But... her figure is really a plus!

So if you give her a 9.5 overall, it's not impossible.

Moreover, she is definitely "clean", the kind that no man has ever touched! This is the woman who is going to be given to Ding Ruilong. Mao Rusong is crazy to find a girl with experience. It must be clean, and no one has ever touched it.

"Wu, Mr. Wu..."

Zhuang Xiaodie saw Wu Chen stop at the entrance, turned her head to look at herself, she stood up all of a sudden, holding a delicate bag in front of her with both hands, greeted Wu Chen, paused again, and returned to Wu Chen bowed.

With a soft but somewhat brittle voice.

She wanted to show that she was not nervous, but when she first spoke, she was still nervous.

Wu Chen put his hand in his suit pocket, turned his head slightly and smiled and looked at her, looked up and down, and then looked at Zhuang Xiaodie a little nervously, but overall, it was quite natural, and there was still a comparison on her face. sweet smile.

In fact, Zhuang Xiaodie didn't know who Wu Chen was.

She didn't even know who she would be given to by Mao Rusong in the end. She never knew.

She and Mao Rusong are not the kind of relationship between "boss" and "employee"! It is the relationship between "creditor" and "debtor"!

Zhuang Xiaodie is a native of Hangzhou and came to the magic capital to go to university. The family was originally a wealthy family who did business.

Two years ago, Zhuang Xiaodie's parents went bankrupt due to problems in their business, and they owed a lot of foreign debts to the point where they couldn't even repay the debt by selling the house.

This put a lot of pressure on Zhuang Xiaodie. She had to work and study hard and earn tuition from catwalks and opening performances. She made a lot of money and even helped her family pay back some money.

More than a year ago, Mao Rusong suddenly found Zhuang Xiaodie.

Mao Rusong directly stated his intentions. Zhuang Xiaodie was reluctant at first. Mao Rusong did not intimidate her, but gave her enough time to think about it and met with her many times.

After a period of ideological struggle, Zhuang Xiaodie received a call from her mother in June last year and heard that her father was summoned to appear in court again. how how...

The pressure suddenly reached its peak!

Zhuang Xiaodie made a decision! Take the initiative to call Mao Rusong, make an appointment, and make a "deal"!

After that, Mao Rusong not only used his friends in Hangzhou to settle all the troubles in Zhuang Xiaodie's family, but also helped her family pay off the remaining debts at one time, and paid off more than 5.7 million yuan. !

Correspondingly, what Zhuang Xiaodie needs to do is... Mao Rusong said very straightforwardly at the beginning, he would package and cultivate Zhuang Xiaodie, and then... give her to a big man as a lover! But he never told Zhuang Xiaodie who he would give her to.

After this is done, the debt will be written off!

A year passed like this.

until today.

She was finally going to meet the "big man", Mao Rusong informed her and arranged everything, but he still didn't tell her who the big man was, just told her his surname was Wu! And said that the person who entered the room was to let her "take care" of it.

Wu Chen is looking at Zhuang Xiaodie.

Zhuang Xiaodie controlled her emotions and was also looking at Wu Chen.

At this moment, she was a little surprised. She had figured it out a long time ago, and after a year of training, she had already seen it. Zhuang Xiaodie had long thought that this "big man" who Mao Rusong should respect, how could he have four fifty years old?

She really has no choice, she has to accept it anyway!

Mao Rusong did not threaten her, and even helped her family. Now she is her creditor, but it also means "beneficiary"!

Zhuang Xiaodie is even ready to accept a fat and old man as her man, so she is now pleasantly surprised, because Wu Chen and her are obviously the same age, and... they are quite handsome!

"Mr. Wu, do you want to take a shower first? Over there..." Zhuang Xiaodie spoke first and gestured towards the bathroom.

Wu Chen smiled, thought for a moment, and then walked directly to the bathroom.

Zhuang Xiaodie also moved, and followed Wu Chen in...


A new day, July 18, 2020.

At seven in the morning, Wu Chen opened his eyes on time.

He looked at the ceiling and smiled, then turned his head to look at the woman in his arms. Zhuang Xiaodie, who was sleeping, still had some tears in the corners of his eyes, but there was a faint smile in the corners of his mouth.

Wu Chen observed her, and soon, Wu Chen closed his eyes again.

Keep sleeping.

No hurry.

Moreover, Wu Chen officially rested very late last night, and he didn't really fall asleep until three or four o'clock in the middle of the night.

More than an hour later, more than eight in the morning.

Wu Chen woke up again, but not on his own initiative, but because Zhuang Xiaodie woke up. Wu Chen felt that someone kissed his cheek, so he woke up. He opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw Zhuang Xiaodie pursing his lips, his eyes wide. Look at yourself for a moment.

"Wake up." Wu Chen smiled softly.

"Yeah." Zhuang Xiaodie responded with a nasal voice obediently, then put her arms around Wu Chen's neck, and then kissed Wu Chen on the cheek...

It's past nine o'clock.

Wu Chen finally got up, and Zhuang Xiaodie fell asleep again. Wu Chen asked her to take a good rest for a while. After all, it was her first time, so she must have a good rest today, and Wu Chen was going out to do errands.


wear clothes.

Go downstairs.

After getting in the car, Wu Chen called He Shiqin...

After half an hour.

Shuiyuewan Cafe in Dongpu District, Magic Capital.

He Shiqin arrived first.

Wu Chen entered the cafe, and He Shiqin, who was obviously well-dressed and sitting by the window, waved to Wu Chen with a smile on his face, looking very happy.

Sitting down, we chatted for a while before we officially started talking about being a tutor.

In fact, I said a lot of things yesterday. Today, I said some repetitions, but I said it in more detail. After that, I talked about when Wu Chen has time and the cost of tutoring.

He Shiqin raised the price many times, and even offered a price of 5,000 per hour!

As long as her daughter can be well, she is really willing!

"...Mr. Wu, if you really don't have time to come to Modu frequently, then...I can consider taking Xinxin to the East China Sea this summer so that you can teach, and we'll rent an apartment there for a while, and come back after Xinxin starts school. The magic capital..." He Shiqin's words had already reached this point.

"Go to the East China Sea..." Wu Chen showed a subtle smile at this time, he glanced out the window, smiled and paused, and then said to He Shiqin, "Aren't you afraid that Ding Ruilong would know that you took your daughter to leave the magic capital without authorization? "

A sudden showdown!

He Shiqin was obviously stunned, and then the boss with his eyes widened at once, stared straight at Wu Chen, his expression even a little horrified!

0237 shudder


He Shiqin stared at Wu Chen with wide eyes, she couldn't believe it, there was a storm in her heart, and there was a "hum" in her head, and the whole person suddenly felt completely wrong! Fear, there was fear in He Shiqin's eyes!

It wasn't Ding Ruilong who made her fear, but the person who mentioned Ding Ruilong's name was Teacher Wu Chen and Wu!

It was for himself!

When He Shiqin heard Wu Chen mention the three words Ding Ruilong, she knew at once that Wu Chen was here for her. Although she couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it, it was the truth!

There is no other possibility.

He Shiqin hasn't seen Ding Ruilong for many years, but there is a phone call every year. Ding Ruilong will pay her He Xinxin's alimony. Sometimes he can talk, sometimes not.

And He Shiqin is not from the Magic Capital.

She is from Nanguang.

She moved to Modu one year after her daughter was born. In Modu, she started anew. This is a city where no one knew her. She regained friends and relationships that had nothing to do with her before.

In Modu, her friend, no one knows her past!

Over the years, no one has bothered her.

In her current "world", no one knows what she has experienced before, and no one will know the name Ding Ruilong! At least He Shiqin thinks so. However, in the past ten years, it has happened several times that someone pursued her, and then suddenly alienated her.

He Shiqin can imagine what happened.

She knows that her life is hopeless... and He Shiqin has long since stopped doing what he thinks. She puts all her thoughts on nurturing her daughter. She feels that she will never hear Ding Ruilong from other people in her life. Name, but he has to live in the shadow of Ding Ruilong all his life.

It's been like this for the rest of my life.

She never expected that Wu Chen would actually say the words "Ding Ruilong"!

He Shiqin doesn't believe in any coincidence. In the vast world of people, the teacher she took the initiative to find online and in the chat group happened to know Ding Ruilong, and she knew her relationship with Ding Ruilong?

This can't be a coincidence!

But it is because she is not a coincidence that makes He Shiqin afraid, because... She took the initiative to find Wu Chen, she took the initiative to talk to Wu Chen privately, she strongly requested to meet Wu Chen, and strongly wanted to ask Wu Chen to be Homeschooled!

Everything is her initiative.

The fear that made her shudder!

She even felt that she was being manipulated, a feeling that everything was her own initiative, but she was being manipulated!

Thinking of this, He Shiqin's whole body started to chill.

Wu Chen kept smiling and looked at He Shiqin. He Shiqin seemed to be unable to take it any longer. He kept looking at Wu Chen with that terrifying expression, and the two looked at each other... Actually, Wu Chen's words revealed a lot of information.

He said, "You are not afraid that Ding Ruilong will know that you took your daughter to leave the magic capital without authorization", which is equivalent to telling He Shiqin that he knows that Ding Ruilong has control over her.

The amount of information contained in this is not ordinary!

Wu Chen must know what she has experienced with Ding Ruilong, as well as some situations over the years, in order to say such words directly.

The more He Shiqin thought about it, the colder her body became.

She was frightened by Wu Chen.

"Actually, your worries are unnecessary." Wu Chen smiled again and said to He Shiqin, "You brought Xinxin to the capital for a tour the year before last, and you didn't say hello in advance. Ding Ruilong knew it. He mentioned it in a later call with you, but it was only a matter of time. , just mentioned it..."

"He doesn't keep people staring at you all the time, and he doesn't care about many things. As long as you don't take Xinxin to go abroad, it's fine to go there in the country."

Wu Chen said these words not to let He Shiqin understand the situation, or to appease her emotions.

Just let her understand that I, Wu Chen, are here for you, and I know a lot!


He Shiqin was still speechless. After a while, she reluctantly spoke and asked in a low voice, "You, are you... approaching me?"

"Hmm!" Wu Chen nodded and smiled.

It is very frank to admit.

At this time, everything that needs to be laid has already been laid, and Wu Chen has nothing that he can't calm down.

According to his plan, he was going to show off to He Shiqin before taking He Shiqin and He Xinxin to the East China Sea.

Although Wu Chen already had the opportunity to deceive He Shiqin and He Xinxin to the East China Sea, it would be very difficult to deal with it after that. He cheated in the past and then had a showdown. The feeling of coercion!

He Shiqin's resistance will destroy everything that Wu Chen has set up.

She might even sneak away with her daughter, or even more seriously, she might ask Ding Ruilong for help.

In that case, it would be too difficult to make her a witness!

So... Wu Chen wants her to make her own decision! She took the initiative to agree to go to the East China Sea, which is what Wu Chen wanted. Wu Chen needed He Shiqin to actively cooperate with him to do a lot of things, so this must be the case!

"I..." He Shiqin stood up suddenly, took the bag and wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, she turned around and was about to leave.

She just wants to run away now.

go home!

Don't contact Wu Chen again!

"About Dong Yuantao..." Wu Chen said with a smile, opened his head, and stopped after five words, but He Shiqin who had just turned to leave suddenly stopped, and then Suddenly look back at Wu Chen!

His eyes were wide open, and his eyes could be described as horror.

In fact, if the name Dong Yuantao is only heard by people, if it is heard by people who know Dong Yuantao, they will not understand. What Wu Chen is going to say, Dong Yuantao accidentally drowned...

Wu Chen just mentioned his name.

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