I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1043: Compassionately!

Long night slowly, the cold wind remains, but for people whose life and death are hanging by a thread, it is already a flower, a world, and a life!

"Old Qi, you wake up soon! Don't scare your brothers!"

"Lao Qi, I hope you can survive this time! Lord Jin, look at what is going on with the two of them now! Why do we use all the best antidote, they are still angry! It's not that toxicity is too weird!"

"This, this? It's hard to say now! But judging from their complexions, they should be more poisoned! If you can't find out the components of the poisonous gas in time, I am afraid it is really difficult to understand!" At one point, it was in Jin Shangyu In the large tent of the Chinese army, there are two people lying flat on the large flat bed, one is the shadow, the other is the seventh of the Nanling Seven Kills, that is, the soil kill!

Speaking of which, soil killing itself has a very strong full coverage lethality, and the most effective method is to use poison. However, this time, he himself was also recruited. Not only did he fail to save the shadow, but instead lay quietly here. This can't be said between the masters, and sometimes it is no different from ordinary people.

In the face of such an unfavorable situation, although the reputation of Nanling Seven Kills was so great that even Jin was afraid of it, these legendary characters are now in front of him.

"Master Jin! Actually, you must have a lot to ask! Since the two of them can't wake up in a short time! Let's talk about it!"

"Big Brother was joking! But there are some things to talk about!"

"In fact, we are the Nanling Seven Brothers! Of course, our brother is not a real brother. After years of involvement and a little bit of killing, only seven of our brothers are left!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Then, I don't know why your brothers came here!"

"This sounds a bit ashamed! The reason we came here, to put it bluntly, is to help Na Shi Chong again! After all, we collected a huge amount of money from him before! Now we want to leave, so that's it!"

"Okay! No need to say anything in the future. Big Brother can speak to this point. Shang Yu already admires him! Rest assured, these two brothers are both talents and worthy people! Mr. Jin will find a way to heal !" While speaking, Jin Shangyu's eyes fell on the poisoned two again.

"Mother, how to deal with this poison! Even if I can prevent the enemy from the front because of the future core, I can avoid these tricks! But they are not easy to deal with! Forget it, it seems If you want to save them, you have to take another trip!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was also considering how to save the two.

"Master Jin!"

"Big brother! Don't tell me, I guessed it too. Although your name is more difficult to say, the two words "God Kill" sound creepy! Forget it, I will call you Big Brother in the future! It's called the little brother or Shang Yu! Don't put it on the mouth of the adults!"

"Okay! He is indeed a different person! Forget it, just call you Shang Yu! How about it, have you figured out a way!"

"There is one way, but everyone needs to wait here for a while! Brother, just come!"

"Um, Shang Yu! You are not looking for the antidote to Huo Yun, right!"

"Why not!"

"This, this is too difficult! It is estimated that he will hide, even the antidote!"

"No problem! Just wait for the good news from someone Jin!" While talking, without discussing with Ling Yun and others, Jin Shangyu's figure floated out of the army's account almost instantly.


He is so fast that even a leader in the killer world is beyond the reach.

"Ling Yun, it seems that Shang Yu is the real big man! I dare not say anything else. With this body style, it is estimated that no one in the entire assassin world can match one or two!"

"Brother joked! Actually, my eldest brother has some natural abilities! But my elder brother has a kind heart. Not only has he paid a lot in disaster relief many times, but also because he didn't obey the oppression of the powerful, he was almost caught Beheaded!"

"Forget it, in fact, don't tell me, Brother Lingyun, the old men also know Shang Yu's personality! That's why I didn't seek to confront you!

"Then, thank you very much, little brother! I don't know, what big brother is going to do next!"

"Well! Save them first! As for the future! Let's talk about it when Shang Yu comes back!" At a certain moment, when Ling Yun was very vaguely persuading Nanling Seven Kills to return to Jin Jun, although the other party did not directly refuse, He did not immediately agree.

However, both parties in the conversation know that this time I am afraid it will depend on Jin Shangyu's results.

The first one of the seven Nanling Kills here was a chatter with Ling Yun, and Jin Shangyu at this time had already urged his body skills to the extreme.

"Mother, Lao Tzu, this is a race against time! It will be dawn in another hour! If the sky is bright, it will be difficult to get the antidote! Huoyun, it seems that you are the shameless person in the legend! That's right, How can someone who can follow Jia Mi be an upright person!" Jin Shangyu murmured to himself as he flew to the west of the Imperial City.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu slowly lowered his speed, a continuous camp appeared in front of Jin.

"Here! Since it's here to get the antidote, let's explore where he is first!" While thinking in his heart, Jin Shangyu was also in a hidden place, sitting on the ground slowly.

After that, the wisps of strong perception were quickly released. Next, the activities in the entire camp entered little by little into Jin Shangyu's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Mother, most of the sergeants in the camp are asleep! It seems that Jia Mi is certain that I will not come to fight! Oh, then, that must be the Chinese army account! However, there are three people there!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was fully aware of the changes in the camp, he also discovered Huo Yun.

Of course, in Jia Mi's Great Tent of the Chinese Army, there was not only Huoyun alone, but also Jia Mi and Shi Chong sitting on one side.

"Huoyun! I know you are Brother Jia's confidant! But, where did the Nanling Seven Kills go, you have to tell me!"

"That, Master Shi! Actually Huo Yun didn't say anything about panic! They really surrendered to Jin Shangyu! For this reason, I also wounded one of them! Of course, the direct fuse here is the man named Shadow!"

"Shadow, isn't it the guardian of Chengdu Wang Simaying?"

"Forget it! However, it seems that this kid doesn't want to play for the Chengdu King anymore! Because he is helping the Three Kings escape from the Imperial City!"

"Shadow you, you dare to fight against the deity! And you, the deity wants to let you have a way of life, but you don't have any self-respect, but you still want to return to your fief! It's really annoying!" After hearing the news, Mi was in a bad mood, and the whole person was in a state of anger.

The reason why the reaction is so violent is mainly because the three kings are the chess pieces in his hand. If these chess pieces run off the chessboard, think about the mood of the person playing chess.


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