind!"

"Okay, let's chase the wind! You say how to compare!" At a certain moment, after seeing the chasing wind retreat a little, Jin Shangyu also directly clicked the general.

This time, Chasing the wind also gave a wry smile, and then looked at the others.

"Well, well, if you compare it, then it's a comparison! If you learn something through the failure of this young man! I've got it!" At the end of the day, the pursuit of the wind also changed his words.

In the face of such chasing, everyone looked at each other and smiled, especially the shadow, because it was the first time to participate in such an event, so he couldn't help it, and almost laughed.

"Shadow, laugh if you want to laugh! But, my son won't be with you anymore! Go!"

"No, I said Master Herd, you, you don't know this is the beginning!"

"Of course not, but this young man can start after a while! The old tree in front is the end!" As he spoke, Chasing the wind ignored everyone, just rushing away at full speed.

In other words, the chasing of the wind at this time is really as the name suggests, the whole person is like a gust of wind, instantly drifting into the distance.

In the face of such chasing, although Jin Shangyu knew that the other party was using tricks, he did not show a trace of tension.

"Boss, why don't you chase it! If you don't leave, you will really lose!"

"Lose, I don't know who it is! Since you have to compare, let's compare!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also moved, and the next moment, he dashed forward against the grass.

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