I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 94 The storm suddenly arises, the situation within the situation (a big chapter with ten tho

"There is actually a dungeon in this mansion." The ghostly light ignited, the underground space was vast, and the iron ropes and shackles were all engraved with rune formations that blocked the movement of spiritual energy.

There are dozens of strong cages made of special materials, and they are connected with the entire dungeon's defense formation. The slightest movement will alert you.

"This is what the prince gave to his son. Of course there should be many things." Lin Fei strolled leisurely.

Originally, Li Hao wanted to take this group of people to Night Guard, but Lin Fei told him that the mansion itself had a dungeon, so there was no need to occupy Night Guard's place.

What's more important is that this mansion is very close to the palace, and there are some big shots living nearby. If there is any unexpected situation, they can respond in time.

"The relevant measures at the Night Guard are so backward that I don't even bother to pay attention to them. If I really put these guys in the Night Guard, they might be rescued in the middle of the night."

Lin Fei looked at Ji Yuan and the others with a faint smile on his face, which made people tremble in their hearts.

"Brother Lin, my father sent three fire tree corals to General Lin's house the day before yesterday. Do you think it was a misunderstanding today?" One of the young people said with a pale face and a slight smile on his face.

"What does the gift you gave to my father have to do with me? He is here now?" Lin Fei was confused.

Ji Yuan's throat trembled, and the bad premonition in his heart drove him crazy. The two people in front of him were firmly engraved in his mind.

After getting out of here, he will try his best to get back with revenge.

But now, he also knew that it was not the time to be tough, so he forced a stiff smile on his face and said: "Brother Li, Brother Lin, we just have a small friction, why make the matter so big."

"Before, I was just jealous of a woman. I apologize to you two here. I will definitely give you generous gifts when you get out."

His posture was very low, and he was still able to bend and stretch. Li Hao retracted his gaze from looking around and looked at Ji Yuan: "Are you jealous over a woman?"

"Seeing that your previous plan was quite rigorous, I'm afraid it's not as simple as jealousy, right?"

"What on earth do you want to do!" Ji Yuan took a deep breath and couldn't help shouting: "I did want to scheme against you before, but at most it would only make you lose some face."

"Do you have to make the matter so big? My father Ji Silin is the leader of the Northern Territory of the Hidden Dragon Guard and is directly under the control of Daxia. Even the prince must treat my father with courtesy."

"If I remember correctly, you also worked in the Hidden Dragon Guard. Do you really want to go against my father!?"

Ji Yuan couldn't understand, didn't Li Hao know this?

"The leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard in the north..." Li Hao murmured a few words and glanced at him faintly: "Then we will wait and see."

Meng Po Soup is made from the Ming Cauldron, and the Ming Cauldron is with Ji Silin. It is basically certain that the person who refines the Yin Blood of All Spirits in Zhenbeicheng will definitely not be able to escape Ji Silin.

And the person who wanted to kill him had something to do with Ji Silin.

However, he knew these things himself but could not speak out about them.

Although he used his gluttonous tongue to say that he could taste the functions and origins of some items.

But to say that he could even taste what it was made from would be a bit ridiculous.

It is even more impossible for him to expose the Sumeru Space, after all, its effect is too heaven-defying.

Moreover, Ji Silin is indeed in a high and powerful position, and it cannot be done with just a few words.

Therefore, to prove this, he had to find more evidence.

In other words, even if there is no evidence, some evidence pointing to Ji Silin must be created.

But at least he had learned part of the truth. It was an open-book exam. As long as he argued with Ji Silin, he was not afraid of not gaining anything.

"School Guard Wang, prepare to search for his soul." Li Hao ordered.

"Searching for the soul?" Wang Zonghan hesitated and said, "I am not proficient in this method. If you want to search for his soul, then I need to go to the Chilin Army to find two masters who are proficient in this method."

"You want to search for my soul!?" Ji Yuan was stunned, and then looked a little ferocious and crazy: "You want to fight me to the death?"

"My father will not let you go. If you really dare to do this, you are seeking death!"

The pain of searching for the soul is beyond what ordinary people can endure, and it will cause irreparable and permanent damage.

After reaching a high level of practice, the path of practice will become even more difficult.

Therefore, no matter what force or organization you are in, searching for the soul is the last resort.

Wan Ren, who had always felt a bit like a dream, woke up with horror and couldn't help but said: "Commander Li, calm down, it's not like this!"

After careful consideration, he realized that he was in big trouble.

Although Li Hao has the potential to become a golden thigh, he is now about to compete with another real thigh.

When Li Hao suppressed Ji Yuan head-on, he was watching from the side. There was no doubt that he had been beaten into Li Hao's faction.

Although Li Hao can now dispatch the Chilin Army, he is obviously protected by the King of Zhenbei.

But he didn't, he was just a small character.

If Ji Yuan is searched for his soul again and becomes neither human nor ghost, then Ji Silin will probably come back for revenge at all costs.

Lin Fei's father is General Lin, and behind Li Hao is the King of Zhenbei. What about him?

Even Lin Fei was a little surprised, although it was within their plan to induce Ji Yuan to find Li Hao.

But this is just an introduction, it does not mean that we will start a war with Ji Silin openly and openly.

What he told Li Hao before was just a personal guess, in case the final investigation revealed that the murder of Li Hao or other matters had nothing to do with Ji Silin.

Then this is not a big mistake. In vain, he created a powerful life and death enemy for himself.

"Brother Li, do you want to think about this again?" Lin Fei whispered: "What I said before was just speculation. Isn't the purpose of our doing this just to find out."

"Isn't it too reckless to directly search for his soul? Moreover, even if Ji Silin has a problem, Ji Yuan probably won't know about it."

"Don't be reckless." Li Hao waved his hand, already making a decision in his mind, and said to Wang Zonghan: "In that case, let's find some masters who are proficient in this way."

"Understood!" Wang Zonghan accepted the order. He didn't have much idea. He only knew to follow Li Hao's order.

"No, you are lying to me. You dare not touch my soul, you will never dare!" Ji Yuan roared, thinking that Li Hao was intimidating him. Although he didn't know the reason, he could only think so.

"Brother Li, Commander Li, we all came here under the influence of Ji Yuan, and we are not disrespectful to you at all." Someone said with a trembling voice.

"Yes, in our hearts, we all admire you very much."

As for the rest of them, beads of sweat fell like rain on their foreheads, and they deeply regretted listening to Ji Yuan's trick today and following him to make things difficult for Li Hao.

Because Li Hao became famous as a young man, they also became a little jealous, so they wanted to lose face to this person, but the result was the current situation.

This guy is a complete lunatic. He dares to search for Ji Yuan's soul, let alone them. He regrets it in his heart.

Wan Ren was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he also knew that he could not change anything.

The few people did not wait here. The Chilin Army guarded these people, and the three of them left the dungeon.

This mansion is now guarded by the Chilin Army at all levels, with one post every three steps and one sentry every five steps.

Outside the mansion, many people who were in a hurry were already passing by, looking at the mansion vaguely, and then leaving with solemn expressions.

Ji Silin's son was slapped in the street and arrested by the Chilin Army!

This incident swept through the upper levels of Zhenbei City like a hurricane.

Due to the special nature of the Hidden Dragon Guard, although Ji Silin nominally belongs to Zhenbeicheng, he is independent.

Soon after, more detailed details were placed on the desks of various important figures.

"Bai Yu? Are you jealous of Feng Feng?" Someone stroked his white beard and said with clear eyes, "It's ridiculous. He can't even see Lin Feng's casual game. This Ji Silin's son is really stupid."

"However, Li Hao was able to mobilize the Chilin Army. Why did the prince give him such great support?"

He turned his head and looked at the spiritual seal characters suspended in mid-air on the other side——

[Li Hao passed the Haoran Jade Wall and was able to confirm that he was not the one who took the body]

"Is that the reason?"


"Even if his adoptive father wins over him, he will not be given the right to dispatch the Red Lin Army. There must be a deeper secret."

Jingwei Division, Xing Mengdao looked at the latest news summary: "He has one of our commanders by his side, right?"

"Yes, his name is Wan Ren, his family is clean, he has worked in the Jingwei Division for fifty years, he has made some achievements, received some rewards, and through his own hard work, he has become a cave." Someone reported.

"Should we recall him to prevent Ji Silin's anger from affecting Chi Yu?"

Xing Mengdao shook his head: "No, let him stay by Li Hao's side with peace of mind. If Ji Silin vents his anger on him, I will be responsible."

Some astute people have noticed the bigger waves hidden under this storm, and they are becoming increasingly uneasy.


"Sir, King Zhenbei has gone too far. He actually let a junior attack you." There was anger in the voice of the man in black robe.

The man in front of him had a fluttering beard and frowned: "What on earth does he know that makes King Zhenbei willing to give him such great power."

"Perhaps, he is just an excuse that King Zhenbei came up with just to attack you."

"No..." Ji Silin shook his head: "King Zhenbei would not be so unwise as to cause a conflict without an accountable outcome, which is not a good thing for him."

"What's the use of taking the young master? He doesn't know anything." The man in black robe was a little confused again.

"It's hard to say. Yuan'er has been with me for more than twenty years. It's inevitable that he will know some inconspicuous secrets." Ji Silin was also a little unsure.

"However, even he himself probably doesn't know the meaning behind those secrets. Don't worry about him unless..."

Thinking of this, he hesitated again. No matter how crazy that kid was, he couldn't be so bold.

Now that there is no evidence, we want to form a deadly feud with him?

It can't be so unwise.

"Could it be just because of Li Ang?" The man in black robe made a guess: "I took the young master just to let you give him an explanation."

"Otherwise, throw those people out to calm his anger?"

"Could it be that simple?" Ji Silin's eyes were dark, and then he shook his head and sighed: "The disaster has already happened. It's too late to get rid of him now."

He didn't expect that this person would already gain the trust of King Zhenbei just by being one step slower.

The probability of killing him in Zhenbei City is too low now. Even if he does it personally, it will be difficult.

He lowered his head and looked at the detailed information in his hand. The three names Li Ang, Li Hao, and Hongque kept appearing repeatedly in it.

"Is it possible for an ordinary person who has been buried in a dragon's burial ground for more than ten years to ascend to heaven like a hidden dragon for half a year?"


Half an hour later after returning to the mansion.

The changes in the outside world could not stop Li Hao from trying the power of [Ghost Body]. After spending nearly ten thousand spiritual source crystals, this magical power was integrated into his body.

Threads of black lines climbed up his body, making the practice room full of ghosts. The real cave behind emerged, and the golden liquid in the lava crater boiled and bubbled.

Among them, a dragon-shaped shadow was wandering, and he drank the large bowl of nectar and jade liquid in the palace.

It was filled with concentrated elixir essence, prepared using the special secret method of the Great Xia royal family, and the King of Zhenbei personally sorted out the rampant essence for him.

This allowed him to take a big step forward in the first realm of Dongtian.

And [Ghost Body] makes up for the last piece of the puzzle.


A high-pitched dragon roar resounded in the practice room, and a dragon shadow jumped out of Dongtian's mouth, like a real dragon, with a dazzling body and lifelike scales.

In an instant, his aura was powerful, and the dragon shadow coiled around his body, finally hovering above his head.

Suddenly, Li Hao opened his eyes, a sharp light flashed, his pupils turned into gold, and golden flames burned as his energy and blood surged.

He opened his palms, and there was a faint shadow of dragon claws.


A harsh friction sound was heard, and three clearly visible claw marks were left on the black wall of the practice room.

You know, this wall is made of black crystal. Theoretically, it should be difficult for the Cave Heaven Realm to damage it.

"Consume a large amount of one's own blood and spiritual energy to improve one's own strength in a short period of time." Li Hao murmured secretly. This was the magical power he developed by using the true dragon veins as the carrier of the cave.

"In that case, let's name it "Dragon Body"." Li Hao was in a happy mood. In this way, his strength reached a higher level.

Although the Red Lin Army can now be deployed, only one's own strength can bring a real sense of security.

Moreover, he worked hard, on the one hand to get rid of the hidden dangers, and on the other hand to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Then, with a bang, his body exploded into black mist and dissipated in the practice room.

Outside the practice room, Lin Fei looked back in surprise.

Feeling the increasingly surging aura, Wan Ren was also a little shocked: "Commander Li has made a breakthrough?"

"So fast?"

"I heard that he just broke through to the Cave Heaven Realm after coming to Zhenbeicheng. Why did he break through again?"

Lin Fei was not surprised and said casually: "It is normal for him to drink the jade liquid in the palace and break through to the cave-heaven realm, but I thought he would have to settle for a while."

"Qiongjiangyuye?" Wan Ren was obviously a little confused and had never heard of this thing.

"The prince said that it was supplied directly to the Daxia royal family, but in fact, ordinary members of the royal family are not qualified to taste it. Its production process is extremely complicated, and the essence contained in it can almost be absorbed directly." Lin Fei explained lazily:

"It was supposed to be given to the prince by the royal family, but he was allowed to drink it."

Wan Ren's throat trembled when he heard it, "Hey, boy, what kind of good thing is that? No wonder Commander Li made another breakthrough in a short time."

Young genius, so good...

Shaking his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, he said with some worry: "If we really want to search for Ji Yuan's soul, is Commander Li going to do this too aggressively?"

"Besides, I don't think he looks threatening."

"I didn't threaten him in the first place." Li Hao's figure suddenly appeared, and wisps of black mist drifted from around his body.

His sudden appearance startled the two of them.

"Why are you so silent? Don't you know that you can scare people to death?" Lin Fei said angrily, still frightened.

Wan Ren hesitated to speak, but he also knew that he had already persuaded him, and if he tried to persuade him again, he would seem a little ignorant.

Lin Fei said: "When you were in seclusion, three waves of people came to your door, all looking for you. However, the people who came were of low status and obviously had a somewhat arrogant attitude, so I sent them away."

"Will you let those guys go?"

"They should all be losers. It doesn't make any difference whether they let it go or not. Let's see what kind of price they can offer." Li Hao said casually.

Surrounded by the Scarlet Lin Army who were on guard, Wan Ren was dumbfounded. Are you using the Scarlet Lin Army to line your own pockets?

Still so undisguised?

Are you really afraid that the prince will blow your head off?

"My lords, my lords, I was just passing by and got lost accidentally, so I ended up here." There was a noise not far away, and Wang Zonghan was seen carrying a thin old man here.

"What's going on?" Lin Fei asked.

"When I came back, I happened to see this man sneaking around the mansion, and he was close to the warning range of the Chilin Army, so I casually captured him. I don't know which spy he was." Wang Zonglin reported.

"Hey, Brother Li, Brother Li..." The skinny old man looked excited when he saw Li Hao.

"Do you know this person?" Wang Zonghan asked.

Li Hao looked strange, with runes flashing in his pupils, and he used the spiritual eyes he had obtained not long ago.

It's him?

Li Hao remained calm, shook his head and said, "I've never seen this guy before. Just kill him and bury him in the ground to feed the bamboo."

"It's me, it's me!" The old man's expression became even more excited, and his whole body became blurry. After a moment, his appearance changed drastically. There was a bit of panic on his handsome face: "I am Shouren..."

Orcs? Wan Ren blinked, and he still scolded himself like this?

Wang Zonghan looked a little surprised. This person actually used the art of transformation. He didn't even notice it just now.

"It turns out to be Brother Shou Ren, I almost misunderstood, I'm sorry..." Li Hao suddenly realized, and said: "Sit down quickly, sit down quickly, have a cup of spiritual tea, and let Wang Xiaowei kill you later."

Shouren's originally gentle expression froze on his face, and he said cautiously: "Brother Li, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking? I'm sneaking around my mansion with bad intentions." Li Hao's expression suddenly turned cold.

"Aren't I being cautious... I originally wanted to come to you, but then I heard that you had done something big and arrested Ji Silin's son, so I thought I would not show up for the time being and help you secretly..."

Shouren rambled a lot, but he could sum it up in just eight words: greedy for life and afraid of death, timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

"What's your real name?" Li Hao interrupted and asked directly.

After hesitating for a moment, he said: "My name is Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen, a disciple of Taoist Beiling." Lin Fei's eyes flashed and he said in surprise.

"General?" Li Hao had a strange look on his face. Jiang Chen, who was looking at him, felt terrified and couldn't help but said: "Brother Li, this is really my name. This brother has already been confirmed."

"Your master, didn't they dig you out of a certain tomb?" Li Hao asked curiously. After all, he was familiar with the name General.

"Don't be ridiculous, Brother Li, my parents were both dead, and I was accepted as a disciple by my master by chance." Jiang Chen waved his hands and said speechlessly.

Although his master was a tomb robber, he wouldn't dig something out of a tomb and become his apprentice.

What's more, the memories of my childhood are still vivid in my mind.

"Wang Xiaowei, please suppress this person. This person has an extraordinary background and I don't know what conspiracy he has." Li Hao ordered.

This guy has a lot on his mind. Although they were both enemies and friends at the burial site of the dragon, it was forced by the situation.

In this situation, he naturally has to take the initiative.

Besides, this person didn't know what the purpose of looking for him was.

"No, Brother Li, why have you changed your face?" Jiang Chen panicked. Seeing that he was about to be taken away, he shouted, "I have a secret to tell you."

"What secret?" Li Hao called to stop the Chilin Army.


He looked around and it was obviously difficult to say.

Then, Li Hao brought him into the practice room, and Jiang Chen set up a spiritual formation before saying with a wry smile: "Brother Li, you have to urinate when you catch a toad."

Shaking his head, he calmed down and said, "Do you still remember his giant bronze door?"

"Remember..." Li Hao remained calm.

"According to the analysis of the information revealed by my master Na Immortal, he deliberately let me enter the dragon burial ground just to let me come into contact with the bronze door."

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, and still felt frightened when he thought about it. The place where the dragon was buried was in danger every step of the way.

"Oh?" Li Hao became more energetic: "Why?"

"I don't know the specifics, but it seems that being in contact with the giant bronze door is related to some kind of qualification." Jiang Chen frowned: "My master said that he calculated for a long time before the appearance of that space."

"This old immortal likes to play riddles the most, so what if you just tell me." He gritted his teeth, obviously hating the Riddler deeply.

"By the way, he figured out one more thing."

"Huh?" Li Haoden felt strange. Beiling Taoists were notorious and liked to visit the tombs of their ancestors. It could be said that everyone wanted to beat him.

However, he is also an expert in arithmetic and is favored by many tribes in the Northern Wilderness.

"He said that the Northern Wasteland will soon be soaked in blood, and everyone will inevitably die." When Jiang Chen spoke, there was some worry in his eyes.

Although the Beiling Taoist is a bit old and disrespectful, he is very good at calculating Taoism. Being able to calculate such a scene is enough to prove something.

"Since it can be counted by my master, it means that this matter has already begun."

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and subconsciously thought of many things.

After a while, he smiled again and said: "Brother Jiang, long time no see, I miss you very much."

"The way you and I worked together to kill Kuidu is really missed."

Jiang Chen's eyelids twitched, it's coming, it's coming, a familiar feeling is coming.

He sneered twice: "The most important thing is Brother Li, I'm just casual."

The two looked at each other and then laughed.

When I walked out of the practice room, I felt like nothing had happened.

Originally, Li Hao didn't really plan to do anything to him.

After all, Jiang Chen had a share of the credit for saving Little Bei Wang.

When the two came out, Lin Fei didn't ask anything. He just said: "There are people coming from the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion. One of those people is a junior from the top of the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion."

"Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion?" Li Hao was a little surprised. He still remembered Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion's initiative to raise the price.

"Is anyone gone?"

"No, let me wait in the mansion. The person who came is a bit special, it's Mrs. She." Lin Fei chuckled, with a bit of ridicule: "Many people in the north city of this town know about Brother Li's affection for women. I have a special liking."

"Ah?" Li Hao was a little confused and looked at Wan Ren subconsciously.

Wan Ren's face darkened, and he said with hatred: "That girl must be talking nonsense."

Li Hao was also a little speechless. His wife must have heard what he threatened Wan Ren at that time, and she may have said it to others just to show off.

"Haha..." Lin Fei chuckled twice.

Li Hao shook his head, gave Wang Zonghan a few words in private, and called Lin Fei to whisper a few words.

Lin Fei looked at Li Hao with strange eyes, and said with some admiration: "It's a strange move."

Li Hao chuckled twice and went to the living room.

In the shadow of the bamboo forest, you can see the waiting maid before you arrive.

A beautiful figure draped in black gauze sits in the hall. She has a plump figure, a high chest, and a round waist, with a little sadness in her expression.

"Mrs. She?" Li Hao walked into the lobby and asked a little tentatively.

"Mr. Li." Mrs. She stood up, lightly parted her lips, and said softly.

"Please sit down." Li Hao sat at the top and reached out his hands.

Madam She sat down and spoke first: "Since Mr. Li captured Ji Yuan, three waves of people came in, but they were all sent away. Only I got to meet him."

"After today, I'm afraid all the beautiful women will come."

Li Hao shook his head speechlessly: "Those people are not sincere. As for you, I have a good impression of Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion. They even raised the price when they sold things before."

Madam She's beautiful eyes shone slightly: "Master Li, do you still remember this?"

"How many days have it been? Of course I remember." Li Hao was a little strange.

"I mean, that's not a big deal, but Mr. Li actually took the initiative to mention it." Madam She sighed: "There used to be caravans in Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion that circulated among various tribes."

"This is to provide convenience for them, and we also make profits from it."

"But the Kui Blood Tribe was so unreasonable that they killed the entire caravan just because of a price conflict, including my husband..."

"This..." Li Hao blinked: "My condolences."

"It's all over..." Mrs. She smiled gently and said, "Master Li should also know the reason for my coming. Cui Xing is a descendant of a wealthy businessman behind my Pearl Treasure Pavilion."

"For this purpose, we have prepared 50,000 Spiritual Source Crystals. I don't know..."

"Okay." Li Hao nodded: "You can take him away later."

Madam She, who was brewing her words in her heart, was suddenly startled, with some doubts on her fair cheeks, and hesitantly said: "Master Li, are you just going to let us take you away like this?"

"It's okay to stay here." Li Hao chuckled.

"So simple?" Mrs. She was still a little confused.

After all, she had heard before she came that Li Hao was ruthless in his actions at the Boneyard, and he always put interests first in everything.

She originally thought she would have to face a lot of trouble and even have to pay more to take him away.

"I just said that I have a very good impression of your Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion." Li Hao looked at Mrs. She's round cheeks.

"Is it just because of the price increase?" Madam She's expression wavered, and then she pursed her lips and said, "The price increase was actually my instruction."

The water in her eyes was flowing as she looked at Li Hao.


Want me to have a better impression of you, rather than of Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion?

"It's nothing. In fact, the giant businessman has prepared one hundred thousand Spiritual Source Crystals. This is the current bottom line price." Mrs. She changed her voice and said: "Since Mr. Li is so cheerful, I will give you all these one hundred thousand Spiritual Source Crystals." ”

Li Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect such an unexpected gain. Naturally, he had no reason to shirk it and said immediately: "Thank you very much."

Then, he added: "But there is one more thing that I need your help to disperse."

"Master Li, please speak." Mrs. She nodded.

"After you leave here, tell me that I will not accept the Spirit Source Crystal, but that I need some funerary objects in the tomb. The older the better." This is one of his purposes. Instead of searching for Qi items, it is better to let other people People are delivered to your door.

This is using the Chilin Army to line their own pockets. How brave they are.

Madam She's eyes sparkled, and she didn't know why King Zhenbei agreed to this man dispatching the Red Lin Army.

After thinking about it, she responded: "Master Li, it's better not to have too much hope in this matter."

"The reason why the giant merchant was willing to pay so much Spiritual Source Crystal for Cui Xing was because he was about to leave the North and go to other regions, so he didn't want to waste time on this matter."

"But others are different. Judging from the current situation, they will not be willing to pay a high price to buy people from you."

Li Hao also knew this. In other words, no one else took it seriously.

Although he captured Ji Yuan, everyone thought that he would eventually let him go, just to suffer some pain.

The same is true for the others with Ji Yuan.

Let them suffer a little, and the people behind them are not unacceptable. There is no need to waste too many resources.

But he didn't care and said, "Mrs. She, just spread the news. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it."

"I understand." Mrs. She said no more.

Later, Li Hao asked someone to bring out a man named Cui Xing.

This man looked pale and his eyes were panicked. After seeing Mrs. She, his eyes were actually a little sparkling.

"When you go back, don't hang around with some dandies. Practice hard and don't let down your family's hard work." Li Hao patted his shoulder. Cui Xing staggered and almost fell to his knees.

His eyes were filled with fear, and he kept saying: "I remember, I remember, I will practice well when I go back."

His appearance surprised Madam She. It had only been less than a day since he was captured. How could he be so afraid of being like this?

It looks like the other person's body hasn't been tortured at all, right?

However, this was not the place to ask questions. He bowed to Li Hao, left the Lingyuan Crystal, and left with the others.

After boarding the car parked at the entrance of the mansion, three sturdy black dragon horses picked up the car and left the place.

Above, Mrs. She looked at the dazed Cui Xing and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Cui, what happened inside to make you so... respect Mr. Li?"

She thought her words were quite sophisticated and did not stimulate Cui Xing's keen heart.

But Cui Xing's next reaction still shocked her.

"He is a madman, he doesn't want to live!"

Cui Xing looked frightened.

"What happened?" Mrs. She frowned and asked.

Cui Xing's pupils were bloodshot: "He asked people to forcibly search Ji Yuan's soul!"

"What!?" Madam She was horrified, her pupils contracted, and she couldn't help but picture Li Hao's peaceful appearance just now in her mind.

He couldn't help but said: "Are you sure? Mr. Li is not trying to scare Ji Yuan?"

"I thought it was just a threat, but when several people around him tried to persuade him, he didn't listen."

"Moreover, the people from the Chilin Army have arrived. When his people took me out, Ji Yuan was still there wailing, right in front of my eyes!"

Cui Xing trembled, and Ji Yuan's expression of pain made him, a pampered young man, feel scared.

"It's actually true, something big is going to happen!" Mrs. She murmured to herself, a little distracted.

Just a short time after arresting someone, they directly searched Ji Yuan's soul. This was offending Ji Silin to death!

The shame of exposing all your privacy nakedly in front of everyone is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear, not to mention the extreme pain and trauma left to the soul.

If a person with an unstable mind undergoes a soul search, he will basically be useless.

At this time, she remembered what Li Hao had just said. No wonder the other party had the confidence to send things to the families of those who were arrested.

If this matter spreads out, who would dare to let their juniors stay in Li Hao's hands?

However, this was too reckless. That was Ji Silin. Li Hao could easily be shattered into pieces if he rushed forward like this!

With unexplained thoughts, Madam She took Cui Xing back to the Pearly Treasure Pavilion.

Not long after, another shocking news spread out from the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion.

Ji Yuan was searched for his soul by Li Hao!

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. The upper echelons of Zhenbei City were already very concerned about this matter, and now they were completely stunned.

Why is this person so crazy! ?

It's only been a few hours since he was captured, and the soul search has already been arranged?

I'll be nice, isn't Ji Silin crazy?

Things progressed beyond everyone's expectations!

Even the elders of those who were arrested were shocked. They didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that they would be released sooner or later.

But now he is confused. Now he is only searching Ji Yuan's soul, but who can guarantee that if Li Hao has a seizure, he will not also check other people's souls?

What will happen when the younger generation becomes useless?

However, although they were anxious in their hearts, they did not act immediately because they were waiting for someone's reaction.

Sure enough, not even half a quarter of an hour after the news came out from Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion, a sharp shout resounded throughout Zhenbei City!

"Li Hao, I want you to die!"

It was originally a sunny day, but under this fierce shout, everyone in the Zhenbei City saw a strange scene. The sky turned purple, and among the stars shining, a giant hand that covered the sky stretched out towards the center of the city. location.

They were horrified, looking at the giant hand that almost covered the sky.

"Who is this, who dares to attack Zhenbeicheng!?"

"This is obviously not against Zhenbeicheng. This is Ji Silin's move against Li Hao." This voice was familiar to the old man.

"I heard that Li Hao arrested Ji Yuan and searched his soul because he was jealous of a woman. It is impossible for Ji Silin to remain indifferent to such humiliation."

He obviously knew some inside information, but not much.

He sighed here, and several middle-aged people next to him looked confused: "Who is Ji Silin?"

The next moment, the sound of clattering chains sounded in the sky above Zhenbei City.

A series of bright blue-gold chains appeared out of thin air, crisscrossing each other, and actually locked the giant hand that covered the sky!

"Xing Mengdao, why are you blocking me!?" The voice roared, resounding throughout the world.

"You are aggressively attacking in Zhenbei City. Why do you think I am blocking you?" An indifferent voice sounded in response to Ji Silin.

"Don't you know, this man deliberately humiliated Ji Yuan and deliberately humiliated me!" Ji Silin shouted.

"Your son, Ji Yuan, secretly killed several people because of conflicts in Zhenbei City..."

"Defiled three girls, and then..."

"That's enough!" Ji Silin shouted: "So what!?"

"That is my son, and I will discipline him."

"It's your business how you discipline them, but if you take action in Zhenbei City, I naturally can't just sit back and watch." Xing Mengdao's position was correct.

"I am the leader of the Northern Territory of the Hidden Dragon Guard, do you really want to join forces with this person to humiliate me!?" Ji Silin shouted.

This is using status to oppress others.

Xing Mengdao frowned, remembering what Lin Fei told him, and could only say: "Ji Yuan is related to a blood sacrifice. It happened for a reason, and it was not intentional humiliation."

Blood sacrifice! ?

Ji Silin was suddenly stunned, and three words subconsciously emerged in his mind, impossible!

They work in secret and cannot leave any clues!

It’s even more impossible to have anything to do with Ji Yuan!


He quickly realized that this man was really doing everything possible, and he actually framed him forcibly!

But his face became even more ugly.

If he is innocent, he will naturally not be afraid of such frame-up.

The problem is that he is really not innocent, and no one provokes him on weekdays.

If you really catch him and investigate, you may not be able to find anything!

Xing Mengdao was also a little surprised. Ji Silin really froze?

Is it possible that something really happened?

"Nonsense!" Ji Silin also quickly reacted. He must not freeze here now, he must fight to the end.

"This son is searching for Ji Yuan Yuanshen and harming my son's path...he..."

Before Ji Silin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xing Mengdao: "If this is the case, you can retreat."

"This matter is a rumor spread from somewhere. Your son's soul is currently stable and there is no sign of being searched."

"I guarantee it with the Jingwei Department."

What! ?

Not being searched for soul?

Ji Silin was stunned, and then his heart was shaken. Li Hao was tricking him and deliberately provoking him to take action.


This is almost a dead end. The other party spreads the news first to see his reaction.

If he doesn't respond, then the other party will really search!

If he reacts strongly, as in the current situation, the opponent can also sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Since Ji Yuan's soul was not searched, the reason why he "took action out of anger" became nonsense.

He had to give an explanation for his forceful attack in Zhenbei City in broad daylight and causing such a big commotion.

He has become extremely passive now.

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