He Shiqin immediately understood what Wu Chen was going to say, because she was one of the few people in the world who knew the truth about Dong Yuantao's death, and the only witness who could prove that Dong Yuantao was murdered!

Wu Chen has shown before that he knows a lot of things.

So He Shiqin was horrified... Does Wu Chen even know this?

"...Want to talk?" Wu Chen asked again with a smile.

He Shiqin froze there. She didn't want to talk, and she wanted to talk again. It was a very contradictory mentality. She didn't want to talk because she really didn't want to talk about it. This can be said to be a major turning point event that changed her life. There are too many sad, hateful and dangerous things involved.

What I want to talk about is... how does Wu Chen know? What else does Wu Chen know?

The most important thing is that if this matter is leaked out, it will kill her He Shiqin! Ding Ruilong will definitely kill her first! Let the only witness disappear!

"Let's talk somewhere else." Wu Chen said and stood up.

This Shuiyuewan Cafe is a relatively high-end petty bourgeoisie. There are not many guests in the morning. If Wu Chen and He Shiqin are just chatting, there is no problem. If there are some words, it will be no problem to start, and they will be heard by strangers around. It's not a problem.

But once the matter is discussed in depth, and it involves murder and death, it must not be discussed in such public places.

Wu Chen walked out.

It wasn't until he walked five or six meters that He Shiqin, with a struggling expression, caught up with Wu Chen, stepped on high heels to speed up, and followed behind Wu Chen.

Out of the cafe.

Wu Chen didn't go to his car, but walked directly west along the sidewalk. He Shiqin followed Wu Chen's side and behind. The two didn't walk far behind each other, Wu Chen turned around on the steps, and He Shiqin looked up at the same time. At a glance, the steps slowed down.

Because Wu Chen was going to bring her in, it was a four-star hotel that happened to be near the cafe.

The next thing the two are going to talk about must be in an absolutely private space.

So... are you going to open a room in a hotel... chat?

Chapter 0238 is not a couple but a couple

Speaking of which, He Shiqin knew that she would be very attracted to men. Although she was thirty-two years old and her daughter was fourteen, there were still some men who had chased after her over the years.

They are not ordinary men!

Younger and richer, he is younger than He Shiqin.

I chased after her, and I didn't dislike her having children. In fact, when I confessed, I swore that I would take good care of her daughter...

A woman like He Shiqin who could make Ding Ruilong go mad and kill her back then naturally doesn't need to belittle herself. Even if she is over thirty, she is really well maintained... She has a beautiful face!

Especially the figure, most girls can't compare with her figure.

Although, Wu Chen never showed his thoughts to He Shiqin in that regard, and he didn't even show any relevant eyes. Before the showdown, Wu Chen's attitude towards her was always the attitude of the teacher towards the parents of the students.

He Shiqin also knew that Wu Chen was much younger than him.

But... going straight to the hotel will inevitably make He Shiqin think more.

Wu Chen kept walking, walking up the steps, as if he didn't pay attention to whether He Shiqin was following behind him, until Wu Chen walked to the revolving door of this four-star hotel called "Tian Yue", He Shiqin walked up with a strange face steps.

She followed Wu Chen and entered the hotel one after the other.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, there were no guests, because very few people came to the hotel at this time in the morning, and it was not time to check out.

Wu Chen took He Shiqin to the front desk.

He Shiqin looked a little unnatural. She was dressed up today, and after getting up early in the morning, she started to dress up carefully, put on makeup, and put on a white chiffon dress and pink high heels with red bottom.

Even the bag in hand is the kind that goes well with clothes.

Plus very shiny necklaces and bracelets.

He Shiqin can't get down without a hundred thousand.

She is very rich. When she first came to Modu more than ten years ago, she invested in real estate and bought a lot of houses and shops facing the street that were still very cheap at the time. The property value ratio is more than several times worse. Now she is only collecting rent, which is three or four million a year.

Not counting the alimony Ding Ruilong gave to He Xinxin over the years, with He Shiqin's own money alone, her net worth is over 100 million.

Not to mention, Ding Ruilong pays her illegitimate child support in eight figures every year!

She belongs to the kind of "little rich woman" who doesn't need to do any more work and is already financially free!

Therefore, the cost of food and clothing is naturally extravagant. As for food and drink, I always cook at home, so I don't spend too much money, mainly on clothing and various expenses... There is no woman who doesn't like to dress up.

As the saying goes, people want clothes...

Today's He Shiqin looks younger and dressed very delicately, while Wu Chen, who is only 22 years old, looks much more mature when he wears a suit, so just in terms of visual age, the two are really pretty Take it!

Two young men and women, both dressed in formal clothes and looking to be in their twenties, came to the hotel together... It's impossible to make people misunderstand!

Wu Chen stood in front of the front desk, and He Shiqin stood behind him, pursed his lips, stroked his hair subconsciously, and hung it behind his ear.

When the lady at the front desk saw the two of them, she put on an expression I understood and said with a smile, "Hello, sir, do you have a reservation?"

"No reservation." Wu Chen smiled, "Is there an executive suite?"

"Sir, wait a minute, I'll check..." The front desk lady quickly checked on the computer, then raised her head and said, "Some gentlemen, how many rooms do you want?" She then glanced at He Shiqin, who had a wrong face.

But from her point of view, He Shiqin seems to be a little shy, or it may be because she has a soft personality. When she comes to a place like this with a man, there will always be some emotional changes... She has seen this situation a lot.

There are so many people coming and going at the hotel every day, and there are women of all kinds.

She can even directly judge that the two should be a couple who have just established a relationship, not a husband and wife.

Couples are not shy.

"One room..." Wu Chen said.

"Okay, sir, please show your ID card..." The lady at the front desk said, looked at He Shiqin again, and smiled professionally, "Miss, and your ID card."

"I... do I want it too?" He Shiqin was a little stunned.

"Yes, miss, if you have a room for both men and women." The lady at the front desk explained with a smile.

"Oh...Okay..." It sounded weird, and the atmosphere became more and more strange. He Shiqin agreed and took out his ID card from the bag. Wu Chen also took out his ID card. Hand it to the lady at the front desk.

The lady at the front desk took the ID card, flipped through it, checked the appearance of the two and the photos on the ID card, she was still very responsible.

But her face was slightly wrong.

It was just a flash, and it was well concealed.

In fact, she was very surprised, and she glanced at He Shiqin more, because the ID card had the date of birth, Wu Chen was born in 1998, He Shiqin was born in 1988...



The lady at the front desk gave Wu Chen both ID cards and room cards.

"Sir, the 16th floor, the elevator is over there..." The lady at the front desk pointed Wu Chen in the direction.

"Thank you." Wu Chen smiled and walked upstairs with He Shiqin.

At this point, He Shiqin could only follow Wu Chen. She was still a little flustered, but what Wu Chen wanted to talk to her involved too much! It can even be said that it involves her life and death, and whether her daughter He Xinxin will be taken care of in the future...

What else can we do?

no way!

He Shiqin can only hope... just talk.

When taking the elevator upstairs.

There were only two people in the elevator, and there was silence for a while... Wu Chen handed He Shiqin's ID card back to her, and he didn't speak after that. He faced the elevator door, and when he arrived, he didn't even look at He Shiqin.

He Shiqin put away her ID card, glanced at Wu Chen, and pursed her lips again.

"Mr. Wu..." He Shiqin said.

"What?" Wu Chen glanced at her with a smile.

"Why... choose this place?" He Shiqin asked, her eyes dodging a little, not daring to look at Wu Chen, and at the same time she stroked her hair to hide her emotions.

"It's safe here, confidentiality is the best, and no one will bother you." Wu Chen smiled.

This is a reason that makes He Shiqin unconvincing. As long as he is a normal person, he knows that he will be misunderstood when he comes here, so if it is just for safety and confidentiality, there is absolutely no need to choose this place.

It's the same for any restaurant or private room!

Or simply go to the car and talk in the car, isn't it more convenient than talking here?

He Shiqin was even more uneasy.

Come to the sixteenth floor.

This floor is particularly well decorated, because they are all executive suites, and the corridors are covered with carpets.

Wu Chen glanced at the number on the room card, then walked in with He Shiqin, and soon arrived at the door of Suite 1607. He swiped his card, then opened the door first, then turned to He Shiqin and gestured.

He Shiqin glanced at Wu Chen and walked in. Just as she was about to enter the room, Wu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged He Shiqin's waist, and took her into the suite together.

close the door!

in the room.

At the entrance of the porch, He Shiqin froze. When she entered the door, Wu Chen gave her a hug. Although she has let go now, it is self-evident what Wu Chen is thinking...

At this moment, what she was thinking of was not to escape, but to fall into a kind of mental struggle...

Chapter 0239 Why hug me?

Wu Chen inserted the card at the door to get electricity, then put his hands in his pockets, walked through the entrance alone, stopped in the living room, and looked around the room.

This is an executive suite, which is the best room in this four-star hotel. It is different from a residential suite or a particularly large presidential suite. The layout of this executive suite, as a whole, is one.

There is a sofa and coffee table on the side of the living room, a large bed cabinet on the right, and a large glass partition on the left. Because it is made of glass, you can see it directly. Inside the partition is a small study with desks and cabinets. It is convenient to work with a laptop.

On the right and further inward, is the toilet. It is the kind of electronically controlled atomized glass, which can be transparent or opaque.

This room also has a large balcony with a small coffee table and rattan chairs.

In general, this room is quite suitable whether it is used for business trips or for couples' entertainment. It can be used in any way.

The total area is 60 to 70 square meters, and the decoration is naturally luxurious and exquisite.

Wu Chen observed it, then turned to look at He Shiqin at the door. He Shiqin was very uneasy, she could even say she was a little nervous, she could choose to turn around and leave immediately! But she didn't, she thought about it a lot.

She already felt that Wu Chen might be blackmailing herself, and perhaps there should be other motives, but she came to open a room and gave her a hug just now, so what Wu Chen wants to do is too clear.

Back then, He Shiqin was blackmailed...

People's personalities are different, some will accept coercion, some will not.

He Shiqin obviously belongs to the former.

What's different from back then is that now He Shiqin has a concern that he can't let go of, that is, his daughter He Xinxin. He Shiqin doesn't want to be involved in unnecessary disputes anymore. Of course she doesn't want to die, and she doesn't want her daughter to be taken care of.

She even thought that if she had an accident, then her fourteen-year-old daughter...she was the illegitimate daughter of the Ding family, so she would be very embarrassed. It's hard to say how Ding Ruilong would deal with her.

It's definitely not going to be good!

After all, Ding Ruilong has only paid child support these years because of his blood relationship. Because he is too rich, he doesn't care, so it is not a problem to give a lot. He Shiqin knows very well that Ding Ruilong never wants to recognize this daughter. Didn't take a look.

More importantly, in a previous call with Ding Ruilong, Ding Ruilong mentioned it, and even warned He Shiqin not to bring his daughter into trouble, and not to interfere with his life and marriage.

Standing at the door, He Shiqin thought a lot.


One thing worth mentioning is that the biggest reason why He Shiqin didn't leave directly is... She had a very good impression of Wu Chen before! And Wu Chen is young and handsome.

Humans are visual animals.

Although many people deny it, it is the truth.

It's as if in the face of girls messing around, a super cute and beautiful girl messes up a bit, and a fat and ugly girl messes up a little... Men's reactions to this are definitely completely different!

And a bald, fat, rude old man and a young, handsome, cultured and cultivated man make the same request to the same woman, and the woman's reaction must be completely different!

Psychological acceptance is different.

After a while.

"Why are you standing there? Come here." Wu Chen looked at He Shiqin with a smile and said.

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