I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 93: The power is in hand, let’s try our skills! (10,000-word chapter)

"Are we leaving so soon?" Wan Ren looked a little confused after being called out.

How long has it been? Has it been half an hour?

Checked so quickly?

Is this the end?

"You can continue to stay here, no one will stop you." Li Hao said casually.

"You've all left, why am I staying here?" Wan Ren shook his head and looked at Xiao Beiwang flatteringly: "Does His Highness also want to leave with us?"

Although they had many conflicts with Ye Wei, no one dared to be disrespectful to Xiao Bei Wang.

If King Zhenbei hadn't been so powerful and long-lived, it would take who knows how long it would be for Little Beiwang to take his turn, and they would have already clung to him.

It's a pity that if Xiao Bei Wang's strength cannot reach the level of Zhen Bei King, or even exceeds it, he may die earlier than Zhen Bei King.

On the contrary, the three adopted sons of the King of Zhenbei have long since become famous and prestigious.

In other words, even if the King of Zhenbei died suddenly and suddenly, the Little North King would have to rely on his sworn brothers if he wanted to go through all the troubles to succeed to the throne.

By then, the grass on Lao Wan’s son’s grave will be taller than anyone knows.

"Commander Wan, has anyone ever said that the smile on your face is disgusting?" Lin Fei joked.

Wan Ren's face darkened, he laughed twice, looked at Li Hao, and whispered: "Did the investigation reveal anything?"

"What are you investigating?" Li Hao answered casually without knowing what he was thinking about.

"Wang Ming, how did that guy die? Isn't this why you came to Tianqi Academy?" Wan Ren was speechless. Commander Li had forgotten the purpose of coming here.

"When did I tell you that I came to Tianqi Academy to investigate Wang Ming?" Li Hao asked.

"Just..." Wan Ren was about to speak, but he was stuck in place. Li Hao seemed to have never said it, but he kept saying it and Li Hao didn't deny it.

"Commander Li, this is boring..." Wan Ren felt that Li Hao wanted to throw him away. He was self-aware and didn't want to see too many secrets.

But I don’t think I should know, nor can I know.

Li Hao shook his head and said goodbye to Lin Fei's senior brother. The four of them walked together and left Tianqi Academy.

On the way, Li Hao Zhuangruo asked casually: "Have any of you heard of Mingding?"

"Ming Ding?" Lin Fei glanced at him in surprise, and then put on a somewhat ambiguous smile: "I really thought you didn't know anything, but it turns out you had a plan."

"Brother Lin knows?" Li Hao's heart moved slightly. He didn't expect to gain something so easily.

"Who in this town in Beicheng doesn't know about Mingding?" Wan Ren's voice was dull, feeling that he was marginalized.

"That is Lord Ji Silin's medicine cauldron. He is a master of alchemy. He got the Mingding cauldron by chance. No matter how many dignitaries in Zhenbei City want to ask him to open the cauldron, they can't."

"Ji Silin's cauldron?" Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly opened his mouth wide. It seemed like he could get it without any effort at all.

"That cauldron is not simple..." Lin Fei obviously knew more: "When the cauldron was opened, ghosts cried and gods howled, and extremely ancient visions appeared. I don't know what era the cauldron was from."

"But if you want to get that cauldron over, it's very difficult."

Li Hao shook his head: "What I want is not that tripod."

"Oh?" Lin Fei said inexplicably.

Wan Ren was frightened when he heard this. What he wanted was not a tripod, but a human being?

He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Where to go next?"

"Royal Palace." Prince Xiaobei spoke concisely and to the point.

"Royal Palace?" Wan Ren was a little surprised. There were probably only one purpose for so many people going to the palace, and that was to meet King Zhenbei.

Something big must have happened in Tianqi Academy, so he needed to see King Zhenbei.

Suddenly, he retreated a little, but he hesitated for a long time without speaking, and silently followed everyone to the palace.


On the other side, the jade case shook. He stood up suddenly and said in shock: "He didn't go to the place where Wang Ming died!?"

"I have already made a plan. As long as I follow the steps, I will inevitably lead them to the place where Wang Ming died?"

"Why doesn't he go!?"

The person who reported it hesitated and said: "According to our people, Li Hao's original words were, 'I am no longer interested in Wang Ming this time.'"

"Not interested?" He felt a little ridiculous for no reason: "If he's not interested, why would he go to Tianqi Academy?"

"I don't know, according to our people's report, there is another bad news. Li Haoxiu has a magical power called the Gluttonous Tongue, and he can taste the effects of Meng Po soup." The person who reported the report lowered his head, and he could already predict that he would say The consequences of this news.

"What!?" The sense of absurdity in his heart became even stronger: "Gluttonous tongue?"

"What kind of magical power is this? It can actually taste the effects of Meng Po Tang? That is a residual medicine recipe passed down in ancient times!"

How did the reporter know what the "Gluttonous Tongue" was? He could only continue: "In addition, they have now left Tianqi Academy, and together with Xiao Bei Wang, they should be heading towards the palace."

"What are they going to the palace for?" He felt uneasy in his heart.

"Have you discovered any secrets that you need to report?"

A succession of unexpected bad news completely shattered his mood.

"Our guys have nothing else to report, that's all."

"No, if we don't get rid of this person, there will be endless troubles." He looked uncertain, and finally said suddenly: "I want to do it myself."

"No!" The reporter was shocked: "It's too risky for you to take action and there is a risk of exposing your identity."

"Just let others go. He is no more than a caveman. Transforming into a dragon is enough to kill him."

"He only tasted the effect of Meng Po Tang, but it was impossible to taste where it was made or who made it."

"No more than a cave?" He said in a serious tone: "He can kill Kuidu when he transforms into a mortal. Can you guarantee that he can't fight against Hualong?"

"Then send the Four Symbol Realm forward, he is not worthy of your own hands!" The person who reported the report was anxious.

Everyone has their own value. In his opinion, although Li Hao is threatening, he will not let the people behind the Jade Case do it themselves.

It's like being sucked by a ghost mosquito, but using top-notch magical powers to kill it is overkill.

"The moment Si Xiang takes action, the Qi machine will be captured. Even if it succeeds, it will be difficult to escape. Once caught, it is more likely to be exposed."

He shook his head, seeming to have made up his mind: "If he continues, he will be subject to chaos. Our hands are tied in Zhenbei City. We must use the power of thunder to kill him directly before everyone can react."

The plan has failed twice, and each time such a plan is deployed, it increases the possibility of exposure for them.

He is very powerful, and if done correctly, he can get away with it.

Sending some with relatively weak cultivation realms can easily lead to unexpected problems.

Decisiveness has always been his strength.

"Go and make arrangements. Even if I take action, we must prevent any accidents from happening." He said solemnly.

"I understand." The person reporting the report can only make suggestions. It is impossible to change the person's decision, so he can only bow his head and accept it.

The palace was right in front of them. When they came back this time, Li Hao was already familiar with the road. After being informed, they were quickly summoned.

Except for Wan Ren, he was left outside, but looking at his expression, he looked relieved.

It's still the same place, with General Lin still guarding the door. However, when he saw Lin Fei accompanying him, his originally gentle expression suddenly became solemn: "Are you willing to give up?"

"Brother Li is in trouble, I have to help him." Lin Fei said frankly.

A trace of suspicion flashed in General Lin's eyes. When did the relationship between Li Hao and Lin Fei become so good?

But this was not a place for conversation, so he turned sideways to let the three of them in.

"Li Hao (Lin Fei) met the King of Zhenbei"


The three of them bowed, and King Zhenbei was still sitting behind the jade table as before, as if he hadn't moved in the same place for so many days.

"Do you have something important to report? What is it?" King Zhenbei said nothing more and went straight to the topic.

Seeing that the other two people were looking at him, Li Hao also said: "Your Majesty, the student who died in Tianqi Academy and Wang Ming, the patrolling school guard of Jingwei Division, their deaths involve Wanling Yin. Blood."

As soon as he finished speaking, King Zhenbei's eyes suddenly flashed with ruthlessness.

"Wanling Yin Blood is the blood river that Yao'er and you saw in the underground space of the Dragon Burial Ground?"

"Yes, it's that blood river. I can confirm that there are people in Zhenbeicheng refining the Yin blood of all spirits." Li Hao said solemnly.

"Purpose?" King Zhenbei asked again.

"It's unclear at the moment. We know too little at the moment." Li Hao shook his head: "However, the river of blood is endless, and I don't know how much blood was used. I hope you can pay attention to this matter."

King Zhenbei was silent, and the atmosphere in the room was heavy. After a moment, he said: "General Lin, have someone move those corpses in."

Li Hao's heart moved slightly. Not long after, the Chilin Army moved in several corpses. Their appearance was haggard, almost exactly the same as that of Wang Ming's dead body.

"It's exactly the same as the death of the disciples of the academy!" Little Bei Wang couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "Father, where were these corpses found?"

"Spiritual Soul" Zhenbei King uttered two words, and an idea suddenly appeared in Li Hao's mind: "That tribe with no bones left?"

"That's right, starting from a year ago, many tribes in the Northern Wilderness began to be destroyed. Without exception, all the corpses were left." King Zhenbei nodded, his eyes dim: "But the Northern Wilderness is boundless, and these destroyed tribes are all gone." It’s a small tribe and it didn’t cause much trouble.”

"If what you said is true, then the source of the blood river will be explained."

"Then do you know what the river of blood is for?" Li Hao asked tentatively.

"I don't know." King Zhenbei shook his head: "If Yao'er hadn't come back to report to me last time, I wouldn't even know about the giant bronze gate."

King Zhenbei doesn’t know either?

real or fake?

Li Hao thought to himself.

"If all the people of the destroyed tribes were refined into the Yin Blood of All Souls, then their next target wouldn't be Zhenbei City, right?" Lin Fei suddenly said.

"There is a possibility." King Zhenbei frowned slightly.

"Zhenbei City was built by Daxia Imperial Master himself, and its formation is impregnable, even if..." Xiao Bei Wang couldn't help but say.

"Yao'er!" Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by King Zhenbei, who sighed: "Don't underestimate the heroes of the world."

Xu Yao's expression tightened and he stopped talking. He just clenched his fists subconsciously.

"The sect conference is about to be held, and disasters occur frequently in the city, which is not a good phenomenon." Lin Fei was also quite worried.

"It is said that you have a gluttonous tongue, and you can taste the Yin blood of all spirits." King Zhenbei suddenly mentioned this matter.

"Yes..." Li Hao hesitated a little: "This is a unique magical power, so..."

"I didn't mean to ask you to offer it..." King Zhenbei tapped the jade case, and General Lin immediately came in with a jade bowl.

There was a pool of purple-gold liquid in it, like jade resin, exuding a fragrant fragrance.

"This is a drink provided to the royal family. The preparation method is quite complicated. Try it." King Zhenbei said to Li Hao.

Obviously, this is the test.

The clues he provided and the clues held by King Zhenbei himself can form a complete logical chain.

But the only problem now is that the basis of his clues is what he tasted with his tongue.

King Zhenbei must make sure there is no problem with this.

Li Hao didn't say much. He stepped forward, twisted it a little with his fingers, and put it in his mouth.

After a moment, he said: "This thing is made from musk and dragon's secret, snow lotus and jade pistil, amber purple syrup and dragon spring water using a secret method."

At this point, he paused and said with a hint of apology: "As for the secret method, I really can't taste it."

General Lin's eyes widened slightly and he looked at Li Hao.

"The magical powers and secrets in this world are indeed endless." King Zhenbei laughed: "This thing has the effect of nourishing the body. Drink it."

This is compensation. After all, testing this kind of thing inherently represents distrust.

Since Li Hao passed, compensation must be given to eliminate the possible resentment in his heart.

Seeing that Li Hao was about to put it away, he added: "It's best not to see this thing in the outside world. After all, it is exclusively for the royal family..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Hao nodded, understanding what he meant, and drank from the jade bowl in one gulp.

In an instant, spiritual light gushed out from his seven orifices. As soon as this thing came out of his stomach, Li Hao could feel like a blazing fireball rising from his body.

The thick essence was raging in his body, and his body showed a layer of fairy light.

"Immortal light method?" King Zhenbei was a little surprised: "Not even a decent practice method?"

The transfer speed of Qi, blood and spiritual energy of the Immortal Light Method is too slow.

A huge volcano appeared behind Li Hao's body. The crater was pale gold, and there was a faint shadow of a dragon entrenched in it.

"Brother Li's cave-like object is interesting. It's really a..." Lin Fei murmured halfway before his expression suddenly changed: "Fuck!"

"Where did the monster come from!"

Xiao Bei Wang glanced at him strangely. He didn't know why Lin Fei's reaction was so big, but he suddenly realized that two angry auras burst out. It was actually Zhen Bei Wang and General Lin.

Xu Yao was obviously shocked when he saw his usually calm father standing up suddenly, eyes glowing red, staring at Li Hao.

General Lin was the same way, his eyes widened, looking at Li Hao who was so close, he couldn't help but say:

"In the real cave, there are still people walking this old path."

"Real Cave?" Xu Yao felt familiar when he heard the name, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

The King of Zhenbei was the first to react. He flapped his palms and patted them gently. The cyan palm prints fell on Li Hao.

The energy that escaped from Li Hao's body finally found a place to vent. The circulation speed increased more than a hundred times, and was gradually swallowed up by the real cave.

The dragon shadow in the crater also became clearer, as if it was about to jump out at any moment.

Li Hao gradually opened his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief. The essence contained in this bowl of jade paste was too terrifying. It was worthy of being supplied directly to the royal family.

I don’t know what kind of life the group of people in Daxia’s imperial capital are living.

However, as soon as he reacted, he found that the eyes of several people looked a little complicated.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, where did you come from? You can actually open up a real cave." Lin Fei's tone contained undisguised envy and hatred.

"A real cave that can be opened up only when the body in the Mortal Realm is trained to the limit?" Xu Yao also suddenly remembered the origin of the real cave at this moment, and looked at Li Hao with a complicated expression.

They were discovered... Only then did Li Hao realize that the strangeness of this group of people was that they discovered the real cave he had opened up.

"It's just an abandoned cultivation path, why should you care so much." Li Hao asked doubtfully.

"Abandoned?" Lin Fei gritted his teeth in envy: "That's a path not many people can take!"

"If it works, you can see if you will be abandoned."

"The real cave has many benefits, and one of the most critical benefits is that it can nourish the things carried by the cave and bring it to a higher level."

"Does it still have this kind of effect?" Li Hao was surprised. He didn't know. No wonder he always felt that after the Long Yuan True Vein was put into the real cave, it gradually became different.

"These are some ancient secrets that are no longer circulated in the cultivation world." Lin Fei said sadly, and then moved on: "It is said that you have a special physique. Is there a reason for opening a real cave?"

Li Hao suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't know that the original person was just a small character, and some of the knowledge of cultivation was gained by him after traveling through time.

"That's right." He nodded.

Lin Fei felt a little more comfortable now and murmured: "God damn it, it cannot be determined by manpower."

Li Hao was speechless. Lin Fei couldn't break through the cave world. Why did he care so much about this matter?

"I saw that when you just transferred the energy and blood, you used the fairy light method?" King Zhenbei asked.

Li Hao's tiger body trembled and he hinted wildly: "Your Majesty Mingjian, I come from a humble background and have never had a good way to practice."

The practice of Dharma is not important to him, after all, he has the ambition of all realms.

However, spiritual practice can also enhance the level to some extent, not to mention picking it up for free.

"How can a young prodigy worry about practicing the law?" King Zhenbei chuckled and sprinkled out three jade slips: "The spirit of Yuanci and the spirit of earth, the spirit of earth and tiger, lead the movement of heaven."

"Choose one. It's not a high grade, just suitable for your level. If it's too high, it will be very slow to practice, and the gain outweighs the loss."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Hao gave a thumbs up secretly. He is indeed the King of Zhenbei, just like your son, no... your son is as wealthy as you.

"Cough cough cough..."

When he was about to choose, he heard Lin Fei cough three times inexplicably. He glanced and saw that Lin Fei's eyes were distracted and he didn't know where he was looking.

General Lin glared at him, but King Zhenbei didn't react at all.

The third one?

Li Hao hesitated for a moment, then said: "I choose to lead the sky."

"Okay." King Zhenbei nodded. Only two of the three jade slips were left, and they were caught by Li Hao.

After dealing with this sudden incident, everyone brought the topic back.

"The matter of Wanling Yin Blood is not a trivial matter. Since you discovered this clue, I can only let you continue to investigate." King Zhenbei looked at Li Hao.

"I wonder what you think?"

It was Li Hao who discovered the matter, he dug out the clues, and he tasted the Yin Blood of Wanling, so he had to investigate it.

"It is Li Hao's duty to maintain the stability of Zhenbei City." Li Hao said firmly because of this.

"Well, the Chilin Army will help you investigate this matter, but you can't arrest people blindly." King Zhenbei said meaningfully, seeming to be a warning and a reminder.

"Understood." Li Hao's eyes flashed, and he was actually accompanied by the Chilin Army. Tsk... Not bad, very good.

"Go ahead, the Chilin Army will find you later." King Zhenbei waved his hand and issued an order to expel the guests.

The three of them looked at each other and left one after another. Only King Zhenbei and General Lin were left in the room. After a long silence, General Lin said: "I didn't expect that he actually opened up a real cave."

A few people had just talked about some important things, but after the two left, the first thing he said was this sentence, which was enough to prove the surprise that this incident made him feel.

"It's just that he came here today obviously to gain your support. With your approval, he may cause a big disturbance." He was a little worried.

"The news just came from Tianqi Academy that Li Hao passed the Haoran Jade Wall, which is enough to prove that he is not the person who took the body." King Zhenbei did not answer this question directly, but talked about another thing.

General Lin was stunned and suddenly realized: "This is actually the case. In this way, our biggest concern about him will disappear."

"No wonder you want to teach him how to practice and give him fine wine."

"That's right." King Zhenbei's eyes were deep: "If you want to recruit people, you must be sincere, otherwise no one will want to talk to you."

He taught so many tribes in the Northern Wilderness, and he didn't rely on slogans.

However, Li Hao's identity could not be determined before. If he is the person who seizes the body, and he is old and strange, the value of wooing him will be greatly reduced.

"Lin Fei publicized the meeting between Li Hao and Bai Yu in Runchunyuan and insulted Ji Yuan. Soon... Ji Yuan will cause trouble for Li Hao." King Zhenbei mentioned another thing.

"What?" Lin Fei was startled and yelled angrily: "Bad boy, he wants to use Li Hao to deal with the Hidden Dragon Guard!?"

"Arrogant and ignorant!"

"It's not necessarily that Lin Fei wants to use Li Hao to deal with the Hidden Dragon Guard." King Zhenbei shook his head. As the top leader of Zhenbei City, he could know most of the things in the city.

"Someone is dealing with Li Hao secretly, most likely the same people who killed Li Ang."

"Does he suspect it's the Hidden Dragon Guard?" General Lin frowned and said, "Maybe Lin Fei deliberately guided him."

He is familiar with the character of his son. Although he cannot practice, he is top-notch in some aspects, otherwise he would not be absorbed by Tianji Pavilion.

"Maybe, but Li Hao also did it intentionally." King Zhenbei sighed: "The matter of the Yin Blood of Ten Thousand Spirits is indeed beyond my expectation."

"I thought that behind these things, it was aimed at Zhenbeicheng and me."

"But now it seems that Zhenbeicheng and I are just doing it casually in the eyes of the other party, and their goals are hidden deeper."

"However, Li Hao gave me a big surprise." A smile finally appeared on King Zhenbei's face: "The way to break the situation may fall on him."

"But he will definitely face off against the Hidden Dragon Guard." General Lin hesitated: "Would this have a bad impact?"

"When I led him into the city, no matter whether the Kui Blood Tribe would take action or not, it would clear up some doubts for me." King Zhenbei's eyes suddenly brightened: "The same is true now. It's not easy to alert the snake. Good thing."

"As long as I'm here in this town, we can't change the world!"

General Lin was shocked, not because of the domineering nature of King Zhenbei's words, but because he suddenly noticed something.

The prince may also want to take action against the Hidden Dragon Guard, but he has never had the opportunity to take action.

And now, Li Hao is here!

He didn't dare to say anything about the matter and just lowered his head.

After leaving the palace, Lin Fei had a contented look on his face: "Tsk, the accompanying Red Lin Army is equivalent to taking over Zhenbei City's highest authority to mess with whoever they want."

"First go to Runchun Garden to get the white jade, and label her as a blood sacrifice to living beings. Brother Li can do whatever he wants."

Xu Yao glanced at him: "I'm still here."

"Uh...Brother Li probably isn't used to three people together. Please stand back a little." Lin Fei said deliberately.

Xu Yao's eyes turned cold and he hummed: "Let's go, you guys can check it out. The affairs of Tianqi Academy should also be brought together. Leave it to Brother Li so I can let it go."

After that, he said goodbye to Li Hao and left.

"Ha, he was stimulated by you and wants to go back to practice." Lin Fei looked at Xiao Beiwang's back and said with a smile:

"This guy has been admired by many stars since he was a child. Fortunately, I was there to correct him. Otherwise, he would have become a playboy who bullies men and dominates women."

"It's a pity that he used too much force and made him worry a little too much."

Li Hao glanced at him strangely, was he corrected by you?

You set him straight, but you set yourself astray, right?

Shaking his head, he asked: "Brother Lin, do you have any explanation for why he asked me to choose this Yintianxing?"

Lin Fei clasped his hands behind his head and said casually: "It is rumored that Yintianxing is the introduction to a peerless practice. Although I don't know what peerless practice it is, it has some origins."

"As for the other two doors, there is nothing to say."

"However, this practice of inducing heaven is quite obscure and difficult to understand. It takes a long time to practice. You must be prepared." He added.

Li Hao nodded and glanced at the Xumi space——

[Yintianxing (Xuan): An Introduction to the Emperor’s Cultivation Method]

Just for entry level, does it count as Xuan level?

Although I was a little surprised in my heart, I didn't take it too seriously. I don't know when I will encounter this Emperor's Cultivation Method.

As for the slowness of cultivation, he didn't care. Anyway, when the time came, he would just transform.

The two of them were walking leisurely and were about to go their separate ways when they saw several figures in gorgeous clothes approaching menacingly from a distance.

People on the street moved out of the way, not daring to stand in their way.

"Ha, here comes the stupid pig." Lin Fei suddenly chuckled.

When Li Hao heard this, he understood who was coming.

These people were all dressed in fine clothes, but not a single one of them looked crooked.

The leader was wearing a green robe, holding a folding fan, and an emerald jade pendant hanging from his waist. If it weren't for the sneer at the corner of his mouth, he could be called a humble gentleman.

"Lin Fei!" He howled, shocking the people nearby, and then they all moved away, but they did not stay away, and gathered around to watch the excitement.

"Which idiot is calling me?" Lin Fei said lazily.

"Why are you ruining my reputation in Runchun Garden!?" He is of course Ji Yuan. He should be older than Li Hao, but his aura is still that of the cave heaven realm.

"What did I say to ruin your reputation?" Lin Fei asked.

"You said I stole my father's Spiritual Source Crystal and met the white jade girl from Runchun Garden!" he questioned.

"Telling the truth is called ruining your reputation?" Lin Fei asked back.

"You!" Ji Yuan was extremely angry, but sneered: "You are just trying to use your words, who are you?"

"You're a waste who can't practice, just practice your words. A hundred years later, you will have become a handful of loess, but I can still miss you in Runchun Garden."

"Don't worry, I will take the girls to your grave to say hello when the time comes!"

This was truly a heartbreaking statement. Lin Fei paused and said calmly: "We haven't seen you for a few days, and my skills in talking are actually much sharper."

"Ji Yuan and Lin Fei are at odds again..."

"These two have been jealous of women over the years."

The onlookers were old residents of Zhenbeicheng and knew something about the past.

They, the second generation of officials, are not much different in status. If there is any conflict, they cannot directly take action on the street.

Whoever strikes first will lose the opportunity, so they are very articulate. Whoever sprays someone first can't stand it, and whoever makes it unbearable will naturally take action.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to force the other party to apologize if things get too big?

"Oh, I'm not like you. I have nothing to do all day long and hang out with some lousy people." He meant something, and even said:

"Miss Bai Jade is the oiran of Runchunyuan. She is not an ordinary woman. She has already stated that she does not sell her body in art. In this case, it may be inappropriate to say dirty words again. What do you think, Brother Li?"

Li Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Yuan: "Who are you?"

"I am Ji Yuan, my father..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Li Hao: "I'm asking, who are you from Bai Yu?"

"I..." Ji Yuan stopped, he was really not Bai Yu's.

I just thought that if Li Hao really asked Bai Yu face to face like that, Bai Yu would definitely be unhappy. If he stood up for him again, he would definitely gain favor.

"I am a righteous person, and I can't bear to see a scoundrel like you." Ji Yuan forcibly changed his identity.

"Why did Ji Yuan target the person next to him again?" someone wondered.

The person next to him was well-informed: "Don't you know yet? This is Li Hao. He asked Bai Yu directly in Runchun Garden if he could sleep. In the past half day, the news has almost spread throughout Zhenbei City."

This matter involves Guan Huakui and another young genius, so naturally word spreads quickly.

"No wonder, this Ji Yuan spends money like water for Bai Yu. He will definitely not be able to bear it and will definitely step forward." The onlookers suddenly understood the whole story.

"A righteous person?"

Li Hao suddenly grinned.

At this moment, a figure suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, sweating profusely. It was Wan Ren. His throat trembled and he said: "Commander Li, why didn't you call me when you came out? You made it easier for me to find you."

He came up and said through the message: "He is Ji Silin's son. Ji Silin is the leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard. You must not do anything, otherwise things will get serious."

"It's okay if you hit me. I have no background. It's okay to have Mr. Ming watching over me in the Jingwei Department, but he is different."

His tone was impatient, fearing that Li Hao wouldn't be able to hold back and take action directly.

"What, you have nothing to say?" When Ji Yuan saw Wan Ren standing in front of Li Hao and not moving for a while, he guessed that the two were communicating secretly.

If Li Hao didn't take action against him, then what he said today would be a waste of time. After thinking about it secretly, he continued:

"But it's understandable. After all, he's a remnant from the Eastern Wilderness. He's untutored and doesn't know etiquette. There's nothing wrong with talking like that."

He was already pointing his nose and scolding Li Hao for his lack of quality.

Li Hao's eyes flashed, and the next moment his figure appeared in front of Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan was suddenly startled, and then sneered: "How dare you do anything to me..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a big slap gradually enlarging in his pupils.

Li Hao raised his right hand, and the unicorn arm burst out with red-gold light, and struck Ji Yuan's cheek.

Although Ji Yuan's purpose was to anger Li Hao and make him take action, he did not want to be slapped.


Runes quickly appeared around him, and spiritual light surged, forming jade tablets that enveloped his whole body.

This is his magical defensive power. The secret talisman is engraved on the jade tablet. Although it is a magical power, it is like a real thing, and its defensive power can be called...

His mind was spinning, but before he could finish thinking, he heard a click, and the jade tablet surrounding him suddenly shattered, turned into a stream of light, and dissipated into nothingness.

A snap resounded through the silent street, and Ji Yuan's body flew out and fell far away.

The few people who came with him were stunned for a moment, then ran over in a panic and helped him up.

"You're doing it again, and you still say you're not reckless!" Wan Ren sighed and wailed, "This is going to be bad."

"He really took action. This Li Hao really can't keep his temper. Ji Yuan made it clear to provoke him to take action."

"Yes, his father is the head of the Hidden Dragon Guard. He is in trouble now. He will definitely not be spared easily."

Many people watching were lamenting.

"After all, he is a young genius, and his pride naturally does not allow him to be humiliated."

Ji Yuan slowly got up from the ground. The right side of his cheek was already raised, and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had been severely beaten.

However, his magical power and secret method still worked, buffering him a certain amount of strength, otherwise this slap would directly crack his bones.

His eyes were vicious, but his purpose itself was to anger Li Hao, but he didn't expect that he would be slapped and lose his face.

"In Zhenbei City, if you dare to attack me in the street, you have violated the rules!" He shouted loudly: "So many people are watching here, and I will record the incident exactly as it is."

"I will definitely return this slap!"

He took a jade slip from the man next to him. This man was a little clever and knew to leave evidence so that he could refute it later.

Li Hao looked at him quietly, and suddenly there was a sound of hustle and bustle from all around. The onlookers made way for a passage, and the neatly marched Chilin Army stepped in.

"Why are there gatherings of people near the palace?" the leader scolded.

Ji Yuan's eyes flashed with joy, he pointed at Li Hao and said loudly: "This person ignored the laws of Zhenbei City and attacked me in the street. Take this person down quickly!"

Wan Ren sighed, this matter can't be solved. Even if Li Hao is fine in the end, he will still have to go through a lot of troubles, and he doesn't know what hardships he will encounter.

If the person who secretly plotted to kill Li Hao took this opportunity to secretly attack him, it would be impossible for a god to save him.

Lin Fei had a faint smile on his face.

The onlookers were talking a lot. Although they all knew that Ji Yuan deliberately angered Li Hao, it was indeed Li Hao who made the first move and was already in an unfavorable situation.

The leader of the Chilin Army looked at Li Hao's back and asked hesitantly: "Is what he said true?"

Li Hao slowly turned around, looked at the Chilin Army, and said calmly: "Yes, it's true."

Ji Yuan looked happy. He didn't expect Li Hao to admit it directly, and immediately urged: "Quickly capture this madman!"

However, the next scene made his expression freeze.

I saw the leader of the Chilin Army, after seeing Li Hao's face clearly, he clasped his fists and bowed, saying: "Chilin Army - Wang Zonghan, obey the order of the King of Zhenbei, obey the dispatch!"

For a moment, the scene fell into silence, and the faces of the onlookers showed shock, confusion, and horror.

What did they hear?

Follow orders?

The Chilin Army is the personal army of the Zhenbei King. Even the Xiaobei King does not have the right to dispatch it. It can only be mobilized with the permission of the Zhenbei King.

But now the Chilin Army actually obeys Li Hao's orders! ?


Wan Ren's eyes widened, obviously in disbelief.

How could the Chilin Army obey his orders! ?

In the end what happened! ?

How is this going! ?

A bad premonition arose in Ji Yuan's heart, but he heard Li Hao say indifferently: "Arrest these people."

"Yes!" Wang Zonghan stood up, and the surrounding Chilin Army had already surrounded him.

Ji Yuan panicked and shouted: "Why do you arrest me?"

"My father is Ji Silin!"

Several people around him gathered in a group and looked panicked.

"Why?" Li Hao looked at him calmly: "There is no reason, just because I want to arrest you."

"Wang Xiaowei, what are the consequences of attacking the Chilin Army?" Lin Fei spoke at this moment.

"Kill without mercy!" Murderous intent suddenly appeared in Wang Zonghan's eyes. He didn't care who Ji Yuan's father was, he only knew to obey orders.

These Scarlet Lin Army are not very strong, but they represent the King of Zhenbei.

When Ji Yuan heard this, he saw that Li Hao was ready to take action directly and did not dare to struggle.

If he was really killed on the spot for resisting the Chilin Army, he would have no room to reason.

He and several people around him were caught and escorted to Li Hao.

"These people have been arrested and are waiting to be punished." Wang Zonghan said solemnly.

A soldier next to him handed over a jade slip. Li Hao picked up the jade slip and slowly rubbed it into powder in front of Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan clenched his teeth, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, watching this scene helplessly, his whole body was tied tightly by black iron chains engraved with runes, making him unable to move.

Wan Ren's eyelids twitched when he saw this. Damn it, I can no longer tell who the victim is.

The onlookers couldn't help but vomit, "Is this a young prodigy?" Why do you look so much like a sycophant?

There are even timid people who have quietly left for fear of being harmed.

Lin Fei came up and chuckled: "Mr. Ji, it seems that there is really no certainty as to which of us will die first."

"My father will not let you go!" Ji Yuan squeezed out these words from the crack of his throat.

"Then we'll see." Lin Fei smiled visibly.

"We are innocent. We just followed Ji Yuan. We didn't say anything or did anything." Several young people nearby begged for mercy.

"Who are they?" Li Hao asked casually.

"A few descendants of giant businessmen, and a second generation." Lin Fei glanced at them and said.

"Take them all back, and we'll find out later." Li Hao waved his hand, and the Chilin Army followed them. They were so powerful that no one dared to stand in front of them.

And what happened just now radiated to the entire Zhenbei City at an extremely fast speed.

Click here to order all the chapters. I hope to be recommended as soon as possible. Thank you to all the bosses for your support.

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