I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1006: Real dragon chaos!

In the north of the imperial capital city, in the unnamed valley, there are endless tents, and the smoke that rises from time to time is also under the cover of the rising sun, changing like dreams and illusions...

Of course, in the morning like this, the porridge fragrant in the army tent where Jin Shangyu is located. However, at this time, Jin is not in the mood to taste these delicacies. Nothing else, because Sun Xiu's defeated army has already returned, and the imposing Three Kings division is about to catch up.

"Shang Yu, you are worried about Jia Mi and Shi Chong!"

"Big Brother Li is extremely right! Although the army of the Three Kings is a hundred thousand people, they don't have to be enemies with us! Moreover, we have already exposed three gates to them! It's just that Jia Mi and Shi Chong are different! Know something about us! We should be regarded as potential targets!"

"Yeah! If they are really united together, they would be too strong! However, now that the Three Kings are following closely, they will not necessarily drip into this muddy water!"

"Well, I'm afraid it won't work! As long as they dare to do it, we will launch a thunder blow! Of course, we still have to divide the big cake of the Imperial City!" At a certain moment, just after the chasing wind left, Jin also started talking with Li Zhao.

Speaking of, since Jin Shangyu made up his mind to move the entire Jin Mansion out of the imperial capital, he had already notified Li Zhao.

Of course, with the cooperation of Jin Shangyu, Ling Yun and others, the people in Li Zhao's mansion also left the North Gate.

"Brother, how are we going now! According to reports, they are entering the city! It seems that there are more than 30,000 people! Thinking about it, this time Simalun still suffered a heavy loss! After all, when he went out before, he claimed to be a force of hundreds of thousands!"

"Ling Yun, you came at exactly the right time. In fact, they were just scaring the Three Kings, at most they were a hundred thousand! However, even so, they lost 70% of their soldiers and horses! It is correct to describe it in tragic words. of!"

"Brother, or let's go to town too!"

"You are afraid that they will act in advance to control the North City Gate!" Feeling Ling Yun's eagerness, Jin Shangyu also thought of something.

Of course, Ling Yun's thoughts at this time were quite reliable, after all, sooner or later people would find that the Forbidden Army was no longer the Forbidden Army.

Here, Jin Shangyu, Ling Yun and others are studying countermeasures, and at this time the imperial city is already full of joy.

"Dear folks and elders, don't be afraid, we are the victorious teacher! Haven't you seen it! Our sergeants are full of energy!"

"What? Didn't it mean that there was a war outside! Why are you back now! Looking at this posture, it seems that you really won the battle!"

"Yeah! Now that the sky has changed, even fighting is a common occurrence! But since it is a victory, why didn't you see them laughing!"

"Small down! Be careful to cause the disaster!" At a certain moment, when Sun Xiu led a team of thirty thousand slowly entering the south gate of the imperial capital, the people on both sides of the crowd also said no. The same voice.

Of course, these ordinary people were whispering to themselves, and Sun Xiu and others couldn't hear it, and they didn't even have the intention to listen.

After all, it is clear to them whether it is to win or lose.

For a while, an official road in the Imperial City was also crowded with people watching. And those Dajin sergeants slowly poured into the city with ordnance in their hands.

There was a new landscape in the imperial capital city, and at this time the True Dragon Palace had long been chaotic.


"Everyone, you are talking about what to do!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! It's a good thing for Master Sun to return! After all, he still has 30,000 cavalry in his hand! So, we can still fight!"

"Lu Zhong, what you said, I don't like to listen! How to fight! At the beginning, I gave him a hundred thousand army, and he couldn't defeat the army of the Three Kings! Now there are only thirty thousand left, how to fight!"

"Your Majesty! Actually, you actually forgot a team! That is Ling Yun's Forbidden Army!"

"Bah! What forbidden army? In my opinion, he is Jin Shangyu's army! Just this morning, I have already reported that the houses of Jin Shangyu and Li Zhao are already empty! What does this mean? It means that they have joined Lingyun. Could it be that at this time, can I still count on them to help! Besides, just a few days ago, you also knew that he actually contracted his soldiers and guarded the north gate! Why is this!" At a certain moment, Just when Lu Zhong wanted to say something more, the new emperor Simalun was already angry, making people afraid to say anything!

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire True Dragon Hall became more and more weird. And time slipped by in such embarrassment.

Of course, from anger to anger, Smalun finally suppressed his anger slightly.

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter, I am not looking into anyone's fault! I just want to listen to everyone's opinions, that is to say, what to do now! I can't wait for the Three Kings to commit the crime!"

"Your Majesty, Xiao Wang has something to say!"

"King Dongan, you should have spoken a long time ago! When is this up, you are still there watching!"

"Xiao Wang dare not! Xiao Wang thought, since this Jin Shangyu is clearly against the court, then we should razed Jin Mansion to the ground! Let him know our determination too!"

"It's not the case! Everyone is gone! Let's not really fight against us anymore! It's still early to start! You should talk about how to fight the Three Kings!" At a certain moment, Sima Yao, the king of Dong'an, made a blow When Jin Shangyu thought, he didn't expect to be directly refuted by Simalun.

In fact, King Dong'an can't be blamed, after all, he didn't know what happened in the True Dragon Inner Temple last night.

Facing such an emperor, King Dong'an also made a state of thinking and thinking. After a long time, but seeing him step forward, he slowly said, "Your Majesty! Little Wang has an idea, I don’t know if it’s possible. Use it!"

"When is it, it's still selling off, come on!"

"Actually, those three kings are also descendants of our Sima family! It's nothing more than they don't know the inside story! It's better to let Xiao Wang go out of the city to communicate with them, maybe they will lead troops away, it's unknown!"

"This, can this really work! Before, I sent troops to conquer them!"

"Well, why not, after all, the three kings are also surnamed Sima!" At the end, Dongan King Sima Yao also had a confident expression.

This kind of dialogue also made the officials sigh. After all, everyone knew the fact that the fundamental purpose of the Three Kings was to fight for the top position. Therefore, Sima Yao's persuasion was not sure at all.

Of course, at this time, Lu Zhong, because Simalun asked a few rhetorically before, the whole person has become a little weaker, and even at a certain moment, he took the initiative to step back. Although these details did not attract the attention of Emperor Simalun, the officials still saw it.

However, just as the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace became more and more weird, Sun Xiu's voice was also heard outside. Of course, the reason Sun Xiu could directly enter the hall was because Emperor Simalun had already ordered this defeated general many times.


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