I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1042: War of Magic Night (3)

In the north of the imperial capital city, on a relatively flat grassland, two figures are changing rapidly, sometimes sticking tightly together, sometimes retreating when they touch each other, as if the dance in the dark night seemed to be separated.

"Shadow! Worthy of being a Shade, her body is too weird!"

"Huo Yun, it doesn't have to be the case, this son knows that you are not using your full strength! Since you want to fight! Let's fight! Even though we are all from the assassin world, let's have a killer versus a killer!"

"Okay! I haven't fought such a powerful opponent for many years! No matter what, let's take a look at the Huoyun Jianqi of the deity!" As he spoke, he didn't know when Huoyun took out the long sword.

At the same time as the words arrived with the sword, a fiery white light flashed across the night sky, and then, around the shadow of the shadow, there were countless sword qi, surging quickly.

"Huoyun Jianqi! Let go!"

"As soon as you come up, you will make a killer move! It seems that you really want to kill this young man!" Seeing that his figure is surrounded by countless white sword auras, the shadow knows not well, and the figure is also anxious. Flying fast like the wind.

"What a quick retreat! It seems that your shadow's body has already reached the point where you can use it freely! However, you think you can escape the fire cloud sword aura of the deity in this way, then you really don't wear the shadow like blood!"

"What a ruthless trick! It turns out that there are still changes in your sword aura! Huo Yun, you are a sorcery! It seems that you will be the Huo Yun Cthulhu from now on!"

"Hahaha! Whatever it is! This deity has made a lot of money this time! After all, being able to kill you, the elite of the assassin world, is already a matter of countless scenery! The blame is that you underestimate the enemy! I think the deity will try Attack!" As he spoke, that Huo Yun had also exerted his Huoyun sword aura to its extreme, and what was even worse, among those sword auras, there was still a faint white smoke.

"You, you are still poisoning! It's so insidious!" I wanted to say a few more words, but found that there was an unpleasant gas in the air, and the shadow knew it was not good, so the figure retreated again.

However, this time, even though his speed was extremely fast, he also avoided the poisonous gas, but the orange sword gas derived from the sword gas fell in the air!

Facing such a dead end, Shadow also felt bitter. After all, as Huo Yun said, if he hadn't underestimated the enemy, such an ending would never have happened. But now that the situation is settled, it is too late to say other things.

"Hahaha! Originally, I wanted to deal with that Jin Shangyu this time! Look at how terrible he is! But if you meet you, then leave these methods for you to enjoy!"

"Huo Yun, shameless!"

"Shameless! In the killer world, you can't even write the word shameless! Or you want to be white! No need, today the deity will let you become that normal brother!" At the end, That Huo Yun's figure was also shaking extremely fast! The long sword in his hand bursts out with a dreamlike white sword spirit!

However, at this very moment, a voice came slowly, as if it was a sound from ancient times, and as if it was right in front of you, and it made people feel inevitable to hide.

"Huo Yun! It turns out that you are such a person! It seems that I looked at you at the same level!"

"You guys, do you want to be more nosy! By the way, this has nothing to do with you! Huoyun has always had a clear grudge!"

"The grievances are clear! It's really funny! I think, this shadow understands this way! Otherwise, how could you fall into your trap!"

"Okay! What do you want!"

"Let go of the shadows! Then you will fight a fair fight! Whoever wins and loses, our brothers will not say a word! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"You, you guys are nonsense! Lao Tzu finally took the shadow, you are such a benevolent benevolence! What a big joke! Let's wait for the deity to abolish him!" At a certain moment, the seven figures slowly When he appeared in front of the two of them, that Huo Yun also made the final killer move. The whole person was extremely angry, and the red and white sword energy had already added a dark color.

auzw.com Although everyone can't see clearly, everyone can feel the pressure of death!

"Looking for death! Ah! Boss, this, this sword is poisonous!"

"Everyone don't move! Look at the old man!" As he spoke, just after his brother was pushed back by the sword aura, the old man, known as the goddamn, came to the front of the two warring parties in a flash.

"There is a sky outside the sky!"

"You, you are! Ah!" At a certain moment, after the old man's shout, a powerful dark energy rushed to the attacking Huo Yun like thunder.

In an instant, Huo Yun was hit hard, and his entire body was also blasted three meters away.

Of course, between the electric light and flint, the shadow was swept to the left shoulder by the sword energy.

"You, seven of you, wait! This deity will not give up! Besides, I tell you that it will be your biggest fault to let the shadows go! I believe Shi Chong will not spare you either!"

"Forgive me! No one in this world can say these two words to our brother! Get out, don't get out, only die!" At a certain moment, just when Huo Yun wanted to say something, Nanling Qi The sixth slaying man already leaped towards the opponent.

However, at this most critical moment, Huo Yun didn't know what trick he used, and unexpectedly launched a powerful sword energy again.

Because they were afraid of being touched by the poison gas in the sword gas, everyone did not pursue it anymore.

"Shadow, are you all right!"

"It's okay, it's just hurt by his sword aura! But the poison is strong enough! That, why, my eyes can't open!"

"No, it's the poison gas working! Old Qi! You, why did you fall! It seems that the old man is weak! You should take it down and force him to come up with an antidote!"

"Big brother, let's not blame ourselves, let's see what poison is between them!"

"No, the environment here is too complicated! After all, find a quiet place and treat me well! Otherwise, forget it! Let's go! Take the two of them!" After feeling the poisonous gas in the Huoyun sword aura at a certain moment , The boss of Nanling Seven Kills also issued an order.

However, just as everyone was about to leave here, another sound came slowly.

"Forget it, let's take a look at this son! They are all poisoned, and if they go far away and the blood rushes, they will not be able to recover even if they are treated!"

"You, who are you!"

"Sorry! Everyone! You have been playing on this son's site most of the night, don't you know that this son is willing to play too!"

"It turned out to be Jin Shangyu! Actually, we didn't think something was right if you didn't come! It's just right! Let's talk, is it an enemy or a friend! Or you want to investigate something!"

"Big brother joked! Actually, in the scene just now, this son also happened to happen! Let's take the two brothers to the camp for treatment first!" During the conversation, the fire flashed in the dark night, and a figure appeared slowly. In front of the public.

The person here is not someone else, but Jin Shangyu who has just arrived here. Of course, although no one has arrived, nothing happened here has not escaped Jin's eyes.


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