I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1007: Sun Xiu's words!

In the True Dragon Palace, when Emperor Simalun saw Sun Xiu's figure, his whole body moved all over, and anyone could feel the anger exuding from the dragon seat.

"Long live Lord! Long live Lord! You must be the master! It is the minister who can't help Lord Long live! You used the wrong general!"

"Sun Xiu, raise your head! Why do you see me talking so gibberish! I have come to ask you where all the seventy thousand soldiers have gone!"

"This, it's all the Chen's fault! Only blame the Chen for believing the three of them!"

"Don't cry, cry, and speak carefully!" At a certain moment, after feeling the change in Sun Xiu's mood, the emperor Simalun also suppressed his anger.

The reason why it didn't burst out immediately, perhaps the emperor still had a glimmer of hope for Sun Xiu. But in any case, the facts are already in sight, and one hundred thousand horses have been beaten to thirty thousand.

"Long live Lord! Actually, in the beginning, we still fought a lot of victories. The three kings didn't dare to fight us at all! Of course, at the end of the three generals' advice, we took a three-way approach. The strategy of annihilating the enemy in one fell swoop!"

"Sun Xiu, what you mean is the responsibility of your three generals, right?"

"The minister didn't mean that! The minister knows that being a coach is also responsible! However, Long live Lord must be clear! After that, we actually repelled all the three kings! But, as the front stretched, the heavenly dynasty The three-way army's response to each other is becoming less and less! Even in the end, the left-way army was surrounded by them, we don't know!" At the end, Sun Xiu also showed a touch of sadness.

Faced with such a Sun Xiu, let alone the emperor Simalun on the dragon seat, even the officials could not listen.

"Let's take a look! Such a person can still lead soldiers to fight! Even his own army has disappeared, I don't know yet!"

"Yeah! It seems that the connection between the three-way army has not been established from the beginning! Besides, everyone has merged into one, why they don't know at all!"

"Let me say it! This Sun Xiu should be put to death! After all, the reason why the current situation has reached this point is his responsibility!"

"My dear friend, let's keep your voice down! I don't know if we are not dead. If our words are heard by this Sun Xiu, I am afraid that the dead will be us!" At a certain moment, when the officials were whispering, the whole truth The atmosphere in the Dragon Palace has also become more and more weird.

Although Simalun didn't quite understand what these people were saying, he could read some clues from their expressions.

"Sun Xiu! This, is this what you should say!"

"Long live, in fact, we have also eliminated a lot of vital forces! Although they have chased them now, their number is under 100,000. As long as we organize an effective defense, they will not be able to break the Imperial City!"

"Unbreakable! What a big joke! You even said that! Do you know that your 30,000 defeated army is already unable to fight the Three Kings Army!"

"Yes, but don't we still have a ban! Besides, we can't do it. We can recruit more migrant workers. At that time, even if the three kings come, we can still hold on to the city!"

"Shut up! It seems that you really don't know the situation! You dare to mention the Forbidden Army! Do you know that the Forbidden Army is already outside the North City Gate, it is impossible to help us defend the city! Come on! Have Sun Xiu tied up! "While speaking, the emperor Simalun was also angry, and finally ordered people to tie Sun Xiu's five flowers together.

auzw.com For a time, because the emperor was furious, everyone dared not speak loudly. However, at this somewhat embarrassing moment, Dongan Wang Sima Yao spoke again.

"Long live my anger! This Sun Xiu is guilty! It is an unforgivable felony! But what time is it! Now when we are using people, we can't destroy ourselves!"

"King Dongan! What do you mean!"

"The minister thought that at this moment, let Sun Xiu take the blame! After all, he still has a certain command effect on this army! If you change the commander now, I am afraid the military will be unstable!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! It seems that I still don't think too much! Come, let go! Sun Xiu, you have committed a great crime, do you know that!" At a certain moment, Sun Xiu was **** by the five flowers At that time, Sima Yao, the king of Dong'an, also stepped forward to make a relief.

Of course, because what Dong'an King said was quite reasonable, Emperor Simalun also temporarily let go of Sun Xiu.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Sun Xiu also felt like he was left behind. Not only did he quickly kowtow to Emperor Sima Lun, but he also cast his grateful eyes on Dongan King Sima Yao!

For a time, the entire Zhenlong Palace, because of Dongan King Sima Yao's words, also eased the atmosphere a little!

But the actual problem has not been resolved. As Simalun said before, the army of the Three Kings is right in front of him. If there is no good countermeasure, the entire imperial capital city may fall!

"Well, Sun Xiu, now you can talk about what the three kings want! Is there just no room for negotiation!"

"The sinner Sun Xiu dare not talk nonsense! But the army of the Three Kings is not too powerful! Although the army of the Celestial Dynasty failed first, the main reason was that it dispersed its forces and was taken advantage of by the opponent! The minister still said that, even if it was We only have these three to fifty thousand horses. As long as we make good use of our advantages, we still hope to defend the capital city!"

"This, is this really feasible! Then if they besieged and not attacked, they are mainly troubled, what shall I do!"

"This, this little minister dare to say! After all, the situation is more complicated now! And whether Jia Mi can participate in the war is still unknown!" At a certain moment, when Simalun mentioned the core issue, Sun Xiu did not. Dare to talk nonsense.

After all, the previous lessons were too profound. If Sun Xiu hadn't volunteered to lead the attack, how could such an embarrassing situation occur.

In this way, because of Sun Xiu's entry into the palace and the presence of King Dong'an, the internal disputes were finally resolved peacefully.

Of course, Simalun still came up with two countermeasures for how to deal with the upcoming Army of the Three Kings.

"Everyone, since everyone agrees, then let's settle down like this! King Dong'an, you will have to work hard this time. I hope you can convince the three kings sooner and let them retreat by themselves, so as to avoid the catastrophe. !"

"Xiao Wang obeys the order! Xiao Wang will do his best to negotiate with the three kings! Try to give good news to Lord Long live!"

"Okay! I believe you! You can tell them that I can agree to any conditions, but if I leave the Palace of True Dragons, then there will only be swords and soldiers to meet! Of course, we can't just wait for the outcome of the negotiation. Sun Xiu, you must train your troops well, and you must also gather all the soldiers and horses that can be mobilized in the city! I think about it carefully, at least we will be able to gather 80,000 troops!"

"Yes, Sun Xiu, the guilty minister, took the decree!" Feeling the emotional fluctuations of Emperor Simalun, Sun Xiu did not dare to neglect, and just bowed his head. After all, his current identity is already quite embarrassing.


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